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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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I want to give some props to a great TA. Denmark has had a brutal game. For many turns the Danes were forced to fight Poland, Baltic States, Norway and Finland basically alone, as the geography prevented Britain from helping. Czechoslovakia fought alongside in Germany for awhile, but was overwhelmed.


Poland, BS and Norway all have huge fleets, Norwegian Spitfires have controlled the skies over the Skagerak for more than a year, allowing BS and Polish Ju-88's and Finnish and Norwegian Whitleys to roam almost at will over Danish air space. Add in the fact that the American mechanized divisions of Denmark were badly out gunned by the Polish and Baltic States panzer divisions, and there was little hope.


As the BS steamed through northern Germany, Denmark fought him for every province. The British could not help, without exposing the one tank army on the continent the allies have to annihilation.


Shadowy Figure persevered through all of this, and has continued to do all that the alliance has asked without complaint. There may now be some hope for a Danish ressurection, though it is too early to tell, but it is TA's like Shadowy Figure that make this game as fun as it is.


Here's to you Shadow! :angry2:


I must admit that the world event

"Denmark has conquered xArhus"

was the greatest upset for me in this game.

That was a temporary reprieve because of a change in who gets what in the spoils. There is no chance of a Danish resurrection, despite the exemplary game he has played.


I would not bet on that VP. There is much you do not know.

Apparently the Danish resurrection plan is to lure me to death in xEsbjerg? Can't find that Denmark retains anything else at this point... unless they have redeployed to Bornholm. Sneaky!

Seriously, there could be a resource and soul sucking siege of xEsbjerg coming up I suppose (though without Kurassier or Earthling at the helm how long can that last!) Even if that is the last gasp of a tenacious defense there is lots of work on the continent still to be done and fun to be had (win or lose... rather more if/when winning, admittedly).


The defacto alliance of WEA with the US/Canada/Ireland group and the beginning of contact in C Russia makes it look like the game is coming down to 2 large blocs plus the WEA against the other 2 large blocks. Should be interesting.


Hmm, tell me about this defacto alliance. Who are the 4 large blocks of which you speak? Unless you count your intermingled TA as 2. I suppose that is possible, to me they are all just the bad guys, so I have made no distinction.


Sounds like you think of the WEA as an afterthought, just tagging along on the coatails of the big boys. Not sure that is a healthy attitude. You Norwegians have been at the very periphery of my vision most of this game, as I have had far more, shall we say, convenient enemies to deal with. I think soon you may come into focus. You may not like that.


As for the USA/Canada/Irish group fighting alongside the MEA, I do not see that happening anytime soon. There total allies in North Africa are fighting tooth and nail against the MEA, and unless they drop, which knowing the two guys playing those spots I sort of doubt, there is a lot of fighting left to be done there.

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I want to give some props to a great TA. Denmark has had a brutal game. For many turns the Danes were forced to fight Poland, Baltic States, Norway and Finland basically alone, as the geography prevented Britain from helping. Czechoslovakia fought alongside in Germany for awhile, but was overwhelmed.


Poland, BS and Norway all have huge fleets, Norwegian Spitfires have controlled the skies over the Skagerak for more than a year, allowing BS and Polish Ju-88's and Finnish and Norwegian Whitleys to roam almost at will over Danish air space. Add in the fact that the American mechanized divisions of Denmark were badly out gunned by the Polish and Baltic States panzer divisions, and there was little hope.


As the BS steamed through northern Germany, Denmark fought him for every province. The British could not help, without exposing the one tank army on the continent the allies have to annihilation.


Shadowy Figure persevered through all of this, and has continued to do all that the alliance has asked without complaint. There may now be some hope for a Danish ressurection, though it is too early to tell, but it is TA's like Shadowy Figure that make this game as fun as it is.


Here's to you Shadow! :angry2:


I must admit that the world event

"Denmark has conquered xArhus"

was the greatest upset for me in this game.

That was a temporary reprieve because of a change in who gets what in the spoils. There is no chance of a Danish resurrection, despite the exemplary game he has played.


I would not bet on that VP. There is much you do not know.

Apparently the Danish resurrection plan is to lure me to death in xEsbjerg? Can't find that Denmark retains anything else at this point... unless they have redeployed to Bornholm. Sneaky!

