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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Sounds like the British did some damage?


Well that was an interesting turn of events :angry2: I will let the enemy do the gloating :woohoo:


Those darn Hungarians, repulsing my GE yet again! Well, I guess maybe they don't call it that, with 18 dead armor divisions. I guess those T-34's are not invincible after all, eh?


Come on Slicer, come out of your hole and attack. You can drive me to the sea just like Hungary is, it just takes a set of balls!


Sounds as if the Siege of Alsfeld is one of those battles to remember. Congratulations to the victor. And indeed, more T-34 usually means more rusting hunks of iron after the battle... :-)

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I would just like to point out the Hungarian divisions in question had recieved an emergency phone call saying their new tanks were ready and could they come home and take delivery. Hence they left the old ones behind to distract the enemy.


Dont you just love propaganda :woohoo: Its amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. Lets just say I have taken the casualties so others can carry on the fight :angry2:


Well, what exactly did you accomplish? In the Saarbrucken-Fulda area, I count over 10,000 armament point loss for the bad guys, against less than 500 for the good guys, I am willing to take those trades all day.

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I would just like to point out the Hungarian divisions in question had recieved an emergency phone call saying their new tanks were ready and could they come home and take delivery. Hence they left the old ones behind to distract the enemy.


Dont you just love propaganda :woohoo: Its amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. Lets just say I have taken the casualties so others can carry on the fight :angry2:


Well, what exactly did you accomplish? In the Saarbrucken-Fulda area, I count over 10,000 armament point loss for the bad guys, against less than 500 for the good guys, I am willing to take those trades all day.


Okay okay, lap it up... one day the shoe will be on the other foot and when it is I will take great pleasure in returning the gloat with bells on it :rolleyes:

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I would just like to point out the Hungarian divisions in question had recieved an emergency phone call saying their new tanks were ready and could they come home and take delivery. Hence they left the old ones behind to distract the enemy.


Dont you just love propaganda :woohoo: Its amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. Lets just say I have taken the casualties so others can carry on the fight :angry2:


Well, what exactly did you accomplish? In the Saarbrucken-Fulda area, I count over 10,000 armament point loss for the bad guys, against less than 500 for the good guys, I am willing to take those trades all day.


Okay okay, lap it up... one day the shoe will be on the other foot and when it is I will take great pleasure in returning the gloat with bells on it :rolleyes:


Hmm, seems I recall you boasting you would drive me into the sea, among other things. I am still awaiting that development. I have seen the odds fall from 3:1 to 2:1 in the past couple of weeks, at what point will it not be worthwhile to pursue for you guys any longer?

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I would just like to point out the Hungarian divisions in question had recieved an emergency phone call saying their new tanks were ready and could they come home and take delivery. Hence they left the old ones behind to distract the enemy.


Dont you just love propaganda :woohoo: Its amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. Lets just say I have taken the casualties so others can carry on the fight :angry2:


Well, what exactly did you accomplish? In the Saarbrucken-Fulda area, I count over 10,000 armament point loss for the bad guys, against less than 500 for the good guys, I am willing to take those trades all day.


Okay okay, lap it up... one day the shoe will be on the other foot and when it is I will take great pleasure in returning the gloat with bells on it :rolleyes:


Hmm, seems I recall you boasting you would drive me into the sea, among other things. I am still awaiting that development. I have seen the odds fall from 3:1 to 2:1 in the past couple of weeks, at what point will it not be worthwhile to pursue for you guys any longer?


It will always have a point, maybe we have lacked a little cohesion in recent turns but that will change, Ding Ding Round Two.

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Sounds like the British did some damage?


Well that was an interesting turn of events :angry2: I will let the enemy do the gloating :woohoo:


Those darn Hungarians, repulsing my GE yet again! Well, I guess maybe they don't call it that, with 18 dead armor divisions. I guess those T-34's are not invincible after all, eh?


Come on Slicer, come out of your hole and attack. You can drive me to the sea just like Hungary is, it just takes a set of balls!

Bbbbut...I'm skkk-kkk-kkkared. You have alot of heavy steel and all I have are some militia with muskets. Please Mr. Markolene...please have mercy on this little dirk of an army....I promise to play nice if you just go away. Dirks don't slice very well....


Do you have any room in your alliance for another TA? I think you might given how many of them have been consumed....maybe you can find another Russian TA?

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Sounds like the British did some damage?


Well that was an interesting turn of events :angry2: I will let the enemy do the gloating :woohoo:


Those darn Hungarians, repulsing my GE yet again! Well, I guess maybe they don't call it that, with 18 dead armor divisions. I guess those T-34's are not invincible after all, eh?


Come on Slicer, come out of your hole and attack. You can drive me to the sea just like Hungary is, it just takes a set of balls!

Bbbbut...I'm skkk-kkk-kkkared. You have alot of heavy steel and all I have are some militia with muskets. Please Mr. Markolene...please have mercy on this little dirk of an army....I promise to play nice if you just go away. Dirks don't slice very well....


Do you have any room in your alliance for another TA? I think you might given how many of them have been consumed....maybe you can find another Russian TA?


Hehe, you still have me outnumbered, and Monty is right, it is far from over, but I got a knockdown in round one. Were I in your shoes, I likely would of played it the same, let my TA's flank me out of a very strong position. I am still not sure I will be able to hold because of that, but for now, I will settle for just killing bad guys, and see where it takes me.

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Hehe, you still have me outnumbered, and Monty is right, it is far from over, but I got a knockdown in round one. Were I in your shoes, I likely would of played it the same, let my TA's flank me out of a very strong position. I am still not sure I will be able to hold because of that, but for now, I will settle for just killing bad guys, and see where it takes me.

All ribbing aside, you've played a tough position well.

Of course, I woudn't object if you did not make me buy all kinds of new shovels to dig you out of an unassailable position...

Sooo....the best solution I see is for you to chop off your own head. Appreciate the help. Thanks.

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I'm just wondering...is there anyone in this game that the United States is NOT at war with? I mean, other than his TA's?


Grin. Some guys just don't fancy the "most likable leader" award in a game. And can you imagine him starting with only 1 neighbour, while the rest of us start surrounded by potential enemies. But to answer your question, from the top of my hat I'd say he's not at war with Central Russia, the North European alliance and Kurassier, who is technically in their TA block, if anyone cares to acknowledge the heavily fortified city state of Nizwa. Does it count as a city state by the way, if there is just a small village there, surrounded by an enormous amount of concrete for runways?

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I'm just wondering...is there anyone in this game that the United States is NOT at war with? I mean, other than his TA's?


Grin. Some guys just don't fancy the "most likable leader" award in a game. And can you imagine him starting with only 1 neighbour, while the rest of us start surrounded by potential enemies. But to answer your question, from the top of my hat I'd say he's not at war with Central Russia, the North European alliance and Kurassier, who is technically in their TA block, if anyone cares to acknowledge the heavily fortified city state of Nizwa. Does it count as a city state by the way, if there is just a small village there, surrounded by an enormous amount of concrete for runways?


yes it counts,

if it would not count, i would not feel obliged to conquer it...

(and i expect large underground storage areas there with all kind of treasure()

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The Hungarian Empire hereby recognises the legitimacy of the city state of Nizwa. :python:


Oh, but Persia, Turkey, Transjordan, Tiraq and Syria recognise the legitimacy of Nizwa too.

The difference is we call it UAE, he is bombing our armies and we are at war with him.

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