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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Some happier news: Do we have a world wonder? Again scientist have made significant advances in agriculture. Already the province of Jerusalem is called the hanging garden of the middle east. Close to a thousand population are fed by the bountiful harvest of what started some time ago as just a plains province in the center of a highly populated desert kingdom. But with the expansion of the kingdom into the desert, severe measures where taken to increase food production, resulting in what must be a world wonder. Research is continuing to see if there is a limit to what can be produced. The huge surplus of food produced by Jerusalem has been promised to India, in their fight against hunger. The ports of Suez and Elat have been converted into major food transporting hubs to quickly transport food from the overflowing granaries to the starving population in the far east.

Are you saying it is at least 5,000? If so, then WoWoWoW!! :)

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Some happier news: Do we have a world wonder? Again scientist have made significant advances in agriculture. Already the province of Jerusalem is called the hanging garden of the middle east. Close to a thousand population are fed by the bountiful harvest of what started some time ago as just a plains province in the center of a highly populated desert kingdom. But with the expansion of the kingdom into the desert, severe measures where taken to increase food production, resulting in what must be a world wonder. Research is continuing to see if there is a limit to what can be produced. The huge surplus of food produced by Jerusalem has been promised to India, in their fight against hunger. The ports of Suez and Elat have been converted into major food transporting hubs to quickly transport food from the overflowing granaries to the starving population in the far east.

Are you saying it is at least 5,000? If so, then WoWoWoW!! :)


Jerusalem 7345 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 No Plains Africa

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A breakthrough, there is no other word for it:


Transjordan armed forces have, for the first time since this conflict started, crossed the border into unknown and unfriendly territory. Province in both Tunisia and Algeria have been liberated from the harsh totalitarian regimes of these aggressive nations. Sadly, no population centers are yet free, especially in Algeria, where distances are overwhelming. But the Transjordan leader has made it his goal to fight for the freedom of all oppressed African peoples. "We shall continue to fight for the freedom of all those people, even if the skies above our troops are darkened by the overwhelming air force of that corrupt regime" the king was heard speaking in his new years speech some days ago. "Our fighter forces shall prevail and they shall keep our troops alive to liberate Algiers and remove that vile dictator".


In the Transjordan army training camps, special lessons are taken to recognize the sound of approaching Ju-88-A4 and to prepare air defenses in record time. Special signaling has been invented to alert the Transjordan air force so they are able to intercept the oncoming waves of destruction. After some initial hiccups, these methods have been been perfected and have proven to very effective. Still, not all troops can be covered and scouting in front of the main forces is seen to be almost suicide. Still, brave men and women come forward to do their duty. The king was heard to say he was honored when he heard about these bravest of brave. A special monument has been raised in the capital of the empire, for these heroes. Special funds are made available from his own pocket to aid the families of those who have helped to secure the future of humanity, by sacrificing themselves against the evil oppressors in the west of Africa.


Ahhh, the propaganda machine of the evil warmonger is in full swing I see. That's what evil empires do best, accuse somebody else of what they are doing. We have contacted an independent 3rd party news agency to translate the above message, and here is their more accurate translation:


"The armies of the Trans-Jordan and Syrian regimes, having crossed the border into Eastern Tunisia well over a year ago in their thirst to pillage and conquer have finally invaded Western Tunisian provinces and Algeria proper. The evil totalitarian regimes in their desire to subjugate and punish all who oppose them, especially those people who have enjoyed freedom and propserity under the benevolent leadership of the Algerian and Tunisian governments. The Transjordanian emperor whose goal is to steal the freedoms and oppress all the African nations under his thumb, stated, "I understand that thousands and maybe millions of the rabble of TransJordan have to die to satisfy my desire for power, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make in order to snuff out the shining beacons of light and prosperity that shine in Algiers and Tunis. Those beacons of light keep shining on the darkness that is Trans-Jordan and I just can not have my subjects seeing that light and wanting a better life. I just can not believe that Tunisia and Algeria are fighting so hard against me, don't they know that resistance is futile?"

In the Trans-Jordanian army camps, many of the officers are saddened to see the emperor send out the children and teenagers into the mine fields to clear the way for the troops. Each soldier keeps looking over his shoulder to see if the Emperor's 'Intelligence' officer is watching. They think, "Better to die fighting the free peoples of Tunisia and Algeria knowing that our wives and children are being held hostage back home. One word from the Intelligence officer and the family will face torture or worse...., oh if I had only been born in Algeria or Tunisia, what a wonderful life I would lead...."

Back in Damascus another statue of the Emperor is being raised to 'praise his glorious leadership' as the Emperor uses the money he ripped from his starving people to build another palace along the Nile or on the Med. It is true that Jerusalem province raises more food than any other on the slave labor of the Trans-Jordanian people, unfortunately for the starving and oppressed people of Trans-Jordan, all of the food is being sold to foreign nations so that the emperor can obtain even more gold for his lavish lifestyle."


May God have mercy on our souls if we are not able to turn back the evil tide that has risen in the East.

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This has been some of the most entertaining reading in all the games I have seen. The stench, however, is nearly unbearable. :laugh:


What do you expect from twisted metal, exposed flesh, burning oil, and general carnage? :nuke:

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New map:



- No major cities changing hands this turn, so I have nothing to report from the many Western European fronts. They are probably just as exciting as Russia and the Middle East. But without extra information I can only report on major cities lost and won.

- Tunesia and Algeria are conducting a tactical and orderly retreat from Libya. The war has expanded to the propaganda front

- Iceland, Baltic States and Finland are conducting a big counter offensive in Russia.