Seriously, there could be a resource and soul sucking siege of xEsbjerg coming up I suppose (though without Kurassier or Earthling at the helm how long can that last!) Even if that is the last gasp of a tenacious defense there is lots of work on the continent still to be done and fun to be had (win or lose... rather more if/when winning, admittedly).


The defacto alliance of WEA with the US/Canada/Ireland group and the beginning of contact in C Russia makes it look like the game is coming down to 2 large blocs plus the WEA against the other 2 large blocks. Should be interesting.


Hmm, tell me about this defacto alliance. Who are the 4 large blocks of which you speak? Unless you count your intermingled TA as 2. I suppose that is possible, to me they are all just the bad guys, so I have made no distinction.


Sounds like you think of the WEA as an afterthought, just tagging along on the coatails of the big boys. Not sure that is a healthy attitude. You Norwegians have been at the very periphery of my vision most of this game, as I have had far more, shall we say, convenient enemies to deal with. I think soon you may come into focus. You may not like that.


As for the USA/Canada/Irish group fighting alongside the MEA, I do not see that happening anytime soon. There total allies in North Africa are fighting tooth and nail against the MEA, and unless they drop, which knowing the two guys playing those spots I sort of doubt, there is a lot of fighting left to be done there.


If northern and southern Europe really had been cooperating (with Hungary as glue to hold them together), the WEU would have been dead already. This is no disqualification of the excellent defensive work the WEA is doing, but a simple matter of applied mathematics.

I can imagine that Viking Pilot is a bit weary of a war on two fronts and wants to emphasize his good relations with southern Europe, but this is not a game with only two teams playing. We hereby invite Norse observers to the Libyan desert to observe the nice mountains of burning wrecks. Last turn, there were some nice Transjordan and Tunesian additions to the pile. The Algerian Airforce has build something else than Ju-88's for a change and we expect those Ju-88's to make a glorious comeback any day now. We have bumped into their second line of defence in Libya and it is sharp. But in the larger scheme of things the desert war is self contained: the economic power of both blocks is almost equal and there has been almost no interference of Iraq, Persia, Turkey, Ireland, the USA or Canada in this war.


It seems as if they are playing a game all by itself, called "The counquest of Northern Africa". When I offer any assistance the reaction of Falco is a curious mixture of

"Please send bombers, they are scary" and "No, please keep away, I should be able to do this myself".

So for matters of global politics let's consider the 4 of them contained to their own sandbox.

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It seems as if they are playing a game all by itself, called "The counquest of Northern Africa". When I offer any assistance the reaction of Falco is a curious mixture of

"Please send bombers, they are scary" and "No, please keep away, I should be able to do this myself".

So for matters of global politics let's consider the 4 of them contained to their own sandbox.


Oi, you are the one afraid of moving planes to Africa, since Tunisia blew away your complete base in Egypt (2 complete bases, 4 LR groups). And I just offered to put a wing of bombers near the country of Nizwa, accompanied by some spitfires, to help you guys out there. Refusing that is probably just a matter of pride, isn't it? :angry2:

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As for the USA/Canada/Irish group fighting alongside the MEA, I do not see that happening anytime soon. There total allies in North Africa are fighting tooth and nail against the MEA, and unless they drop, which knowing the two guys playing those spots I sort of doubt, there is a lot of fighting left to be done there.


Yup, after destroying a force of Tunisian T-34 by the Syrian armed forces, now one of my forces has been decimated by some Algerian SS-panzers, some 18 of them. At least the front line has moved up a bit, further away from my Egyptian borders. But those 18 SS-panzers, I can think of nicer things happening on the frontline....

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It seems as if they are playing a game all by itself, called "The counquest of Northern Africa". When I offer any assistance the reaction of Falco is a curious mixture of

"Please send bombers, they are scary" and "No, please keep away, I should be able to do this myself".

So for matters of global politics let's consider the 4 of them contained to their own sandbox.


Oi, you are the one afraid of moving planes to Africa, since Tunisia blew away your complete base in Egypt (2 complete bases, 4 LR groups). And I just offered to put a wing of bombers near the country of Nizwa, accompanied by some spitfires, to help you guys out there. Refusing that is probably just a matter of pride, isn't it? :angry2:


Hey, don't look at me. I have a full fighter division and my best group of bombers available for the task, but Ondali wants to kill xNizwa without help from me. Our version of "No, please keep away, I should be able to do this myself". Pride, you got to live with it. No doubt the fall of xNizwa will be a national holyday in Iraq.


