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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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wisdom is probably feeling a bit sad about both empires tearing at eachother while their true and faithfull allies are buckling under the onslaught of mutual ennemies, but hey, this has become a matter of principle. And maybe it is more fun this way.


If the Tunisian people desire peace, all they have to do is offer peace and lay down their arms.

If not, the forceful removal of the current administration in xTunis is the only way to bring peace.

They may keep the traitor Moezzi, but the coward will probably flee to the Bahama's next..


PS: I could not get this out of my head:


TransJordan: the land of the happy tomato's ?


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The Tunsian people only want to live in peace and harmony, but alas, the rulers of Trans-Jordan and Syria are set upon oppressing the world.

Yeah, yeah. Now you only want to live in peace, but a few turns ago you wanted to 'liberate' 'East Tunesia'. It's amazing what the loss of a few armies can do. There was a time for reconcillation but that time is gone. Only unconditional surrender suffices now.


But, no hard feelings I hope. If you had won the big battle I'm sure you would have done the gloating and we would be calling for peace. It's a bit too early for wrap-up talk, but it was certainly possible that you would have won. We were fairly evenly matched, but our counterattacks were more effective than yours, so to say.


Still I'm glad that you decided to attack. I certainly wasn't going to let my head get chopped off again, so if you hadn't we'd have had the same boring standoff for 15 more turns.

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The Tunsian people only want to live in peace and harmony, but alas, the rulers of Trans-Jordan and Syria are set upon oppressing the world.

Yeah, yeah. Now you only want to live in peace, but a few turns ago you wanted to 'liberate' 'East Tunesia'. It's amazing what the loss of a few armies can do. There was a time for reconcillation but that time is gone. Only unconditional surrender suffices now.


But, no hard feelings I hope. If you had won the big battle I'm sure you would have done the gloating and we would be calling for peace. It's a bit too early for wrap-up talk, but it was certainly possible that you would have won. We were fairly evenly matched, but our counterattacks were more effective than yours, so to say.


Still I'm glad that you decided to attack. I certainly wasn't going to let my head get chopped off again, so if you hadn't we'd have had the same boring standoff for 15 more turns.

We have always wanted peace, the people of Tunisia and Eastern Tunisia. However, when a nation or nations (such as Syria and/or Trans-Jordan) that wants to oppress its people invades, we have no choice but to fight for our people's freedom. After all, peace under the tyranny of an oppresive regime, is not really peace. After all, we did say peace and harmony.


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Again and again the lies and slander. We, king and people, believe that no good will come until you are vanquished. We have come to understand that even negotiating with you is impossible. Believing that our first diplomatic messenger suffered a mishap, we sent another one, carrying our peace proposal. Not only did this one also not return to his friends and family, we have heard that their treatment was terrible, a fate never to wish upon anyone. "Do not shoot the messenger" clearly is a rule you have never heard of.


The time has come to end your rule. Tunis and Algiers will be liberated by the army of the Grinning Tomato's!



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Again and again the lies and slander. We, king and people, believe that no good will come until you are vanquished. We have come to understand that even negotiating with you is impossible. Believing that our first diplomatic messenger suffered a mishap, we sent another one, carrying our peace proposal. Not only did this one also not return to his friends and family, we have heard that their treatment was terrible, a fate never to wish upon anyone. "Do not shoot the messenger" clearly is a rule you have never heard of.

Well, when your only negotiation is 'die, die, die', then yes, it is impossible to negotiate with me. Oh, and the diplomatic messengers you sent, they are all living quite well as they defected as soon as they crossed the border. They are the ones who have informed us of the atrocities commited by the TJ king who buries people alive under piles of tomatos. Ironically, one of them has become a farmer and grows the biggest tomatos.... :woohoo:

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TECH 59 beginning. 14 turns left.


Hmmm, Tartaya seems to be some distance still. Where are those skymasters when you need them? 19 active positions, all of them actively fighting. 3 major battlezones, France, Libya and Central Russia. We've heard about a grinder in France, where Hungarian armored troops couldn't stand against some minor air strikes from US and Canadian bombers. But World events point towards a slow but steady advance towards the Pyrenees mountain range, after some quick gains by the AAA. France plains are covered with metal, as is the Libyan desert, where Armor and air craft parts form a protective sheet for the desert sands. New architecture is being developed (who wants to build in wood or stone, with that much metal lying around) and all mines are closed, LGT and HVY "ores" can be picked up from the ground.


Central Russia is spared this fate, as the country is just to big. But single units seem to have a very hard time surviving. Bombers from both sides destroy any unit that dares advance without any fighter cover. It doesn't matter if the unit is armored, mechanized or just a small airborne regiment, bombers will swoop in and destroy the poor soldiers. But rumors have it that xCherkassy has been emptied of citizens, as these are fleeing to the countryside due to the large amount of metal and explosive shells in and around the city. Will it be the next Dnepropetrovsk, lots of HVY to be found in the province?


14 turns left. The tension has always been high, all battlezones have seen lots of action, since the start of the game. What will happen in the coming turns? Whose armies will be destroyed? Please stay tuned in and follow this exciting and explosive last season of VIC87.

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It is impossible to negotiate with me. (rest of the post omitted for the sake of brevity)



If you were to sue for peace, I would be inclined to accept.

I would be glad to accept your unconditional surrender! :rolleyes:

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I would be glad to accept your unconditional surrender! :rolleyes:



We will completely, wholly and unconditionally surrender to the first Tunisian emissary that reaches xTehran,

But you'd better hurry, according to my information there might be no Tunisia left real soon.

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I would be glad to accept your unconditional surrender! :rolleyes:



We will completely, wholly and unconditionally surrender to the first Tunisian emissary that reaches xTehran,

But you'd better hurry, according to my information there might be no Tunisia left real soon.



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I would be glad to accept your unconditional surrender! :rolleyes:



We will completely, wholly and unconditionally surrender to the first Tunisian emissary that reaches xTehran,

But you'd better hurry, according to my information there might be no Tunisia left real soon.

Hmmm. If I'm counting correctly a Pe-8FN can just reach xTehran from the Tunesian airbase as xZarzis. It's a good thing that you, as a good politician, didn't specify what exactly constitutes an emissary.

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I would be glad to accept your unconditional surrender! :rolleyes:



We will completely, wholly and unconditionally surrender to the first Tunisian emissary that reaches xTehran,

But you'd better hurry, according to my information there might be no Tunisia left real soon.

Hmmm. If I'm counting correctly a Pe-8FN can just reach xTehran from the Tunesian airbase as xZarzis. It's a good thing that you, as a good politician, didn't specify what exactly constitutes an emissary.


well, someone tha we could surrender TO would be fine. If those Pe-8FN's actually land in xTehran, they will be considered as emissaries.

Those Pe-8FN do realy have a nice range. From somewhere in the south of Central Russia all the way to the White sea harbors of Northern Russia.....

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I would be glad to accept your unconditional surrender! :rolleyes:



We will completely, wholly and unconditionally surrender to the first Tunisian emissary that reaches xTehran,

But you'd better hurry, according to my information there might be no Tunisia left real soon.

Hmmm. If I'm counting correctly a Pe-8FN can just reach xTehran from the Tunesian airbase as xZarzis. It's a good thing that you, as a good politician, didn't specify what exactly constitutes an emissary.


well, someone tha we could surrender TO would be fine. If those Pe-8FN's actually land in xTehran, they will be considered as emissaries.

Those Pe-8FN do realy have a nice range. From somewhere in the south of Central Russia all the way to the White sea harbors of Northern Russia.....


Why are my harbors entering this conversation? Hmmmph? Well?

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