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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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So do I.

Santa Anna storming the Alamo. My knowledge of American history is not perfect, but remind me:

how did it end with Santa Anna?


At the Alamo? or when Santa Anna was hunted down by James Sylvester after the Battle of San Jacinto?

The battle at the Alamo served its purpose. It was nothing more than a delaying battle for the Texans to gather more forces to face Santa Anna. Those who stayed to fight Santa Anna knew what they were up against. They held their own against terrible odds and fell in the end. However, the Texans rose to the occasion to fight Santa Anna at several locations. When he was captured, he was running from his own loss at San Jacinto, hiding in the wilderness in a private's uniform knowing what he would face after what happened at the Alamo.


The Battle of the Alamo was 189 Texans against Santa Anna's army (est. between 2400 and 3000) odds about 15-1. The Texans held them off for 13 days before the final assault by Santa Anna took the Alamo (a former mission). There were only 7 male survivors, all of whom were summarily executed by Santa Anna. The women survivors were let go and told by Santa Anna to 'spread the word' of the Texans defeat and the 'invincibility' of the Mexican army. The Texans, in response, gathered and declared their independence from Mexico. Santa Anna conintued to march on the Texans, his army outnumbered the Texans by 6 to 1 and he assumed that his numerical superiority and the Texans 'loss' at the Alamo would cause the Texans to run. It had the opposite effect. About 1 1/2 months later, in April of 1836, the Texan army attacked Santa Anna's Army at Lynchburg Ferry (now called the Battle of San Jacinto). Many men were yelling, 'Remember the Alamo' as the attacked. The outnumbered Texan army defeated the suprised Mexican Army of Santa Anna in about 18 minutes.

(this of course is the quick nutshell version)


So, Santa Anna won the Battle but lost the war.


and yes, I live in Texas. :thumbsup::thumbsup::cheers:


I believe, Tim, you have the essence of our current situation very well.


Monty, you likely have hit on something here.

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New map:




I tried to adjust the front lines in Russia to something more approaching reality. A few comments:


The fact that Southern Russia is colored in means it is actively played. This being the fourth time that a position was declared dead, but either wasn't or was taken over at a very inconvenient moment for the attacker. I sense a trend. It's a bit of a zombie movie: everything returns from the dead. It certanly explaines all those partisans and LDB's in strange places.


Spain considered completely conquered. I wonder what Canada & the USA will do next. I can imagine Italy getting nervous. Or maybe we can expect a fleet of the Transjordan or Syrian coast?


The fact that the front lines in Libya haven't moved a pixel still does not mean there is no fighting over there. Far from that.


Last but not least: that little grey speck in the UAE is the (still) Arabic city of xNizwa. We're working on that.

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Last but not least: that little grey speck in the UAE is the (still) Arabic city of xNizwa. We're working on that.


That is a very important defiant speck. Remember, "a person's a person, no matter how small."




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Guest Spongebob
Last but not least: that little grey speck in the UAE is the (still) Arabic city of xNizwa. We're working on that.


That is a very important defiant speck. Remember, "a person's a person, no matter how small."





Unless its you :(

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Last but not least: that little grey speck in the UAE is the (still) Arabic city of xNizwa. We're working on that.


That is a very important defiant speck. Remember, "a person's a person, no matter how small."





That speck is a dozen divisions beneath a fighter umbrella and behind quite a lot of concrete.


We didn't say

- "We will erase this insignificant anomaly without effort", or

- "We will bomb the snot out of you" (to use your own expression), or

- "Hey, you should be dead!", or

- "Peach is a far more beautiful color than dark grey", or

- "You are just imitating Earthling in xBrussels", or

- "Fine! More target practice!", or

- "The Iraqi army in Arabia does not want to go to to the Russian front. They are happy you have provided them with an excuse for hanging around a bit longer", or

- "We are sonsidering keeping you alive for the amusement value", or

- "They will soon cease to be, be running down the curtain and joining the choir invisible, be pushing up the daisies, be extinct, be no more, be an ex-Kurassier", or even

- "Even a Sponge could do that".


Speck just implies it is very small. Which is a fact.

And We're working on it.


How's UAE #89 doing?

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How's UAE #89 doing?

Very fine, thank you for asking. In 89, Iraq and Persia actually have to prepare for TransJordan, Syria, Turkey and SR, instead of having them for allies. You will be happy to know that Persian ships sink just as easily in 89.

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How's UAE #89 doing?

Very fine, thank you for asking. In 89, Iraq and Persia actually have to prepare for TransJordan, Syria, Turkey and SR, instead of having them for allies. You will be happy to know that Persian ships sink just as easily in 89.


Then I hope for you that you have more luck against the Persian army as in #89. But in any case, there probably won't be an Iraqi army to spoil the fun.

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How's UAE #89 doing?

Very fine, thank you for asking. In 89, Iraq and Persia actually have to prepare for TransJordan, Syria, Turkey and SR, instead of having them for allies. You will be happy to know that Persian ships sink just as easily in 89.


Then I hope for you that you have more luck against the Persian army as in #89. But in any case, there probably won't be an Iraqi army to spoil the fun.


Well, this time I have a Saudi army fighting with me. :woohoo:

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A simple story of birds and bees,

Of humans and the folly of their ways,

And the brave pilots from the UAE


The naked beauty of dawn breaking over desert sands

The nightlife of the desert flowing back to their hideouts

Fleeing before the heat of the desert sun

A lonely nomad with his beast of burden, making ready for an early start

Smoking his pipe after breaking his fast

Enjoying an unspoiled vista before the harsh reality of another day

Thunder in the distance, will there be rain on this autumn day?