I must admit that Tunesian reception was a bit cold, but there is another reason for not stationing tactical recon in Africa: you guys move too fast. The front is out of reach for the Persian air base in Egypt. And I DID help: one airstrike to avenge xSuez and the especially devastating coastal bombardment of xAlgiers.

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Hey, don't look at me. I have a full fighter division and my best group of bombers available for the task, but Ondali wants to kill xNizwa without help from me. Our version of "No, please keep away, I should be able to do this myself". Pride, you got to live with it. No doubt the fall of xNizwa will be a national holyday in Iraq.


I must admit that Tunesian reception was a bit cold, but there is another reason for not stationing tactical recon in Africa: you guys move too fast. The front is out of reach for the Persian air base in Egypt. And I DID help: one airstrike to avenge xSuez and the especially devastating coastal bombardment of xAlgiers.


We'll, you are of course cordially invited to join the hustle in Libya again. There is no pride here, it's just subduing North Africans that I'm concerned about. Enough targets to make your air force feel needed every turn. And don't worry about the front, retreating seems to be in the air again, this time on our/my side.


I am certainly happy that I let your fleet move through the Suez canal. The impact of your bombardment was indeed devastating. Your destroyer has certainly done his deed. The citizens of Suez are eternally grateful for that action, even if the Tunisian fleet did as much damage as your CB on xAlgiers.

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Hey, don't look at me. I have a full fighter division and my best group of bombers available for the task, but Ondali wants to kill xNizwa without help from me. Our version of "No, please keep away, I should be able to do this myself". Pride, you got to live with it. No doubt the fall of xNizwa will be a national holyday in Iraq.


Now go away, you silly english Kaaanigits, or I will taunt you a second time! :angry2::cheers:

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I want to give some props to a great TA. Denmark has had a brutal game. For many turns the Danes were forced to fight Poland, Baltic States, Norway and Finland basically alone, as the geography prevented Britain from helping. Czechoslovakia fought alongside in Germany for awhile, but was overwhelmed.


Poland, BS and Norway all have huge fleets, Norwegian Spitfires have controlled the skies over the Skagerak for more than a year, allowing BS and Polish Ju-88's and Finnish and Norwegian Whitleys to roam almost at will over Danish air space. Add in the fact that the American mechanized divisions of Denmark were badly out gunned by the Polish and Baltic States panzer divisions, and there was little hope.


As the BS steamed through northern Germany, Denmark fought him for every province. The British could not help, without exposing the one tank army on the continent the allies have to annihilation.


Shadowy Figure persevered through all of this, and has continued to do all that the alliance has asked without complaint. There may now be some hope for a Danish ressurection, though it is too early to tell, but it is TA's like Shadowy Figure that make this game as fun as it is.


Here's to you Shadow! :angry2:


I must admit that the world event

"Denmark has conquered xArhus"

was the greatest upset for me in this game.

That was a temporary reprieve because of a change in who gets what in the spoils. There is no chance of a Danish resurrection, despite the exemplary game he has played.


I would not bet on that VP. There is much you do not know.

Apparently the Danish resurrection plan is to lure me to death in xEsbjerg? Can't find that Denmark retains anything else at this point... unless they have redeployed to Bornholm. Sneaky!

Seriously, there could be a resource and soul sucking siege of xEsbjerg coming up I suppose (though without Kurassier or Earthling at the helm how long can that last!) Even if that is the last gasp of a tenacious defense there is lots of work on the continent still to be done and fun to be had (win or lose... rather more if/when winning, admittedly).


The defacto alliance of WEA with the US/Canada/Ireland group and the beginning of contact in C Russia makes it look like the game is coming down to 2 large blocs plus the WEA against the other 2 large blocks. Should be interesting.


Hmm, tell me about this defacto alliance. Who are the 4 large blocks of which you speak? Unless you count your intermingled TA as 2. I suppose that is possible, to me they are all just the bad guys, so I have made no distinction.


Sounds like you think of the WEA as an afterthought, just tagging along on the coatails of the big boys. Not sure that is a healthy attitude. You Norwegians have been at the very periphery of my vision most of this game, as I have had far more, shall we say, convenient enemies to deal with. I think soon you may come into focus. You may not like that.


As for the USA/Canada/Irish group fighting alongside the MEA, I do not see that happening anytime soon. There total allies in North Africa are fighting tooth and nail against the MEA, and unless they drop, which knowing the two guys playing those spots I sort of doubt, there is a lot of fighting left to be done there.


