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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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New map: victory-map-diplomacy-87t57.png - Complicated diplomatic negotiations between Greece and Hungary have led to the conclusion that - for the moment - WAR is the best option. On behalf of the grey and yelow/orange team: go for it. The Turkish leader has responded by upping the defence budget, pouring more concrete and building more fighters and fast reaction forces. You never know. - Baltic forces have made their first substantial impression on the Ukrainian front. They have supply lines that are a bit shorter than mine, especially as I have been the target of 64 covert funding actions last turn. You lackeys of the capitalist world conspiracy won't defeat the collective of peasants and workers of the noble Persian republic! And because it is not cold enough over here we have DW'd Northern Russia, because they are probably into the conspiracy too! 180 orders each turn would be nice, though. - A large clash in the Libyan desert has left the Algerians and Tunesia taking larger losses. It has already been christened as the "great cat hunt". The front will probably move back some provinces, but it is too early to say if Transjordan and Syria will ever take any part of Tunisia or Algeria.


Baltic States is now devoting at least some of his JU-88 to supporting Norway's attack on US positions in Ireland. Iceland devoting air forces as well. No further signs of Poland since we destroyed a 50 ship fleet several turns ago.


I must say, given the numerical odds in their favor, Norway and company have proven mighty incompetent. Now it is really going to get ugly for them.

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One big fat red arrow added between west-yellow and east-grey

As long as that arrow is pointed East! After all, they did ask that we vacate our western provinces, so we did and we are now moving everything east into Eastern Tunisia. :)

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One big fat red arrow added between west-yellow and east-grey

As long as that arrow is pointed East! After all, they did ask that we vacate our western provinces, so we did and we are now moving everything east into Eastern Tunisia. :)


I think you have your easties and westies confused somewhere.

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One big fat red arrow added between west-yellow and east-grey

As long as that arrow is pointed East! After all, they did ask that we vacate our western provinces, so we did and we are now moving everything east into Eastern Tunisia. :)


I think you have your easties and westies confused somewhere.

Not at all, on December 15th, you said, "The leaders of the Transjordan and Syrian empires would like to ask the Algerian and Tunisian aggressors to please leave the western part of the empires."

Since the only 'empires' that are relevant to Tunisia or Algeria are our own, we have decided to grant your request. We are now moving all of our tanks, planes, infantry, ships, etc. out of the western parts of our empires and moving them to the east. Sorry if you happen to be in the way, but there is this big metal highway..... :woohoo: We request that you do the same, please move out of the western parts of your nations and move them east. :python: Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. :beer:

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The end of this game is looking very busy indeed. I commend all the players still left thus far in this game. All have fought hard ~ well almost all, some are defending rather strongly per their TA's own words. But, this game is reminding me of game 77 in that the players left look as if they intending on fighting it out until the very last turn. There are how many left actively playing? 18? 19? Far more than the 8 or 9 that finished game 77. This has got to be one the the most contested games even seen. TP55+ and still nearly half the positions are fighting strong. We done everyone!


Happy New Year!

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The end of this game is looking very busy indeed. I commend all the players still left thus far in this game. All have fought hard ~ well almost all, some are defending rather strongly per their TA's own words. But, this game is reminding me of game 77 in that the players left look as if they intending on fighting it out until the very last turn. There are how many left actively playing? 18? 19? Far more than the 8 or 9 that finished game 77. This has got to be one the the most contested games even seen. TP55+ and still nearly half the positions are fighting strong. We done everyone!


Happy New Year!


Turkey has a special victory condition: highest percentage of armament points that never left the country... :ninja:

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The end of this game is looking very busy indeed. I commend all the players still left thus far in this game. All have fought hard ~ well almost all, some are defending rather strongly per their TA's own words. But, this game is reminding me of game 77 in that the players left look as if they intending on fighting it out until the very last turn. There are how many left actively playing? 18? 19? Far more than the 8 or 9 that finished game 77. This has got to be one the the most contested games even seen. TP55+ and still nearly half the positions are fighting strong. We done everyone!


Happy New Year!


I agree...this game has the most active players this late in the game that I have ever seen. Kudos to everyone!

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I have never been that far in any game of Victory.

Dutch game 2 and 6 imploded long before the end and I was forced out ot (Dutch) game 8 early.

The average level of play in game RTG 87 (and 89) is far higher and the players are far more tenacious.

And then there is the "I-will-get-you-for-that" attitude, mixed with a little "I-have-just-begun-to-fight" and "come-back-I-will-bite-you".

Trust the Sponge to bring down the average, of course. And being proud about it.

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