Shrill sirens shout their dire warnings

The peace of the desert ripped to pieces

An anthill stirred to life, manmade buildings, layers and layers of concrete

Running people left and right, looking up, quite surprised

A flock of birds in the morning sun, thunder before them

But no, not birds, it must be bees, their sting ripping through concrete

Parts and pieces flying, slashing through the running dolls


Even more beautiful, morning in the desert mountains

Clean air, a mountain lion watching the rising sun, stretching, purring

Dry valleys where no life can be seen

Summers just over, the heat still in the air, but winter on its way

No humans seen, as it should be, not here not now not ever

Even in this oldest of lands, so near to the lifegiving Nile

Thunder in the distance, will there be rain on this autumn day?


Humming from yonder, over in that valley, angry mosquito's where none belong

Rising up towards the thunder, ever higher and higher

You have the honor as our allies, to go first, was said to them

Those braves from the UAE, flying in new shiney dive bombers, for country, god and glory

They were the first, the first to die, death is brutal in a flying coffin

Still they came, more and more, their sting found targets in the valleys, not so silent as before

But those brave, those fearless, they'll return no more


Is this all you ask, in these autumn days

No it's not, that's the folly of their ways

But not all was fighting, war, death, hurt and pain

Peaceful diplomats from overseas, to stop the fighting they stepped between

Their treacherous deed done, an army gone, ripped apart by angry bees

A general surprised, commanded a hasty defense, shall not ever repeat that command again

Pincered to pieces he lost his career


More live lost, a sortie of Tunisian tanks on Syrian lands

Countered by the Royal Syrian Guard, now buried in that same land

Enemies united in death, as they were not in life

Two more armies gone, 18 divisions all, destroyed under the burning sun

As for scouts, there have been lots, the faith of them is not much told

By land, by air, they are destroyed, there grave unknown

The story so far, with much untold, not finished yet, how will it unfold?

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Guest Spongebob
A simple story of birds and bees,

Of humans and the folly of their ways,

And the brave pilots from the UAE


The naked beauty of dawn breaking over desert sands

The nightlife of the desert flowing back to their hideouts

Fleeing before the heat of the desert sun

A lonely nomad with his beast of burden, making ready for an early start

Smoking his pipe after breaking his fast

Enjoying an unspoiled vista before the harsh reality of another day

Thunder in the distance, will there be rain on this autumn day?


Shrill sirens shout their dire warnings

The peace of the desert ripped to pieces

An anthill stirred to life, manmade buildings, layers and layers of concrete

Running people left and right, looking up, quite surprised

A flock of birds in the morning sun, thunder before them

But no, not birds, it must be bees, their sting ripping through concrete

Parts and pieces flying, slashing through the running dolls


Even more beautiful, morning in the desert mountains

Clean air, a mountain lion watching the rising sun, stretching, purring

Dry valleys where no life can be seen

Summers just over, the heat still in the air, but winter on its way

No humans seen, as it should be, not here not now not ever

Even in this oldest of lands, so near to the lifegiving Nile

Thunder in the distance, will there be rain on this autumn day?


Humming from yonder, over in that valley, angry mosquito's where none belong

Rising up towards the thunder, ever higher and higher

You have the honor as our allies, to go first, was said to them

Those braves from the UAE, flying in new shiney dive bombers, for country, god and glory

They were the first, the first to die, death is brutal in a flying coffin

Still they came, more and more, their sting found targets in the valleys, not so silent as before

But those brave, those fearless, they'll return no more


Is this all you ask, in these autumn days

No it's not, that's the folly of their ways

But not all was fighting, war, death, hurt and pain

Peaceful diplomats from overseas, to stop the fighting they stepped between

Their treacherous deed done, an army gone, ripped apart by angry bees

A general surprised, commanded a hasty defense, shall not ever repeat that command again

Pincered to pieces he lost his career


More live lost, a sortie of Tunisian tanks on Syrian lands

Countered by the Royal Syrian Guard, now buried in that same land

Enemies united in death, as they were not in life

Two more armies gone, 18 divisions all, destroyed under the burning sun

As for scouts, there have been lots, the faith of them is not much told

By land, by air, they are destroyed, there grave unknown

The story so far, with much untold, not finished yet, how will it unfold?


Not exactly milton is it :blush: try this on for size


In the garden of Eden sat Adam,

massaging the bust of his madam,

he chuckled with mirth,

for he knew that on earth,

there were only two boobs and he had ‘em.

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Not exactly milton is it :blush: try this on for size


In the garden of Eden sat Adam,

massaging the bust of his madam,

he chuckled with mirth,

for he knew that on earth,

there were only two boobs and he had ‘em.


If you don't want to read it, then don't. Weren't you kicked out of this game already? What brings you back, the smell of your defeat?

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Guest Spongebob
Not exactly milton is it :woohoo: try this on for size


In the garden of Eden sat Adam,

massaging the bust of his madam,

he chuckled with mirth,

for he knew that on earth,

there were only two boobs and he had ‘em.


If you don't want to read it, then don't. Weren't you kicked out of this game already? What brings you back, the smell of your defeat?


Awww lighten up, Im yanking your chain bro :blush::woohoo::woohoo:

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