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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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xZurich was indeed an airdrop. Enough Air40 peeps to get through the ldb. Congrats but it's just flies on a windscreen.


Interesting analogy, perhaps even accurate if Italy, Austria and Hugary are the flies. . .


Your little band of brothers has been stopped cold for longer than I can remember. I believe the kill ratio is in our favor as well.




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I must say, never having survived this long into a game that at this stage its is brutal. Anyone who says number of players on a team is advantageous have not been on the recieving end of multiple TAS and GE. My beloved T34s are scrap metal.


Only consolation is I have plenty more. This game is proving to be an education and will serve me in good stead in future games.

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Guest Spongebob

Monty, I'm not sure I'd consider you to have "survived this long" since you are on your second country in this game.....that kinda skews the results a bit.


Glad we can help you out with your "education" :laugh::cannon:


Geez, I compliment the enemy on good tactics and strategy and they find some old bones in the cupboard and bring them out to party. I am sure I am not the first to take up a stand by position. And just so you know, when I took over Hungary after Switzerland was defeated I offered the victors two choice, we could continue the war or sign a truce. They cleverly chose not to tangle with me again ;) Anyway it was several more turns before we TAed, my initial contact was to TA with Poland. I am not taking anything away from you in what is clearly a great challenge in facing so many. Your great on the battle field just not as good as me at diplomacy, if you were then you would have several TAs and Allies and not the few you have.


Now please leave France or I will have to Keel You!!!!

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WOW - is this yet another Sponge multi- personality?


I must say, never having survived this long into a game that at this stage its is brutal. Anyone who says number of players on a team is advantageous have not been on the recieving end of multiple TAS and GE. My beloved T34s are scrap metal.


Only consolation is I have plenty more. This game is proving to be an education and will serve me in good stead in future games.

Monty, I'm not sure I'd consider you to have "survived this long" since you are on your second country in this game.....that kinda skews the results a bit.


Glad we can help you out with your "education" :laugh::cannon:

Monty, I'm not sure I'd consider you to have "survived this long" since you are on your second country in this game.....that kinda skews the results a bit.


Glad we can help you out with your "education" :laugh::cannon:


Geez, I compliment the enemy on good tactics and strategy and they find some old bones in the cupboard and bring them out to party. I am sure I am not the first to take up a stand by position. And just so you know, when I took over Hungary after Switzerland was defeated I offered the victors two choice, we could continue the war or sign a truce. They cleverly chose not to tangle with me again ;) Anyway it was several more turns before we TAed, my initial contact was to TA with Poland. I am not taking anything away from you in what is clearly a great challenge in facing so many. Your great on the battle field just not as good as me at diplomacy, if you were then you would have several TAs and Allies and not the few you have.


Now please leave France or I will have to Keel You!!!!

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Ooops - No not the same person, Sponge is my Brother in Law and I was using his computer. Tried to keep that from everyone for obvious reasons but he was the one who got me into this game. Well that cats well and truely out of the bag.


I thought I I had two different names down for these personalities.....LOL! :laugh:

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Ooops - No not the same person, Sponge is my Brother in Law and I was using his computer. Tried to keep that from everyone for obvious reasons but he was the one who got me into this game. Well that cats well and truely out of the bag.


And were are you on the "spongebob's most hated" list?

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Sponge is my Brother in Law


Wait... so you're saying... those that spawned SpongeBob... also spawned a Lady Sponge?!?!? :ninja:


SpongeBambi!!!! :woohoo::laugh:

or spongecus could have married Monty's sister....., no, you are probably right. :beer:

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And were are you on the "spongebob's most hated" list?

Although we haven't seen a list in awhile, I'm still on there.


Here let me stir the pot, spongecus, I'm still alive as Denmark in 86 and I've made a mess of the economy! Also, in Vic 90 I have conquered Denmark and am plundering the countryside and pillaging the cities, or is it pillaging the countryside and plundering the cities? Oh well, no matter, it seems I hold on to Denmark longer than you do!! :santa::holiday::joker::explode:

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Guest Spongebob

Ooops - No not the same person, Sponge is my Brother in Law and I was using his computer. Tried to keep that from everyone for obvious reasons but he was the one who got me into this game. Well that cats well and truely out of the bag.


LOL - HA HA HA :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: That'll teach you to try and Frape me when my back was turned.

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Ooops - No not the same person, Sponge is my Brother in Law and I was using his computer. Tried to keep that from everyone for obvious reasons but he was the one who got me into this game. Well that cats well and truely out of the bag.


LOL - HA HA HA :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: That'll teach you to try and Frape me when my back was turned.


Carefull Spongie we may be linked in Law but not in Blood so watch it. I now have to suffer the indignation of being linked to you, a pain I have tried to avoid. <_<

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New map:




- Norway has invaded Ireland. Inevitable considering the odds.

- Baltic states is pushing Persia back from threatening Moscow, but the frontlines in Russia are getting more solid.

- Libya: no news. The usual slaughter.

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