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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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When I crunched the numbers most recently, I took the MEA's holdings vs the NEA's holdings, ONLY. We are not fighting each other ALONE, neither group has only one front. I only compared yours and ours ~ no SEA, no AAA, just the MEA & NEA. The results are very equitable.


Oh well then I have bad news for you. We have gained enormous amounts of resources through development. So much that we're actually overproducing, even with our ridiculous amounts factories working for the war effort. And I even got my allies mad with the amount of RP's I've done this game (next to APD and RPD), but the result is very nice.


so stop the bellyaching and just play the game without the 'woe is me' routine.


Actually, I believe I mentioned something about the unbelievable losses you are suffering in the east (just know about some rumors from the west, but if those rumors are true, it's no fun to be in your armies there either). There is no 'woe is me' routine. But propaganda is part of the game, isn't it?


So lets get on with it! In the words of a famous "poet": "It's clobberin' time!".


Less poetic, but very to the point also: "Hulk smash!"


I rather dislike the propaganda, for the most part.....

But, I do like the quirky quotes! :cheers: Indeed, "It's Clobberin' time!" Love it!

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We tried to make peace with your alliance to no avail. That really left us no choice in the matter.


'Take our terms or we will join the MEA and fight against you' isn't much of an offer. You demands were a bit too much for us to accept. The game is tons of fun right now with all this activity. I have never seen this many nations at war this late in game and find it to be exciting. I do not regret any input I had into our groups decision making process. I will admit that I was one of the ones against the offer that was put forth, but I saw no benefit to us short or long term.


I believe the only terms were: leave us alone -- hardly an unreasonable demand. That being said, I agree that the game is quite fun...and although I've won two games to date, this has been more fun than either of the games I won. I'd have liked to have had a chance to be in contention, but barring that, everything else has been a blast this game.

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We tried to make peace with your alliance to no avail. That really left us no choice in the matter.


'Take our terms or we will join the MEA and fight against you' isn't much of an offer. You demands were a bit too much for us to accept. The game is tons of fun right now with all this activity. I have never seen this many nations at war this late in game and find it to be exciting. I do not regret any input I had into our groups decision making process. I will admit that I was one of the ones against the offer that was put forth, but I saw no benefit to us short or long term.


I believe the only terms were: leave us alone -- hardly an unreasonable demand. That being said, I agree that the game is quite fun...and although I've won two games to date, this has been more fun than either of the games I won. I'd have liked to have had a chance to be in contention, but barring that, everything else has been a blast this game.



That's the way I remember it too. We wanted a simple peace agreement, no unreasonable demands. The unreasonable demands ("Give us Ireland") came from the other side.


For the record, after investing tens of thousands of ARM, AIR and SHIP, they still don't have a single location in Ireland.



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Oh, and you have to count Turkey as part of your resources, army, etc. as he is your TA, just because he is not used properly, is nobody's fault but Turkey and secondarily, his TAs for not getting him more involved. Besides, Turkey has bombed me plenty of times. (though not to the extent of his allies) and I've seen spy planes from time to time as well.


LONG LIVE xNIZWA and the UAE Rebellion!!!!!! :beer:


Old news Tim. xNizwa is long gone, even from the memory of others.

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I believe the only terms were: leave us alone -- hardly an unreasonable demand. That being said, I agree that the game is quite fun...and although I've won two games to date, this has been more fun than either of the games I won. I'd have liked to have had a chance to be in contention, but barring that, everything else has been a blast this game.


That's the way I remember it too. We wanted a simple peace agreement, no unreasonable demands. The unreasonable demands ("Give us Ireland") came from the other side.


For the record, after investing tens of thousands of ARM, AIR and SHIP, they still don't have a single location in Ireland.




It was the 'Or Else' part that I didn't take to.....didn't have a problem with a peace agreement. Had a problem with the or we will join your enemies. To me, that already makes you someone I cannot trust. It's a negotiation tactic that I have never liked and will always reject.

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Oh, and you have to count Turkey as part of your resources, army, etc. as he is your TA, just because he is not used properly, is nobody's fault but Turkey and secondarily, his TAs for not getting him more involved. Besides, Turkey has bombed me plenty of times. (though not to the extent of his allies) and I've seen spy planes from time to time as well.


LONG LIVE xNIZWA and the UAE Rebellion!!!!!! :beer:


Old news Tim. xNizwa is long gone, even from the memory of others.


Long live xNizwa ~ YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!!!!!!!



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Long live xNizwa ~ YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!!!!!!!


Oh no, it is contagious.....


Stop it, or tim will do it again somewere in Tunesia. xSbeitla or xElkef come to mind


Nah, he's going for xChambi. Fortress: DONE (ok, 3 lvls, but that will probably grow quickly), Airgroups: DONE, Army: Almost there, just one more province to go. Will he make it?

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Long live xNizwa ~ YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!!!!!!!


Oh no, it is contagious.....


Stop it, or tim will do it again somewere in Tunesia. xSbeitla or xElkef come to mind


Nah, he's going for xChambi. Fortress: DONE (ok, 3 lvls, but that will probably grow quickly), Airgroups: DONE, Army: Almost there, just one more province to go. Will he make it?

We are renaming every province in Tunisia, Nizwa, except for one, we will name that one, Oulu. :beer:

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Long live xNizwa ~ YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!!!!!!!


Oh no, it is contagious.....


Stop it, or tim will do it again somewere in Tunesia. xSbeitla or xElkef come to mind

I'm desperately trying to prevent it. Unfortunately, Falco isn't cooperating as much as I wanted and even encouraging him... :wacko:


He doesn't need to be encouraged to do such things.....it's in his nature already! And Falco ~ shame on you.....not cooperating with your TA's and encouraging your enemies.....LOL! :laugh:

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