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Guest Spongebob

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Why are my harbors entering this conversation? Hmmmph? Well?

Maybe you also want to unconditionally surrender?


Probably. When Persia invades Iceland. Now lets look. Odessa's. 5 MCR, restricted sea zones. 14 turns left.

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Why are my harbors entering this conversation? Hmmmph? Well?

Maybe you also want to unconditionally surrender?


Probably. When Persia invades Iceland. Now lets look. Odessa's. 5 MCR, restricted sea zones. 14 turns left.




One guy per plane, rest of space filled with fuel. :rolleyes:

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Well, lets look on the map.


To drop something (regiment, special force unit) on Iceland I need a base within reach that I can get to. Let say, something not worth very much, so it probably is not defended. Something like xStavanger or xValle. Do I have a place on the maop within reach?

Yes! The ancient city of xSmolensk is occupied by Persian units. So -theoretically- it can be done in 2 turns.

Now if it was not for all those pesky Baltic troops.

Please go away. Shoo.

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Well, lets look on the map.


To drop something (regiment, special force unit) on Iceland I need a base within reach that I can get to. Let say, something not worth very much, so it probably is not defended. Something like xStavanger or xValle. Do I have a place on the maop within reach?

Yes! The ancient city of xSmolensk is occupied by Persian units. So -theoretically- it can be done in 2 turns.

Now if it was not for all those pesky Baltic troops.

Please go away. Shoo.


Theoretically I can reach the city of Tehran in one turn......maybe you should surrender? Or Damascus, also within reach....you should both submit your unconditional surrender immediately.

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Theoretically I can reach the city of Tehran in one turn......maybe you should surrender? Or Damascus, also within reach....you should both submit your unconditional surrender immediately.


PAP Iceland US? Hmm. I feel another suggestion for Victory II coming up

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New map

: victory-map-diplomacy-87t59.png


- Mo major cities have changed hands for some turns, but there is fierce fighting on the plains of Russia and western Libya.

- Lots of movement warfare in Russia. Finland bumped into the Persian reserve army. Lots of Sherman II's over there.

- Baltic states seems to be trying to drive a wedge between the Persian and Iraqi armies.

- The mediterranian has seen a series of nice naval battles. Marat class battleships still suck.

- Syria and Transjordan have followed Tunisia and Algeria onto their home territory. Tunisia is in trouble. But both armies and escpeccialy airforces have some teeth left.

- Persia has finished repairing its last Marat class battleship, so beware!


Anyone wants to fill us in on the details of the war in Western Europe?

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- The mediterranian has seen a series of nice naval battles. Marat class battleships still suck.

- Syria and Transjordan have followed Tunisia and Algeria onto their home territory. Tunisia is in trouble. But both armies and escpeccialy airforces have some teeth left.


Wouldn't say the naval battles were nice, and I still think calling the Marat a battleship is a bit of a stretch....

as for trouble, well, let's just say there are a lot fewer Syrians and Jordanians in Tunisia than a few days ago.... :beer:

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- The mediterranian has seen a series of nice naval battles. Marat class battleships still suck.

- Syria and Transjordan have followed Tunisia and Algeria onto their home territory. Tunisia is in trouble. But both armies and escpeccialy airforces have some teeth left.


Wouldn't say the naval battles were nice, and I still think calling the Marat a battleship is a bit of a stretch....

as for trouble, well, let's just say there are a lot fewer Syrians and Jordanians in Tunisia than a few days ago.... :beer:


There is a lot less productive Tunisia than a few weeks ago (50% of your populated cities not connected to an AIC?). And you didn't do anything about the Jordanians in your country, they walked through without encountering anything.

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My very first introduction to Victory! was as Baltic States in #50, Russian tech. My personal pat-on-the-back was taking some BB Marat's and CA Kirov's from home base--xRiga?--all the way for a successful CB of xMessina. Needless to say, they didn't come back.

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It's just 1 Marat, 2 Kirov's and a dozen of Tashkents. I do not expect them to return either.

I expect them to die in the glorious fashion of their predecessors, maybe shooting down 1 or 2 planes in the process.

But maybe xReykjavik?

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