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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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A simple story of birds and bees,

Of humans and the folly of their ways,

And the brave pilots from the UAE


The naked beauty of dawn breaking over desert sands

The nightlife of the desert flowing back to their hideouts

Fleeing before the heat of the desert sun

A lonely nomad with his beast of burden, making ready for an early start

Smoking his pipe after breaking his fast

Enjoying an unspoiled vista before the harsh reality of another day

Thunder in the distance, will there be rain on this autumn day?


Shrill sirens shout their dire warnings

The peace of the desert ripped to pieces

An anthill stirred to life, manmade buildings, layers and layers of concrete

Running people left and right, looking up, quite surprised

A flock of birds in the morning sun, thunder before them

But no, not birds, it must be bees, their sting ripping through concrete

Parts and pieces flying, slashing through the running dolls


Even more beautiful, morning in the desert mountains

Clean air, a mountain lion watching the rising sun, stretching, purring

Dry valleys where no life can be seen

Summers just over, the heat still in the air, but winter on its way

No humans seen, as it should be, not here not now not ever

Even in this oldest of lands, so near to the lifegiving Nile

Thunder in the distance, will there be rain on this autumn day?


Humming from yonder, over in that valley, angry mosquito's where none belong

Rising up towards the thunder, ever higher and higher

You have the honor as our allies, to go first, was said to them

Those braves from the UAE, flying in new shiney dive bombers, for country, god and glory

They were the first, the first to die, death is brutal in a flying coffin

Still they came, more and more, their sting found targets in the valleys, not so silent as before

But those brave, those fearless, they'll return no more


Is this all you ask, in these autumn days

No it's not, that's the folly of their ways

But not all was fighting, war, death, hurt and pain

Peaceful diplomats from overseas, to stop the fighting they stepped between

Their treacherous deed done, an army gone, ripped apart by angry bees

A general surprised, commanded a hasty defense, shall not ever repeat that command again

Pincered to pieces he lost his career


More live lost, a sortie of Tunisian tanks on Syrian lands

Countered by the Royal Syrian Guard, now buried in that same land

Enemies united in death, as they were not in life

Two more armies gone, 18 divisions all, destroyed under the burning sun

As for scouts, there have been lots, the faith of them is not much told

By land, by air, they are destroyed, there grave unknown

The story so far, with much untold, not finished yet, how will it unfold?


Very nice. :woohoo::woohoo:



Spongecus is just mad you aren't writing about him. :woohoo::blush:

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Few spectacular changes, the red alliance still alive, green at war with gray, the front lines in Libya moving 1 pixel.

And yes, the remains of the UAE are still there.

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Is that a nice new colour for me in the middle?


That was what you wanted, wasn't it?

How's the Alamo going?


With the Grey advancing into France I may have to put the Alamo on hold for a while and divert some Armour to the South of France, Maybe GB will come out from behind those defenses.

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Is that a nice new colour for me in the middle?


That was what you wanted, wasn't it?

How's the Alamo going?


With the Grey advancing into France I may have to put the Alamo on hold for a while and divert some Armour to the South of France, Maybe GB will come out from behind those defenses.


Good! The mighty Persian fleet is about to make a lasting impression on the coastal defences of the Grey Alliance. That will teach them!

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Is that a nice new colour for me in the middle?


That was what you wanted, wasn't it?

How's the Alamo going?


With the Grey advancing into France I may have to put the Alamo on hold for a while and divert some Armour to the South of France, Maybe GB will come out from behind those defenses.


I think the Italians are going to need all the help they can get.

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Few spectacular changes, the red alliance still alive, green at war with gray, the front lines in Libya moving 1 pixel.

And yes, the remains of the UAE are still there.


What's the blue in the middle of Rumania? What's left of them?

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What's the blue in the middle of Rumania? What's left of them?


Can you confirm that Rumania is gone?

The blue part over there is one major city that has not appeared on the world events yet and the rest is pure speculation. Feel free to correct the map.

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You are getting awfully close to xFromanovo...


Hello there Fellow Iceland-Player.