If northern and southern Europe really had been cooperating (with Hungary as glue to hold them together), the WEU would have been dead already. This is no disqualification of the excellent defensive work the WEA is doing, but a simple matter of applied mathematics.

I can imagine that Viking Pilot is a bit weary of a war on two fronts and wants to emphasize his good relations with southern Europe, but this is not a game with only two teams playing. We hereby invite Norse observers to the Libyan desert to observe the nice mountains of burning wrecks. Last turn, there were some nice Transjordan and Tunesian additions to the pile. The Algerian Airforce has build something else than Ju-88's for a change and we expect those Ju-88's to make a glorious comeback any day now. We have bumped into their second line of defence in Libya and it is sharp. But in the larger scheme of things the desert war is self contained: the economic power of both blocks is almost equal and there has been almost no interference of Iraq, Persia, Turkey, Ireland, the USA or Canada in this war.


It seems as if they are playing a game all by itself, called "The counquest of Northern Africa". When I offer any assistance the reaction of Falco is a curious mixture of

"Please send bombers, they are scary" and "No, please keep away, I should be able to do this myself".

So for matters of global politics let's consider the 4 of them contained to their own sandbox.


Ah, Dag, you are a man who spits in the face of legends, eh? Let me tell you a little story. From the time that Germany fell, in fact a couple of turns before that, Denmark has faced the combined arms of Norway, Finland and Baltic States, plus the Polish fleet and a large part of their air force virtually alone. In that same period, Czechoslovakia fell under the combined weight of Hungary and Poland. When Czechoslovakia fell, Great Britain's small armored force was the only thing between Hungary, Poland and the English Channel. That was turn 20. At that time, the USA had no fewer than 11 battleships marauding the British coast, and Ireland was bombing Britain with his entire air force. Our fleet was sent to help Spain, and was fine, until the intervention of the Algerian air force, which I know is well known to you.


When Switzerland fell, which was basically the same time Germany fell, Austria and Italy sent their entire combined forces against France. France was badly outnumber, but fought gamely. Italy was succesful in capturing the southern part of France, after some fierce battles, but France has held in the north quite well.


Meanwhile, the USA and Canada launched their assault against Spain. It was ably supported by the aboved mentioned Algerian air force. With France chopped up, Denmark fighting for her life, and Czechoslovakia being dismantled, the only help available was the Royal Navy, and it did what it could before the Algerians intervened.


Viking Pilot has fought no two front war. He took Sweden virtually unopposed, and has then been one of three countries relentlessly assaulting Denmark. Only in the past few turns have American forces diverted some of the Italian attention away from the French, and even now, their air force only bombs French targets. Austria has no other enemies, Hungary has no other enemies, Poland has a few divisions in CR but really has no other enemies, BS same as Poland, Finland has most of his ground forces in CR but his air force is expending it's entire effort against us, Norway has no other enemies. Yes, we are fighting them, and doing well, but slowly our position is eroding. They have become cautious, which is understandable, as I burned them, but their cautiousness has peril in it for us.


So you see, we have in fact been fighting all of them all of this time. I will say, as of now, this game ranks as one of the two or three most enjoyable games I have played, which says a lot. The odds are still very long, and the powerful French army recently suffered a setback, due to a snafu in the execution of his orders, but we will enjoy every moment, until we are victorious or we perish.

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Hey, don't look at me. I have a full fighter division and my best group of bombers available for the task, but Ondali wants to kill xNizwa without help from me. Our version of "No, please keep away, I should be able to do this myself". Pride, you got to live with it. No doubt the fall of xNizwa will be a national holyday in Iraq.


Now go away, you silly english Kaaanigits, or I will taunt you a second time! :cheers::cheers:


You don't frighten us, Emerite pig dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called "Arabian King," you and all your silly Arabian Kaaanigits! I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!!!!!!!!!!!


:angry2: One of my favorite scenes! :cheers:

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Hey, don't look at me. I have a full fighter division and my best group of bombers available for the task, but Ondali wants to kill xNizwa without help from me. Our version of "No, please keep away, I should be able to do this myself". Pride, you got to live with it. No doubt the fall of xNizwa will be a national holyday in Iraq.


Now go away, you silly english Kaaanigits, or I will taunt you a second time! :cheers::cheers:


You don't frighten us, Emerite pig dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called "Arabian King," you and all your silly Arabian Kaaanigits! I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!!!!!!!!!!!


