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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Gents - all kidding aside, all propaganda not withstanding, rival disagreements - he said/ she said's, I have to repeat my previous adoration for this game. Regardless of the outcome (of course I am hoping it's the NEA who wins), this game has been, by far, the best game of Victory I have ever played. Not from a tactical point or anything like that....I have enjoyed the comradeship of my TA's (first time TA's with these gents) in this game, I have been impressed with the amount of activity from the remaining players and their never say die attitude, and most of all, enjoyed the competitiveness of this game. This game will most likely set several RTG records. It would not surprise me to see many positions finish in the top of the lists on RTG's Hall of Victory. Very impressive and I find myself honored to have played with and against all of you. Lucky Thirteen turns to go! Enjoy what's left men!

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Guest Spongebob

Name one xBrussels?


Very contagious, isn't it! I do believe that xBrussels is still the record, is it not?


Silence EarThing... the very mention of the B word make me unhappy

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I believe the only terms were: leave us alone -- hardly an unreasonable demand. That being said, I agree that the game is quite fun...and although I've won two games to date, this has been more fun than either of the games I won. I'd have liked to have had a chance to be in contention, but barring that, everything else has been a blast this game.


That's the way I remember it too. We wanted a simple peace agreement, no unreasonable demands. The unreasonable demands ("Give us Ireland") came from the other side.


For the record, after investing tens of thousands of ARM, AIR and SHIP, they still don't have a single location in Ireland.




It was the 'Or Else' part that I didn't take to.....didn't have a problem with a peace agreement. Had a problem with the or we will join your enemies. To me, that already makes you someone I cannot trust. It's a negotiation tactic that I have never liked and will always reject.


I suppose I view Peace Agreements as "or else" by default. Either we make peace, or we fight. I didn't realize there was a third solution (nor was a third solution presented from your side). If we were going to fight, I have to believe you anticipated we would make peace elsewhere rather than fight a three front war. Not sure what is unreasonable or untrustworthy about it either.

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I suppose I view Peace Agreements as "or else" by default. Either we make peace, or we fight. I didn't realize there was a third solution (nor was a third solution presented from your side). If we were going to fight, I have to believe you anticipated we would make peace elsewhere rather than fight a three front war. Not sure what is unreasonable or untrustworthy about it either.


Like I said, it's a negotiation tactic that I don't take to at all. I don't mind listing potential terms of peace, that's kind of mandatory. Listing that if the terms are not acceptable that you will be forced to join a knowingly rival group a negotiation ploy that could have been left out.


What I don't understand is why you would decide to not accept our terms so as to free yourselves from this war so you could help your TA's in Africa...not helping a TA.....that's something that people think about in the game of Victory! when considering future TA's.

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I suppose I view Peace Agreements as "or else" by default. Either we make peace, or we fight. I didn't realize there was a third solution (nor was a third solution presented from your side). If we were going to fight, I have to believe you anticipated we would make peace elsewhere rather than fight a three front war. Not sure what is unreasonable or untrustworthy about it either.


Like I said, it's a negotiation tactic that I don't take to at all. I don't mind listing potential terms of peace, that's kind of mandatory. Listing that if the terms are not acceptable that you will be forced to join a knowingly rival group a negotiation ploy that could have been left out.


What I don't understand is why you would decide to not accept our terms so as to free yourselves from this war so you could help your TA's in Africa...not helping a TA.....that's something that people think about in the game of Victory! when considering future TA's.


Well....I don't think our TA's view things that way at all...it is simply how you view things. From early in the game, our group has had the understanding that help would be given when possible, but that largely our two groups of two were a TA group of convenience for intelligence more than actual aid in battle. Giving up Ireland for peace was not a realistic deal...can't believe you "don't understand" our decision.

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I suppose I view Peace Agreements as "or else" by default. Either we make peace, or we fight. I didn't realize there was a third solution (nor was a third solution presented from your side). If we were going to fight, I have to believe you anticipated we would make peace elsewhere rather than fight a three front war. Not sure what is unreasonable or untrustworthy about it either.


Like I said, it's a negotiation tactic that I don't take to at all. I don't mind listing potential terms of peace, that's kind of mandatory. Listing that if the terms are not acceptable that you will be forced to join a knowingly rival group a negotiation ploy that could have been left out.


What I don't understand is why you would decide to not accept our terms so as to free yourselves from this war so you could help your TA's in Africa...not helping a TA.....that's something that people think about in the game of Victory! when considering future TA's.


Well....I don't think our TA's view things that way at all...it is simply how you view things. From early in the game, our group has had the understanding that help would be given when possible, but that largely our two groups of two were a TA group of convenience for intelligence more than actual aid in battle. Giving up Ireland for peace was not a realistic deal...can't believe you "don't understand" our decision.


:laugh: LOL ~ too easy to rile up...I know both Jim and Tim quite well from other games. I understand your arrangement.

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Name one xBrussels?


Very contagious, isn't it! I do believe that xBrussels is still the record, is it not?


