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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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My goodness...this place is filled with LuNaTiCs!!!

We'd better build faster....



You'd better conquer Spongistan... :cheers:

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Guest Spongebob
My goodness...this place is filled with LuNaTiCs!!!

We'd better build faster....



You'd better conquer Spongistan... :cheers:


Oi :ranting: I dont think the rest of the world need encouraging. If your not careful you will displease the Sponge

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Oi :ranting: I dont think the rest of the world need encouraging. If your not careful you will displease the Sponge


Oops. entschuldigung.


Sorry Sponge. Won't happen again. :cheers:


Von Manstein

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Oi :ranting: I dont think the rest of the world need encouraging. If your not careful you will displease the Sponge


Oops. entschuldigung.


Sorry Sponge. Won't happen again. :cheers:


Von Manstein



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Well well well, I have been pouring over intelligence reports and investigating rumours and sightings of known war criminals. So.... let me put this out into the public domain


:blink:MONK :ranting: I know where your hiding, you see you never work alone and always use others to do you dirty work. Southern Russia is not a safe place and that alter ego - The Genius Evil is a sure give away.


But yet again your either too far from me or not going to survive long enough. I know whats coming your way and its not from my direction.


But lets discuss the whereabouts of that most evil of war criminals, the one who betrays TAs, :ranting: HERSIR :ranting: I dont know where you are but I have narrowed it down to one of the following.










So world do your best and find out where he is, and pray you have not been conned into becoming his TA or ALLY. I will continue my investigations and report back when I know more.


Marklen X, leader of the British, I can only hope your TAs with Denmark and Spain are not with Hersir, if they are my respect for you would be greatly diminished :cheers:



Not bad........................ for a Sponge :ranting:

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Guest Spongebob

Ahhhh.... It crawls, from under which rock we do not know. But I figure if I DW on the whole list then I will be at war with you. Unless some of those listed wish to dis-prove my theory, and reveal there true nation.


Marklen X, please come forth and at least tell me your TAs are not Hersir, prove your not a low life like him. If you tell me your TAs are not Hersir I will believe you and if I find out your telling lies then you will have proved yourself as low as Hersir anyway. So come on Marklen, cough!!!

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Ahhhh.... It crawls, from under which rock we do not know. But I figure if I DW on the whole list then I will be at war with you. Unless some of those listed wish to dis-prove my theory, and reveal there true nation.


Marklen X, please come forth and at least tell me your TAs are not Hersir, prove your not a low life like him. If you tell me your TAs are not Hersir I will believe you and if I find out your telling lies then you will have proved yourself as low as Hersir anyway. So come on Marklen, cough!!!



I see not real reason to dislcose my TA's identity to you Sponge. I can tell you that I did not join this game with all my TA's. There are some I picked up after the start of the game. Truth is, I do not know the propaganda ministry identity of all my TA's, and will judge them on their behavior in this game, not your word, sorry.

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Guest Spongebob
Ahhhh.... It crawls, from under which rock we do not know. But I figure if I DW on the whole list then I will be at war with you. Unless some of those listed wish to dis-prove my theory, and reveal there true nation.


Marklen X, please come forth and at least tell me your TAs are not Hersir, prove your not a low life like him. If you tell me your TAs are not Hersir I will believe you and if I find out your telling lies then you will have proved yourself as low as Hersir anyway. So come on Marklen, cough!!!



I see not real reason to dislcose my TA's identity to you Sponge. I can tell you that I did not join this game with all my TA's. There are some I picked up after the start of the game. Truth is, I do not know the propaganda ministry identity of all my TA's, and will judge them on their behavior in this game, not your word, sorry.


I was not asking you to disclose the identity of your TAs just to confirm or deny one was Hersir. No worries I will continue my hunt for the war criminal. I will pray for you, lets hope for your sake he is not your TA

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I was not asking you to disclose the identity of your TAs just to confirm or deny one was Hersir. No worries I will continue my hunt for the war criminal. I will pray for you, lets hope for your sake he is not your TA





Only two, three more turns und then Sponge will 'self destruct' as usual. Imagine how nice und quiet the forum will be...


<click> started stopwatch to time zhe reaction of Sponge. :cheers: Have to admit. He's a funny guy. :ranting:



Von Manstein

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Guest Spongebob

Reaction... well here it is :cheers::ranting::blink:


You know that feeling you get when you have been trying to diplomatically get one nation on your side and then get told its all gone to pot... well I just got that sinking feeling. We both know what we are talking about so I will allow you this one and only chance to laugh your socks off.


What started out as a plan for the total destruction of Austria has turned into a nail in the coffin of the Sponge. I guess I will just have to do some talking on the battlefield for a change.


For the first time I feel a little disapointed and a touch angry, this is a new experience for the Sponge. Bewarned!!!!

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Guest Spongebob

I shall cry in my soup if I want to. Please dont confuse the Sponge with the person behind the mask, I tip my hat to you for having the guts to come clean and declare your alligence, and dont confuse a previous existence with this one. Dragging up the past is beneath you.


You are but a young follower of the Church of Oceanography so I will allow you your discressions for now. Soon you will come to realise there is only one path to follow.


It just means I must switch focus on to one enemy alone, your misguided choice (obviously influenced by the dark side ie Dark Monk) has only served to focus myself and my allies and TAs - Yes you got that in the bag - I HAVE TAs - whooo woooo will have to concentrate all our efforts on the distruction of Austria.


All those other considerations - and we know who they are - will just have to be left to there own devices - or left to the mercy of others.


MANSTAIN MUST DIE, if Germany should fall then it will be my personal pleasure to have done so much damage to Austria that the nation will only exist as a puppet nation of a depleted alliance.


Disciples?.... Rise!!!!

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Guest Spongebob

Oi :cheers: Sven you deleted your post.... it makes me look madder than I am, trust me world Im not typing to myself here, Sven was dragging up old bones and casting dispersions.

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well I just got that sinking feeling.






This is Vic!. That feeling goes with the game! Maybe the reaseon why we are addicted to Vic?



Von Manstein

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I shall cry in my soup if I want to. Please dont confuse the Sponge with the person behind the mask, I tip my hat to you for having the guts to come clean and declare your alligence, and dont confuse a previous existence with this one. Dragging up the past is beneath you.


You are but a young follower of the Church of Oceanography so I will allow you your discressions for now. Soon you will come to realise there is only one path to follow.


It just means I must switch focus on to one enemy alone, your misguided choice (obviously influenced by the dark side ie Dark Monk) has only served to focus myself and my allies and TAs - Yes you got that in the bag - I HAVE TAs - whooo woooo will have to concentrate all our efforts on the distruction of Austria.


All those other considerations - and we know who they are - will just have to be left to there own devices - or left to the mercy of others.


MANSTAIN MUST DIE, if Germany should fall then it will be my personal pleasure to have done so much damage to Austria that the nation will only exist as a puppet nation of a depleted alliance.


Disciples?.... Rise!!!!





Hmmm please please please send your armies south. I know some people in northern Europe who would LOVE to have some some german territory.



Von Manstein

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My goodness...this place is filled with LuNaTiCs!!!

We'd better build faster....



You'd better conquer Spongistan... :ranting:


I've learned from the British and the Russians....stay out of all of the ...stans.


Of course, if he changed his country's name to "Pickle Farm," or other really cool name..... :thumbsup:

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