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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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New map:




- The fall of xGeneva is the latest news of the western front. No dougbt a lot of things are happening there, but only this small part shows up on the RWE.

- How's Iceland doing? What is Norway up to? Is Hungary getting another pasting?

- Algeria and Tunesia have announced that This Is Not Over Yet, just before throwing the first bunch of King Tigers into the fire. Nevertheless the production advantage of Transjordan and Syria is getting bigger.

- Iraq is within reach of the Polish border and is getting the attention of the Baltic army and air force. In the meantime the Persian reserve formations are defending themselves against ever increasing hordes of Finns. They are certainly outbuilding the Persians in Shermans and Mechanized troops. But they seem to have ran out of generals.

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Is all going well in France? Haven't heard from you for some time. We have no idea what is happening outside of Russia or Africa,


I wouldnt worry too much about us. Hungary has been in reach of all of our air forces for some time now, but it is not as if we are looking for extra targets.

Still 280+ other divisions between us and Hungary. The Finnish army alone is bigger than the Persian one, despite loosing 83 divisions to the Persians. The battle for Central Russia probably will not be decided before the game ends.


But if you tire of fighting Canada and the USA and think that Iraq and Persia are an easy target, we can't stop you trying. I am sure that Canada and the USA would not mind.

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If "well" means Hungary continues to throw his armies away in France, then yes....things go very well in France. We are largely at a stalemate with Austria, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Norway, Baltic States, Yugoslavia, and Iceland. They have taken an extra city or two, but we have inflicted far more damage. While T-34's and Panthers are tough to defeat with our armor, Mustangs and Spitfires rule the skies over France and Ireland. Manchesters and Mustangs continue to pound ground and naval targets every turn, leading us to conclude that at some point, there won't be enough ore left in Europe to continue to produce troops. Doubt you'll see much more on the Recent World Events at this point....will likely be a slugfest for the last thirteen turns with little territory exchanged.

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Is all going well in France? Haven't heard from you for some time. We have no idea what is happening outside of Russia or Africa,


I wouldnt worry too much about us. Hungary has been in reach of all of our air forces for some time now, but it is not as if we are looking for extra targets.

Still 280+ other divisions between us and Hungary. The Finnish army alone is bigger than the Persian one, despite loosing 83 divisions to the Persians. The battle for Central Russia probably will not be decided before the game ends.


But if you tire of fighting Canada and the USA and think that Iraq and Persia are an easy target, we can't stop you trying. I am sure that Canada and the USA would not mind.



I'm sure that all the troops he sends east will receive a warm welcome by you guys. So he has the choice to send them west, to the American grinder, or east, to Orange grinder. The plains of Central Russia are already paved in steel, those few divisions extra will hardly be noticed. Good for your endscore, so maybe you ought to invite him over.

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If "well" means Hungary continues to throw his armies away in France, then yes....things go very well in France. We are largely at a stalemate with Austria, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Norway, Baltic States, Yugoslavia, and Iceland. They have taken an extra city or two, but we have inflicted far more damage. While T-34's and Panthers are tough to defeat with our armor, Mustangs and Spitfires rule the skies over France and Ireland. Manchesters and Mustangs continue to pound ground and naval targets every turn, leading us to conclude that at some point, there won't be enough ore left in Europe to continue to produce troops. Doubt you'll see much more on the Recent World Events at this point....will likely be a slugfest for the last thirteen turns with little territory exchanged.


Baltic States still active on your front? His troops in the east are running to try to save his Polish friend. Quite some planes over on the eastern side of the map also. And British/American mech/armor can still do the trick against German and Russian troops, supported by lots of fighters.

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Baltic States still active on your front? His troops in the east are running to try to save his Polish friend. Quite some planes over on the eastern side of the map also. And British/American mech/armor can still do the trick against German and Russian troops, supported by lots of fighters.


I do not know if the Finns agree. He has thrown 52 fresh British tech Mech/Armored divisions at the same poor 16 Russian tech MECH 43 stack of Persia that is blocking their advance. And it still won't move out of the way. I am glad that the Russian tech is on my side. Soon we will see the first Fireflies on the front. Better build some extra Mech 44 and T34/85 to compensate, but I fear that the Finns are outbuilding me.