Silence EarThing... the very mention of the B word make me unhappy


What? Jean-Claude Van Damme turned down your marriage proposal again?

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Guest Spongebob

One day EarThing, one day I will avenge myself on you and all those who have mocked the Sponge..... (counts fingers) Okay forget that not enough fingers. One day everyone will suffer at the hands of the Yellow Peril.

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We are renaming every province in Tunisia, Nizwa, except for one, we will name that one, Oulu. :beer:


Easy to say, when there are almost no provinces left. But OK, 5 Nizwa's and an Oulo. I guess you'll lose Nizwa, Nizwa and Nizwa this turn, maybe Oulo too.


Well, it seems that Tunisia did indeed lose Nizwa, Nizwa, Oulo and Brussels. And also xNizwa. Luckily, there won't be another instance of army & LDB behind thick concrete walls, with lots of fighters over it. And we've seen a genuine charge of the light brigade. In what is left of the pilots halls of Tunisia, the following poem is heard these days:


Half a league, half a league,

space.gif Half a league onward,

All in the mouth of Death

space.gif Flew the six hundred.

"Forward, the Light Brigade!

"Charge for the Spits!" he said:

Into the mouth of Death

space.gif Flew the six hundred.


Spitfire to right of them,

Spitfire to left of them,

Spitfire above them

space.gif Volley'd and thunder'd;

Storm'd at with shot and shell,

Boldly they flew and well,

Into the jaws of Death,

Into the mouth of Hell

space.gif Flew the six hundred.

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We are renaming every province in Tunisia, Nizwa, except for one, we will name that one, Oulu. :beer:


Easy to say, when there are almost no provinces left. But OK, 5 Nizwa's and an Oulo. I guess you'll lose Nizwa, Nizwa and Nizwa this turn, maybe Oulo too.


Well, it seems that Tunisia did indeed lose Nizwa, Nizwa, Oulo and Brussels. And also xNizwa. Luckily, there won't be another instance of army & LDB behind thick concrete walls, with lots of fighters over it. And we've seen a genuine charge of the light brigade. In what is left of the pilots halls of Tunisia, the following poem is heard these days:


Half a league, half a league,

space.gif Half a league onward,

All in the mouth of Death

space.gif Flew the six hundred.

"Forward, the Light Brigade!

"Charge for the Spits!" he said:

Into the mouth of Death

space.gif Flew the six hundred.


Spitfire to right of them,

Spitfire to left of them,

Spitfire above them

space.gif Volley'd and thunder'd;

Storm'd at with shot and shell,

Boldly they flew and well,

Into the jaws of Death,

Into the mouth of Hell

space.gif Flew the six hundred.


Lord Tennyson was always a favorite of mine.......

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New map:




- No news on the western front. Well, no news that we know of. Please enlighten us

- Falco is back to his poetry,so Transjordan is doing fine. He has gained a solid foothold in eastern Algeria, which looks impressive on the map. Algeria seems unfazed. "we're sucking them into Stuka range".

- Tunisia is encountering "some minor logistical problems" in its efforts to liberate xNizwa.

- Baltic states has tried to relieve the siege of xCherkassy in the western Urkaine.

- Iceland has repulsed the advance into Northern Russia -for now- and seems to have a large army of AIR divisions.


I have to agree with Earthling.The War in Russia is still very much hanging into the balance. It is a bit of a game of cat and mouse,

But it is not clear to me who is the cat, and who is the mouse.

While the move against Cherkassy was somewhat surprising (I personally expected a combined offensive against Persia) xCherkassy is still under siege.

And it leaves a lot of Persian armies uncomitted.

But if I use that army to destroy the Baltic force, I am vulnerable for a Finnish assault, while taking the pressure of the Iraqi's . In the long run an uncomitted Iraqi army is a direct threat to Poland. And in the meantime, Iceland is nibbling at my northern expansion.


choices, choices.

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New map:




- No news on the western front. Well, no news that we know of. Please enlighten us

- Falco is back to his poetry,so Transjordan is doing fine. He has gained a solid foothold in eastern Algeria, which looks impressive on the map. Algeria seems unfazed. "we're sucking them into Stuka range".

- Tunisia is encountering "some minor logistical problems" in its efforts to liberate xNizwa.

- Baltic states has tried to relieve the siege of xCherkassy in the western Urkaine.

- Iceland has repulsed the advance into Northern Russia -for now- and seems to have a large army of AIR divisions.


I have to agree with Earthling.The War in Russia is still very much hanging into the balance. It is a bit of a game of cat and mouse,

But it is not clear to me who is the cat, and who is the mouse.

While the move against Cherkassy was somewhat surprising (I personally expected a combined offensive against Persia) xCherkassy is still under siege.

And it leaves a lot of Persian armies uncomitted.

But if I use that army to destroy the Baltic force, I am vulnerable for a Finnish assault, while taking the pressure of the Iraqi's . In the long run an uncomitted Iraqi army is a direct threat to Poland. And in the meantime, Iceland is nibbling at my northern expansion.


choices, choices.


When are you going to put those blue dots on the map in Southern Russia?

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