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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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:rolleyes: hey- watch it there bucko!


If the Finns would sent us the wereabouts of their latest bunch of tanks, the Persians will try to give a good testing of their combat performance. The Grants should be gone now, so we expect to find lots and lots of Shermans.

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:rolleyes: hey- watch it there bucko!


If the Finns would sent us the wereabouts of their latest bunch of tanks, the Persians will try to give a good testing of their combat performance. The Grants should be gone now, so we expect to find lots and lots of Shermans.


Sure - just let me know where all your tanks are so I can tip the odds to the Finn's favor. Just venture a bit farther north - no, a little more......little more..... ;) right there will do just fine!

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:rolleyes: hey- watch it there bucko!


If the Finns would sent us the wereabouts of their latest bunch of tanks, the Persians will try to give a good testing of their combat performance. The Grants should be gone now, so we expect to find lots and lots of Shermans.


Sure - just let me know where all your tanks are so I can tip the odds to the Finn's favor. Just venture a bit farther north - no, a little more......little more..... ;) right there will do just fine!


Oh, that is not a difficult question to answer. They are in xFromanovo. Were else would they be?

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;) hey- watch it there bucko!


If the Finns would sent us the wereabouts of their latest bunch of tanks, the Persians will try to give a good testing of their combat performance. The Grants should be gone now, so we expect to find lots and lots of Shermans.


Sure - just let me know where all your tanks are so I can tip the odds to the Finn's favor. Just venture a bit farther north - no, a little more......little more..... :thumbsup: right there will do just fine!


Oh, that is not a difficult question to answer. They are in xFromanovo. Were else would they be?




I am not sure too many will understand that little stab!

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I am not sure too many will understand that little stab!


Well, as an alternative, the Finns could send their troops a little bit to the south. If they go far enough, I do not doubt that they will find Persian armor. Just a little bit more, just a little......

I must admit, some of our more grandiose plans for advancement to xMoscou, xLeningrad or xHelsinki have been shelved, due to the odds against us. But holding on to xFromanovo should be a goal that is still within our grasp.

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I am not sure too many will understand that little stab!


Well, as an alternative, the Finns could send their troops a little bit to the south. If they go far enough, I do not doubt that they will find Persian armor. Just a little bit more, just a little......

I must admit, some of our more grandiose plans for advancement to xMoscou, xLeningrad or xHelsinki have been shelved, due to the odds against us. But holding on to xFromanovo should be a goal that is still within our grasp.




I appreciate a good sense of humor. But, I still don't believe that you are just going to wait for me to visit you in the South. I expect you will make your presence known and I shall feel the full force of what you can do. Not only do I think it, I expect it and will prepare for it...to do otherwise would be naive.


;) To a fun finish!

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New map:




- The red alliance is down to three big cities: two capitals and xBroye. Ireland is being taken over, London under siege. In Russia the front between Persia, Iceland and Finland is about to expand dramatically.

- In their game of mutuat hide-and-seek the Finns found the location of some Persian armor. Now there are less of them.

The Persians found the location of some Finnish bombers. Now there are less of them. But most of the fighting is done by airborne units bumping into eachother.

- In a dramatic change of strategy, the Turks have bombed some Poles.

- Winter promises to be a time of high activity in the Libyan desert,

- Not much news is reaching us from the rest of the west. How's italy? Canada? Has Hungary begun construction of its announced battle fleet? Or has it already been sunk?

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The Hungarian Navy after spending 50ish turns waiting around have lost there sea legs. Extensive retro training of the Sailors is still ongoing but soon the rowing boats should be ready and manned ready to wreak havoc on the mighty US and Canadian Navys. :rolleyes:

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The Hungarian Navy after spending 50ish turns waiting around have lost there sea legs. Extensive retro training of the Sailors is still ongoing but soon the rowing boats should be ready and manned ready to wreak havoc on the mighty US and Canadian Navys. :rolleyes:

Given the availability of the White Whale class battleship (i.e., Iowa) I feel the need to quote Roy Scheider from Jaws: 'You're gonna need a bigger boat' (or maybe the nuclear tipped harpoons are coming along well...)


PS The red guys are down to 2 big cities now.

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Dags - You can color xInta/xKhalmeryu/xUsisnk Blue - they fell many turns ago. I think that you may have not seen xKhalmeryu fall? It had starved below 25 pop before falling.


Il'll update the map. Norway is just one day later than Iceland, so the chartographed demise of Great Britain will have to wait two weeks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Things are rapidly simplifying in the west with the valiant GB defense having come to a tacit end -- Ireland now completely in US hands and England in NEA hands for all intents. How rapidly can each side digest their conquests and what comes next? Unfortunately, I don't have a crystal ball to give any answers yet, but the possibilities are quite varied. (I suppose the possibilities would be less if I really knew what I planned to do myself. Ah well, one step at a time....)

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Well, Viking Pilot mentioned digesting Great Britian, so I guess he would be interested in a light snack?


I regret that I can't give you a direct confrontation with all of the Persian army. No doubt Finland would be very happy if I would just rush to the east, and you would be in a world of hurt if I did. Alas. you're not hte only opponent that I have to worry about. Finland probably wants revenge for Kursk and Baltic States has been sending fresh troops to spoil our attacks, so more of them will be coming soon.

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