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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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ouch- that hurt. :python:


Not as much as the loss of xYoshkarola and xUstinov has hurt Central Russia.

This turn saw two important strategic events:


The fall of Lincoln and the Russian cities means the end for the "Red" alliance.

The arrival of the first Baltic tigers in Russia means that the opposition there is stiffening.


When Great Britain falls, the odds will inevitably switch in favour of the "European" coalitions.

Effectively USA, Canada, Ireland, Portugal and Spain, loosely coordinating with

Iraq, Persia, the UAE, Southern Russia, (4 players, 9 countries)



Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Northern Russia, Baltic States, Iceland, Germany, Lowlands, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Italy, Austria, Great Britian and Yugoslavia, (9 playes, 19 countries).


I am not counting France and Central Russia, as both countries are hotly contested at the moment.

The countries in the south are too wrought up in their Libyan conflict to change the bigger picture.

Now this is not the end of the game, a lot can happen in 25 turns and I personally hope to to add a lot too my kill score, else I would loose the private competition within the "Orange" team, were I am in 4th place, but not by that much.


But if nothing changes, from a strategic point of view the war is over.

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But if nothing changes, from a strategic point of view the war is over.


Agree. And I don't see any changes happening any soon.


When i look at the map, i don't see why Turkey can't assist on the European theatre. That's a change that's in Team Orange's hands... :woohoo:


Or agree that 100 pop worth of desert isn't worth having 9 countries worth fight over then. By my count, the only thing stopping Grey and Orange team from being on equal footing with their opponents is their desert war, and in that desert war i count 3 countries worth of grey against 6 countries worth of orange (counting Lybia as it seems to be consistently productive for the Orange team by the looks of the maps). Either mop them up using your size difference or make a truce and see how Italy and Greece taste. :python:

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"Orange" team


"Orange"? That looks quite Ye....wait, are you trying to avoid saying that color? To keep you know who from chiming in?


I don't think "S" is following this thread <Ducks quickly> but to most of us on this map the Middle East is Orange in color.

Now at least 4 players on this forum happen to be colorblind, so some misunderstanding about colors is inevitable.

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ouch- that hurt. ;)


Not as much as the loss of xYoshkarola and xUstinov has hurt Central Russia.

This turn saw two important strategic events:


The fall of Lincoln and the Russian cities means the end for the "Red" alliance.

The arrival of the first Baltic tigers in Russia means that the opposition there is stiffening.


When Great Britain falls, the odds will inevitably switch in favour of the "European" coalitions.

Effectively USA, Canada, Ireland, Portugal and Spain, loosely coordinating with

Iraq, Persia, the UAE, Southern Russia, (4 players, 9 countries)



Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Northern Russia, Baltic States, Iceland, Germany, Lowlands, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Italy, Austria, Great Britian and Yugoslavia, (9 playes, 19 countries).


I am not counting France and Central Russia, as both countries are hotly contested at the moment.

The countries in the south are too wrought up in their Libyan conflict to change the bigger picture.

Now this is not the end of the game, a lot can happen in 25 turns and I personally hope to to add a lot too my kill score, else I would loose the private competition within the "Orange" team, were I am in 4th place, but not by that much.


But if nothing changes, from a strategic point of view the war is over.


Agree totally!!!


The really sad part of all of this is that it does not have to be this way.


Turkey could be putting some pressure on Greece. If he did this, Greece could not afford to continue sending all of his units to xGenoa to help Italy and Austria against Canada. This alone would have a profound effect on the balance of power.


Some agreement could be arranged in North Africa, allowing the nations on both sides to redirect their forces to oppose the other two alliances Italy/Austria/Hungary/etc. and BS/Norway/etc. that are clearly working together.


Personally, I would like to see us keep the game up for grabs among all groups.




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Well, this is nothing new. This has been going on for 30 turns. It just now is coming home to roost for others, that they will not be able to overcome fearsome odds no matter what they do.


Having fought since turn 15 in a basically 2 on 7 match, I can say that tactically, the central powers are rather weak, but they are like the Chinese, kill two, and 4 more take their place.

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"Orange" team


"Orange"? That looks quite Ye....wait, are you trying to avoid saying that color? To keep you know who from chiming in?


Have you noticed how he who should not be named has been very very quiet? maybe he finally has buggered off.


An just a word to the rest we are deliberatly playing dumb so we are more at our enemies level ;)

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But if nothing changes, from a strategic point of view the war is over.


Agree. And I don't see any changes happening any soon.


When i look at the map, i don't see why Turkey can't assist on the European theatre. That's a change that's in Team Orange's hands... :pirate2:


Or agree that 100 pop worth of desert isn't worth having 9 countries worth fight over then. By my count, the only thing stopping Grey and Orange team from being on equal footing with their opponents is their desert war, and in that desert war i count 3 countries worth of grey against 6 countries worth of orange (counting Lybia as it seems to be consistently productive for the Orange team by the looks of the maps). Either mop them up using your size difference or make a truce and see how Italy and Greece taste. ;)


You have two suggestions.

Turkey is played by someone who follows the "Turtle"-archetype to the extreme. Probably the only one in this game. His army is bigger than the Persian one.


