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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Guest Spongebob

I have never been that far in any game of Victory.

Dutch game 2 and 6 imploded long before the end and I was forced out ot (Dutch) game 8 early.

The average level of play in game RTG 87 (and 89) is far higher and the players are far more tenacious.

And then there is the "I-will-get-you-for-that" attitude, mixed with a little "I-have-just-begun-to-fight" and "come-back-I-will-bite-you".

Trust the Sponge to bring down the average, of course. And being proud about it.


What you talkin bout Willis???? I was knocked out of 87 long ago.... now if anyone wants to donate Denmark to me that would be great :)

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Who is winning in this game?


I believe it is pretty well established that the Middle East alliance will win this game. And although not a victor, I am quite satisfied that they have won rather than the Scandinavian alliance or the Central European alliance.

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I believe it is pretty well established that the Middle East alliance will win this game. And although not a victor, I am quite satisfied that they have won rather than the Scandinavian alliance or the Central European alliance.


I don't know.

Not all of us have kill figures of 100.000+, some of us are lowering the average quite a bit.

Can't complain about the # of provinces, though. Even though most of them are very empty.

This game could very well be decided in the last 5 turns.

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LONG LIVE XNIZWA!!!!!!!! :woohoo:

(you knew I couldn't resist!)

The conquest of xNizwa was a substantial contribution to the Iraqi kill number. Thank you. Now if the Emiratie secret service would be so good to disband and stop spying on us, it would be much appreciated.

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Who is winning in this game?


I believe it is pretty well established that the Middle East alliance will win this game. And although not a victor, I am quite satisfied that they have won rather than the Scandinavian alliance or the Central European alliance.


We'll keep fighting, but I'm not sure about that win either. Most fronts have come to a standstill, I think. A break in the desert might gain us some more points, but the frontline in Russia hasn't changed much in 10+ turns and I don't see it changing that much. Neither do I see much troop movement in France. Will Ireland change hands?


MEA 5 countries + 5+

NEA 6 countries + 6+

AAA 4 countries + 4

SEA 4 countries + 3


CR, France are contested. And now NEA has declared war on SEA, probably giving them some extras. So country-wise, NEA seems to be the winner.

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You count Hungary among the NEA group, but it's TA's to Italy, Yugoslavia, Austria and Poland. Three of them are part of the SEA.

As a consequence both the NEA and the SEA are "asymmetrical" (for lack of a better word), so they do not all have the same average score at the end.


The frontline in Russia is far from stable and probably won't become stable. Simply too many provinces and too few armies to cover them all.

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You count Hungary among the NEA group, but it's TA's to Italy, Yugoslavia, Austria and Poland. Three of them are part of the SEA.

As a consequence both the NEA and the SEA are "asymmetrical" (for lack of a better word), so they do not all have the same average score at the end.


The frontline in Russia is far from stable and probably won't become stable. Simply too many provinces and too few armies to cover them all.


And he just declared war on Greece.... Hmmm. I thought it was 2-2 for SEA and NEA with Hungary. My mistake. That makes the NEA a bit weaker, but the SEA not a lot stronger, given the war between Greece and Hungary.


The frontline in Russia is not stable, but not likely to move a lot in the coming turns. Distances are too great, as you say, too much open area. Stable might not be the best word, which is why I didn't use it.

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Who is winning in this game?


I believe it is pretty well established that the Middle East alliance will win this game. And although not a victor, I am quite satisfied that they have won rather than the Scandinavian alliance or the Central European alliance.


We'll keep fighting, but I'm not sure about that win either. Most fronts have come to a standstill, I think. A break in the desert might gain us some more points, but the frontline in Russia hasn't changed much in 10+ turns and I don't see it changing that much. Neither do I see much troop movement in France. Will Ireland change hands?


MEA 5 countries + 5+

NEA 6 countries + 6+

AAA 4 countries + 4

SEA 4 countries + 3


CR, France are contested. And now NEA has declared war on SEA, probably giving them some extras. So country-wise, NEA seems to be the winner.


I will not make any guarantees, but will say that I am highly confident that Ireland WILL NOT change hands. I have no illusions about my group winning the game, so I will expend whatever resources are necessary to thwart the NEA.


On the other point, I do not believe for one minute that Hungary is really at war with Greece. He likely DW'd on Greece so he could fly over Greece's holdings in Milan and Turin to attack Canada and US. There is a longstanding incestuous relationship between Hungary, the SEA and the NEA. As far as I am concerned, it is one large block.




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I must say, given the numerical odds in their favor, Norway and company have proven mighty incompetent. Now it is really going to get ugly for them.


Did you not throw this quote in our direction once... getting boring now, be quiet and fight


How many times do I have to spank your butt and send you home before you just stay there?!?!?!




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On the other point, I do not believe for one minute that Hungary is really at war with Greece. He likely DW'd on Greece so he could fly over Greece's holdings in Milan and Turin to attack Canada and US. There is a longstanding incestuous relationship between Hungary, the SEA and the NEA. As far as I am concerned, it is one large block.





That could well be, we have no clue who owns the provinces in that area at the moment. And yes, I also consider them to be one large block.

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Getting tired of you lot crying about the great big happy family I am in the middle of. If it makes you happy I will DW on all those Im not TAed to. Anything to stop you whining and moaning. Victory is about good diplomacy as well as kicking butt and I wont apologise for signing deals that have allowed many more players to remain in the game, that have allowed the balance to remain reasonably constant and for most alowed game 87 to be a great game. Just because Im not fighting every tom dutch and yank on the planet does not mean squat.


Now please stop ya bitchin, I got enough with the wife pecking my head coz i play this too much. (oh shit shes coming)


Fight, keep spanking my ass, I will keep coming back for more (That did not sound right) :P

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I wont apologise for signing deals that have allowed many more players to remain in the game, that have allowed the balance to remain reasonably constant and for most alowed game 87 to be a great game.


.... So we have you to thank for 87 being a great game? But you have a point. The balance is 2:1 against us and it has been for some time now. You claim the honor of keeping that balance the way it is. Well, on behalf of the MEA: Thank you. Without you, we would surely lose.

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