It is at least 6 SMR for my main army and not much farther for the Iraqi vanguard. Probably at least double that for you. One of us will probably make it there before you, unless it is undefended by Southern Russia and you have a huge stack of heavy transports. At the moment the first Veteran armored and mech divisions form the war with the UAE are nearing the frontline, so even if you could take it I can not see you holding on to it without lots of support from your allies.


What is it with you and Fromanovo? You were born there? What will you do when we beat you to it? Hate us forever? While going to war in the vast expense of the Urals is not something we look out for we won't run away for it either. There are more fertile hunting grounds in this game. As we are predestined to clash in game #89 we do not have to do the same in #87.


PS. We could always compare Icelands. At the moment yours is doing better than mine.

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What is it with you and Fromanovo? You were born there? What will you do when we beat you to it? Hate us forever? While going to war in the vast expense of the Urals is not something we look out for we won't run away for it either. There are more fertile hunting grounds in this game. As we are predestined to clash in game #89 we do not have to do the same in #87.


PS. We could always compare Icelands. At the moment yours is doing better than mine.


:thumbsup: I will not hate you for claiming it before me, nor more than I could hate anyone who has gotten it in other games. Just once I wanted to control that city at the end of a game, always have, just an interesting quirk I guess. I thought this game might be my best chance before Victory! II arrives. Nothing is set in stone for this game. We do not HAVE to be enemies once we meet up somewhere in the Russia's, but we will have to wait and see what the political and economics hold for us all when that time does arrive. We BOTH may have bigger fish to fry than each other.


As far as comparing Iceland's goes, I had a big head start. Let's compare your current turn to my turn 9 and see how it looks. You may be better off than you think. I was on my way to Spain on turn 9 of game 87 to help out my original TA who ended up dropping on that very tech period and I had to turn all my ships around and formulate a new plan. A huge wast of fuel and resources in general........just keep the APD's going and keep all those non-resource producing provinces at a 10 ADL and you will do fine. The AE will support the nation nicely and you will be able to conserve energy as long as you move all those ARM plants to the AE centers (which can get expensive).

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What is it with you and Fromanovo? You were born there? What will you do when we beat you to it? Hate us forever? While going to war in the vast expense of the Urals is not something we look out for we won't run away for it either. There are more fertile hunting grounds in this game. As we are predestined to clash in game #89 we do not have to do the same in #87.


PS. We could always compare Icelands. At the moment yours is doing better than mine.


:woohoo: I will not hate you for claiming it before me, nor more than I could hate anyone who has gotten it in other games. Just once I wanted to control that city at the end of a game, always have, just an interesting quirk I guess. I thought this game might be my best chance before Victory! II arrives. Nothing is set in stone for this game. We do not HAVE to be enemies once we meet up somewhere in the Russia's, but we will have to wait and see what the political and economics hold for us all when that time does arrive. We BOTH may have bigger fish to fry than each other.


As far as comparing Iceland's goes, I had a big head start. Let's compare your current turn to my turn 9 and see how it looks. You may be better off than you think. I was on my way to Spain on turn 9 of game 87 to help out my original TA who ended up dropping on that very tech period and I had to turn all my ships around and formulate a new plan. A huge wast of fuel and resources in general........just keep the APD's going and keep all those non-resource producing provinces at a 10 ADL and you will do fine. The AE will support the nation nicely and you will be able to conserve energy as long as you move all those ARM plants to the AE centers (which can get expensive).


Iceland's turn 9 is still a few days away. I will edit the turn to delete all usefull tactical information, while leaving the economic and strategic information intact.

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What's the blue in the middle of Rumania? What's left of them?


Can you confirm that Rumania is gone?

The blue part over there is one major city that has not appeared on the world events yet and the rest is pure speculation. Feel free to correct the map.


So far, I believe xStrehaia is the only major city not controlled by my faction. Give me a few turns...

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Few spectacular changes, the red alliance still alive, green at war with gray, the front lines in Libya moving 1 pixel.

And yes, the remains of the UAE are still there.

It looks like you can officially color in C Russia as an active player (either that or Russ has inserted a significantly upgraded AI!)

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