Africa is in balance as it is. Transjordan and Syria probably have a slightily higher production, but their supply lines are far longer and they are fighting with 2x British units vs 1x Russian and 1x German. Hard when fighting stacks with 18 x T-34's or SS Units. The Arabians took over the eastern part when Algeria was still destroying Spain, but the opposition got much stronger when the middle of the country was reached and at the moment there is some equilibrium.

As a biased bystander the players seem pretty matched. Tricks have been played, blows have been delivered and blows have been taken.

The "temperature map" from a few pages back gives a nice overvieuw of the intensity of the fighting,

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ouch- that hurt. ;)


Not as much as the loss of xYoshkarola and xUstinov has hurt Central Russia.

This turn saw two important strategic events:


The fall of Lincoln and the Russian cities means the end for the "Red" alliance.

The arrival of the first Baltic tigers in Russia means that the opposition there is stiffening.


When Great Britain falls, the odds will inevitably switch in favour of the "European" coalitions.

Effectively USA, Canada, Ireland, Portugal and Spain, loosely coordinating with

Iraq, Persia, the UAE, Southern Russia, (4 players, 9 countries)



Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Northern Russia, Baltic States, Iceland, Germany, Lowlands, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Italy, Austria, Great Britian and Yugoslavia, (9 playes, 19 countries).


I am not counting France and Central Russia, as both countries are hotly contested at the moment.

The countries in the south are too wrought up in their Libyan conflict to change the bigger picture.






Now this is not the end of the game, a lot can happen in 25 turns and I personally hope to to add a lot too my kill score, else I would loose the private competition within the "Orange" team, were I am in 4th place, but not by that much.


But if nothing changes, from a strategic point of view the war is over.


Agree totally!!!


The really sad part of all of this is that it does not have to be this way.


Turkey could be putting some pressure on Greece. If he did this, Greece could not afford to continue sending all of his units to xGenoa to help Italy and Austria against Canada. This alone would have a profound effect on the balance of power.


Some agreement could be arranged in North Africa, allowing the nations on both sides to redirect their forces to oppose the other two alliances Italy/Austria/Hungary/etc. and BS/Norway/etc. that are clearly working together.


Personally, I would like to see us keep the game up for grabs among all groups.





You are correct that Turkey could make a difference.

Clearly Red is working with yellow/orange as dageraad gets intel about CR before we do.

Its been very irratating to see my forces get bombed by Persia who should have no knowledge of my whereabouts. It certainly slowed my taking of eastern CR.

The game is only two third complete. long way to go!

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You are correct that Turkey could make a difference.

Clearly Red is working with yellow/orange as dageraad gets intel about CR before we do.

Its been very irratating to see my forces get bombed by Persia who should have no knowledge of my whereabouts. It certainly slowed my taking of eastern CR.

The game is only two third complete. long way to go!


It is an agreement born out of necessity. When Iraq first attacked CR we were under the impression the country wasn't played any more.

Whe then bumped into his main army, destroying his position in the Ukraine. We understood that now he could never stop the Polish, Finnish an Baltic armies, so Iraq took over the Ukraine to concentrate against you and we would not advance against him. In exchange for information.

That information was very useful in picking off stray Finnish armies and selecting spots for selective paradrops. But do not overestimate its effect. The large battles over the Ukraine were between the three of you and Iraq, between Iraq and Poland and between the two uf us, with little interference from CR. You lost far more in the direct confrontation with me than in all those small battles in the rest of CR.

And whe got the fall of xUstinov from the world events, not from CR. The 8 divisions that took xUstinov were expected to be there.

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You are correct that Turkey could make a difference.

Clearly Red is working with yellow/orange as dageraad gets intel about CR before we do.

Its been very irratating to see my forces get bombed by Persia who should have no knowledge of my whereabouts. It certainly slowed my taking of eastern CR.

The game is only two third complete. long way to go!


It is an agreement born out of necessity. When Iraq first attacked CR we were under the impression the country wasn't played any more.

Whe then bumped into his main army, destroying his position in the Ukraine. We understood that now he could never stop the Polish, Finnish an Baltic armies, so Iraq took over the Ukraine to concentrate against you and we would not advance against him. In exchange for information.

That information was very useful in picking off stray Finnish armies and selecting spots for selective paradrops. But do not overestimate its effect. The large battles over the Ukraine were between the three of you and Iraq, between Iraq and Poland and between the two uf us, with little interference from CR. You lost far more in the direct confrontation with me than in all those small battles in the rest of CR.

And whe got the fall of xUstinov from the world events, not from CR. The 8 divisions that took xUstinov were expected to be there.


Dont remind me. ;):pirate2:

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and I'm still here, fighting on! ;);)


Not against Persia any more ! I am glad to announce you that at the moment we are officially at peace.


I'm executing UAE spies by the dozen and they keep coming... If we ever get Vic II the EM order should get at least a -20% penalty if your treasury is negative. That one is second spot in my list of stupid metagaming bullshit (right after all the delay crap). :pirate2:


I'll FP you on turn 73. Any sooner and I know I'll run into ceded provinces the next major attack.

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