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If "well" means Hungary continues to throw his armies away in France, then yes....things go very well in France. We are largely at a stalemate with Austria, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Norway, Baltic States, Yugoslavia, and Iceland. They have taken an extra city or two, but we have inflicted far more damage. While T-34's and Panthers are tough to defeat with our armor, Mustangs and Spitfires rule the skies over France and Ireland. Manchesters and Mustangs continue to pound ground and naval targets every turn, leading us to conclude that at some point, there won't be enough ore left in Europe to continue to produce troops. Doubt you'll see much more on the Recent World Events at this point....will likely be a slugfest for the last thirteen turns with little territory exchanged.


Baltic States still active on your front? His troops in the east are running to try to save his Polish friend. Quite some planes over on the eastern side of the map also. And British/American mech/armor can still do the trick against German and Russian troops, supported by lots of fighters.


We just took out a BS airbase with 25 JU88 and 25 F. Also took out several large BS naval fleets so far.


As Canada said, Hungary just keeps throwing his armor away. Austria is so scared he is holding his armor back and waiting for us to advance.


Norway completely vanished. I am now thinking that an invasion of GB might not be such a bad idea. . . .



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Baltic States still active on your front? His troops in the east are running to try to save his Polish friend. Quite some planes over on the eastern side of the map also. And British/American mech/armor can still do the trick against German and Russian troops, supported by lots of fighters.


I do not know if the Finns agree. He has thrown 52 fresh British tech Mech/Armored divisions at the same poor 16 Russian tech MECH 43 stack of Persia that is blocking their advance. And it still won't move out of the way. I am glad that the Russian tech is on my side. Soon we will see the first Fireflies on the front. Better build some extra Mech 44 and T34/85 to compensate, but I fear that the Finns are outbuilding me.


Well then, not everybody will send suicide ATC missions against forces with CTA orders and better DSM, without generals. And if he's outbuilding you, he quickly losing the advantage with these tactics.

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If "well" means Hungary continues to throw his armies away in France, then yes....things go very well in France. We are largely at a stalemate with Austria, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Norway, Baltic States, Yugoslavia, and Iceland. They have taken an extra city or two, but we have inflicted far more damage. While T-34's and Panthers are tough to defeat with our armor, Mustangs and Spitfires rule the skies over France and Ireland. Manchesters and Mustangs continue to pound ground and naval targets every turn, leading us to conclude that at some point, there won't be enough ore left in Europe to continue to produce troops. Doubt you'll see much more on the Recent World Events at this point....will likely be a slugfest for the last thirteen turns with little territory exchanged.


Baltic States still active on your front? His troops in the east are running to try to save his Polish friend. Quite some planes over on the eastern side of the map also. And British/American mech/armor can still do the trick against German and Russian troops, supported by lots of fighters.


We just took out a BS airbase with 25 JU88 and 25 F. Also took out several large BS naval fleets so far.


As Canada said, Hungary just keeps throwing his armor away. Austria is so scared he is holding his armor back and waiting for us to advance.


Norway completely vanished. I am now thinking that an invasion of GB might not be such a bad idea. . . .




Go Americas! If you weren't my enemy I'd be on your side! Oh wait, I am on this one. But the friend of my enemy is still my enemy, or was enemy of my enemy my friend, which would make Hungary my friend, but also my enemy as .... I'm confused..... :woohoo:

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Based on the map, it looks as if the North Africans have been abandoned by their TA's?


Not at all...but they are fighting 2v2 while we are fighting 2v8....not sure how much we can be expected to help. I'm sure you'd love it if we took the pressure off of your allies...but your goading will not achieve the diversion you seek. We gave up winning long ago...and now play for fun and perhaps kingmaking.

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Based on the map, it looks as if the North Africans have been abandoned by their TA's?


Not at all...but they are fighting 2v2 while we are fighting 2v8....not sure how much we can be expected to help. I'm sure you'd love it if we took the pressure off of your allies...but your goading will not achieve the diversion you seek. We gave up winning long ago...and now play for fun and perhaps kingmaking.


It must be nice for the MEA to have you aiding in their victory. I have said all along that they were the ones ahead in the game. But they did a good job of convincing you otherwise.

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