:angry2: One of my favorite scenes! :cheers:


Hey Earthling.

Still active in #87?

I wonder what you are doing in the far North. Can we expect nice air drops in turn 45+ ?

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Hey Earthling.

Still active in #87?

I wonder what you are doing in the far North. Can we expect nice air drops in turn 45+ ?


I could air drop on you right now......have more pressing issues to deal with. Plus, the gosh darn weather effects have been brutal to my sorties this winter, in ALL games. I had 9 air missions canceled because of weather conditions out of 22 in 3 games so far this turn cycle. Actually, that's not quite true, two of those did not happen due to not being at war with the target nation. But, that is still 7 out of 20, 15% higher than the norm for arctic, only one game of which I have planes located. I am about to submit two more turns that will have 8 air missions....at the current rate, I expect 3 of those 8 to get weathered. Ask my allies how easily I am able to BPA a NAP.....my record is 8 consecutive failures to BPA a NAP, ask Marklen X - Game 59: He was Central Russia and I was Baltic States. I tried from turn 11 to turn 18 and he was the one who issued the BPA and DW on turn 18......Then proceeded to run me over with his brand new T34's which I was trying to prevent him from upgrading and took over the vacuum left by my defeat (Germany, Poland, Czech - one of his TA's he had to rescue, Hungary, and several pieces elsewhere which I would have to go back and look at to see exactly). I am at the other end of the curve on all the darn %'s, or so it seems. I have caught big breaks on the some sides of those %'s though, I can get rid of a TA in less than 3 tries! Never fail! I've hit the 100% increase a half dozen times on RPD's! Hit 3 times in one game (Portugal Game 41)! & twice as Norway in Game 86! It seems like I get all the extremes in the game, some really good, others really bad.

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Hey Earthling.

Still active in #87?

I wonder what you are doing in the far North. Can we expect nice air drops in turn 45+ ?


I could air drop on you right now......have more pressing issues to deal with. Plus, the gosh darn weather effects have been brutal to my sorties this winter, in ALL games.


You' re not the only one. Had only 2 airstrikes on Baltic States last turn: both missed due to bad weather. Sorry about xFromanovo. And by the way, I could airdrop you too.

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Hey Earthling.

Still active in #87?

I wonder what you are doing in the far North. Can we expect nice air drops in turn 45+ ?


I could air drop on you right now......have more pressing issues to deal with. Plus, the gosh darn weather effects have been brutal to my sorties this winter, in ALL games.


You' re not the only one. Had only 2 airstrikes on Baltic States last turn: both missed due to bad weather. Sorry about xFromanovo. And by the way, I could airdrop you too.


I figured...why open that can of worms right now? I have a lot to do before I get to xFromanovo...Besides, you have the easy part. You don't have to ship your units into the Russia's via transports. You can just drive them right in! I am still bringing over units. Lots of work to do, lots of work to do! Besides, I have a new goal! xTelaviv! :angry2:

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Besides, I have a new goal! xTelaviv! :angry2:


What have I done to you? Why would you want to go to beautiful Tel Aviv? Leave me alone. Already expecting Canadian and US naval units in the Med, some time soon. You stay away from my shores or I'll send Persian destroyers your way!

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Hey Earthling.

Still active in #87?

I wonder what you are doing in the far North. Can we expect nice air drops in turn 45+ ?


I could air drop on you right now......have more pressing issues to deal with. Plus, the gosh darn weather effects have been brutal to my sorties this winter, in ALL games.


You' re not the only one. Had only 2 airstrikes on Baltic States last turn: both missed due to bad weather. Sorry about xFromanovo. And by the way, I could airdrop you too.


I figured...why open that can of worms right now? I have a lot to do before I get to xFromanovo...Besides, you have the easy part. You don't have to ship your units into the Russia's via transports. You can just drive them right in! I am still bringing over units. Lots of work to do, lots of work to do! Besides, I have a new goal! xTelaviv! :angry2:


On the other hand, you don't have to spend a fortune on rail connections to keep Southern Russia from starving, after spending a fortune to keep the UAE from starving. Despite gaining 5 big cities I have yet to capture my first stockpile. And allthough the front in Russia is much closer to my mother country, my troops have to walk all the way.

xTelaviv? That's no challenge. Why don't you try xNizwa?

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