- Persia was in the middle of the Big Secret Flanking Manoeuvre (BSFM) when it hits Norwegian reinforcements. Bummer. Seems we have to continue, following up the BSFM with the BFM, followed by the SFM and maybe the BPPR,

- The mighty Turkish air force sank 3 Tunisian subs this turn. Hey, it's news, isn't it?

The Turkish fleet also sank a couple of Tashkents in their first surface to surface engagement of the war. The Persian naval command is still hunting for the elusive Tunisian Marat fleet.

- The Transjordanese are shocked by food riots in the city of xJerusalem: http://youtu.be/iMuxUNxuUJM

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- The Transjordanese are shocked by food riots in the city of xJerusalem: http://youtu.be/iMuxUNxuUJM


We had not realized our happy food festival was recorded. It gives a superb view on how happy the people in Trans Jordan are. Due to our vast food stores and our happy and growing people, we have even started to populate some of the empty provinces, trying to reclaim land lost to the desert. We are extremely proud to announce that major cities have begun appearing in the eastern provinces and that productivity in the small but very beautiful country is at an all time high.

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An official communique from the king of Trans Jordan:


"Slander and lies, but expected. We have been informed that the regime in Tunis has made a statement following the press release of the current affairs in and around the three land border province of Ghadames. Let us be brutally honest: We admit that in this war, we have been actively pursuing the Tunisian and Algerian armed forces, even to the extend as to start the war ourselves, by declaring war on both Algeria and Tunisia. BUT WITH GOOD REASON! Before and shortly after their attack on Libya, we were in contact with the Libyan president, discussing peace and prosperity in Africa. Not long after these peace talks, all communications stopped. We have reason to believe that the good leader of Libya has been assassinated.


Not long after that we received information from our vast network of friends and acquaintances about the horrors in the cities of Libya. Civilians dying in the streets, due to the plundering of all food sources by the armed force of especially Tunisia. Free people drafted into the armies of these oppressors, to fight, or I should say, to lose their lives as cannon fodder, as the spearhead against the enemies of the Tunisian, but this were their friends and families, other Libyan people.


TO MAKE IT EVEN WORSE: We didn't dare mention it, as the atrocity is unbelievable, the simple fact that it was used is mind boggling. Children were rumored to be used in this war, as living shields. As we said, we didn't believe it at first and we didn't want to mention it in our press release, but by accusing us of these vile deeds we feel obliged to address this. Living shields against first their own people, Libyan soldiers who were forced to first face their own offspring before they could get a shot at their real enemies. But also children forced to do labor in factories so that their parents could fight in wars they did not want. Young maidens used to please the brutal soldiers. With always only one ending with any 'error' on their part: torture and death.


No we do NOT feel sorry for starting this war and we will carry on to the end! We will keep fighting until all of Africa is free from tyranny.


During our short rule, the people of Libya have thrived. Enough food, and the land has bloomed. Cities are growing at an almost alarming rate and much is being invested in the infrastructure. Even with the raids of Algerian and Tunisian air forces, we can still say the development is going as expected. We will strive to make this peace, which the Libyans have now enjoyed for almost a year, available to all other oppressed peoples.


To the dictators of Algeria and Tunisia we have only this short and very clear message: YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE DUE PUNISHMENT. But we will not follow your examples and use torture and death as a punishment. We solemnly swear that if and when these vile humans are apprehended, we shall send them to the international tribunal in The Hague, to be prosecuted by the international community for crimes against humanity.


For all those who believe the slander written earlier, by the Tunisian dictator: We invite you to watch the coverage of our food festivals, which is a yearly event held throughout the Transjordan empire. This footage was taken in Jerusalem, the heart of our food production, but this research has spread throughout the empire, creating vast food stores everywhere.


We will keep writing factual reports on the progress of this crusade! Take care and be well."

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If the population of Transjordan have been holding this foodfight each year, the population of Persia is a bit annoyed. We remember collecting and sending food parcels to the hungering population of Transjordan.a few years ago. It seems that all those juicy tomatoes ended up on the streets of xJerusalem.


Well, anything is fair in love and propaganda.

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The Persian and Turkish people are always on our mind, with them extending the food supplies of Transjordan. Without them, for sure there would have been hunger. Every time we have our food fest, they are remembered for the help they gave, when it was sorely needed.


You are always welcome to join our festival!

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We will keep writing factual reports on the progress of this crusade! Take care and be well."

Again the despotic dictator claims to write 'factual report' when they are nothing but lies. You will note the the 'report from Tunisia' was in fact, a quote from an independent thrid party who was commenting on the factual errors of the Damascus Despot. The simple facts of the matter are that Syria and Trans-Jordan are the aggressors, plain and simple, and Tunisia, with the assistance of it's stalwart ally Algeria, is defending it's land.

For the record, the leader of the former nation of Libya, after they voted to become part of Tunsia, is living quite well in a suburb of Tunis. In fact, on of his neighbors, an Admiral Moezzi, was a defector from the Perisa 'navy', who had fled to Yemen some years past.


by Independent World News Agency

"the facts and only the facts"


Here is a quote from a Tunisian prophet, directed towards Damascus.


-Out in the open Wisdom calls aloud,

she raises her voice in the public square;


on top of the wall she cries out,

at the city gate she makes her speech:


"How long will you who are simple love your simple ways?

How long will mockers delight in mockery

and fools hate knowledge?


Repent at my rebuke!

Then I will pour out my thoughts to you,

I will make known to you my teachings.



The Tunsian people only want to live in peace and harmony, but alas, the rulers of Trans-Jordan and Syria are set upon oppressing the world.

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