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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Switzerland DW on me? Interesting. Are you planning on rolling through Austria really quickly? Air drops?


Well I was determined to DW on someone :birthday:


Funny story this, here I was just minding my own business when I get a report that several divisions of Austrian and Italian troops had come to the border. We asked for the passports when the General in charge said they had forgot them and very politley said "Can we come in?" We had to refuse entry and so in all the confusion and the raised voices a few shots where fired and a few people got maimed. Suffice to say they were not allowed entry. I dare say they will be back but without the correct paperwork they are not getting in.


Now as for DW on you well because it only took a few peasents with pitch forks to turn the said armys away it has allowed us to send troops to the Czech border to play in your back yard. How they got there is anyones guess but they do have the correct paper work and passports and will be visiting the wonderful Czech countryside very soon, especially as Switzerland will soon be swamped with Austria and Italian tourists.


They are a mischivious bunch the Swiss troops, they like to run around the countryside visiting as many provinces as possible until the trucks run out of fuel then they dig in and wait for the eviction notice to be served. Somehow I think they will cause much damage and mayhem, a lot more than they are worth. :)

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I have since learned to appreciate the softer and gentler (and emotionally open) side of the Spongecake....



Love hime or hate him but here's the truth: Vic without Sponge wouldn't be the same. :)



Von Manstein

The loquacious little fungus. He is coming up on 1600 posts. I can only imagine how many tenths of a percent of those had value, but hey, quantity has a quality all its own!


Peaceful Slicer

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Calling Spongebob a fungus is an insult to all self respecting fungi .



What the hell is a Crunchy Frog-sounds like something French---and, OH yes---Death to the Sponge

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Guest Spongebob

Oi :) How come I am the focus of such hatred once more... Is it because I am better than you lot? Is it because I am yellow? Its because your all speciesist but it should be noted that a frog calling a sponge is a bit rich... What are frogs famous for - Ah yes - being eaten by the French


Now listen up St M - You have been goading me for some time now and it has become clear to me that you are not worthy of membership of the church. When I find you I will kill you, your whole allegence to the Church was a fascade, a way to gain my trust and then to betray me. Its okay, many have done the same, you will not be the last.


Remember that list I once did showing the most hated, well It is just a list the real enemys of the Sponge are in my head ( no not my multiple personalities ) and these enemys will always be hunted, you are now on that list. The secret list - Oooo I see the title of my next book - Anyway lets not digress


If Sponge must die then come get some, you know where I live

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Well if I understood all of what you said then I would of course lay off the Svenster but... I DONT :angry:


You see it has been so long since I last failed to die before T10 that I am begining to feel that I am part of the Liberal Elite


Let me recap - 82 was the last game I was defeated before T10


81 quit - due to no computer and a boss more evil than the Monk :ranting:

83 defeated by default, lets not go there eh Monty

85 OMG still going strong, lost no terratory, defeated Earthling (even though he denys it) and im playing DENMARK - WooooHoooo :):joker::birthday::joker::birthday:

86 quit - lets not go there, betrayed before i even got started

87 Doing okay as Germany. TAs abound, Allies around and not a single war yet.


So all in all the 80s have been a fairly good decade... now the 70s lets forget about them.


I just figure the 80s are not Svens decade. :rolleyes:


I think I have found those manners, there was a time I insulted everyone now I have learned the are of diplomacy, couple that to the art of deception (and lets face it I am a master) and you have Spongebob the God!!!!


True, I had a poor outing in 85 and 86...but I'm still kicking as GREAT81, going on TP50!

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Funny story this, here I was just minding my own business when I get a report that several divisions of Austrian and Italian troops had come to the border. We asked for the passports when the General in charge said they had forgot them and very politley said "Can we come in?" We had to refuse entry and so in all the confusion and the raised voices a few shots where fired and a few people got maimed. Suffice to say they were not allowed entry. I dare say they will be back but without the correct paperwork they are not getting in.


Euhm Vell. How should I say this. Some of my brave austrian mountain troops were skiing in the Alps minding their own business und enjoying the view und clean air. Suddenly some swiss peasants opened fire. Maybe we crossed the border by mistake, maybe not. Anyhow my austrian mountaineers returned fire und called in air support. Und now ve are facing a full scale war. Only because some swiss peasant got trigger happy!!! :)


Von Manstein

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Funny story this, here I was just minding my own business when I get a report that several divisions of Austrian and Italian troops had come to the border. We asked for the passports when the General in charge said they had forgot them and very politley said "Can we come in?" We had to refuse entry and so in all the confusion and the raised voices a few shots where fired and a few people got maimed. Suffice to say they were not allowed entry. I dare say they will be back but without the correct paperwork they are not getting in.


Euhm Vell. How should I say this. Some of my brave austrian mountain troops were skiing in the Alps minding their own business und enjoying the view und clean air. Suddenly some swiss peasants opened fire. Maybe we crossed the border by mistake, maybe not. Anyhow my austrian mountaineers returned fire und called in air support. Und now ve are facing a full scale war. Only because some swiss peasant got trigger happy!!! :)


Von Manstein


Well ,it reminds me of

"Seit 5.45 Uhr wird zurückgeschossen".

As an Austrian corporal you are staying in character.

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Funny story this, here I was just minding my own business when I get a report that several divisions of Austrian and Italian troops had come to the border. We asked for the passports when the General in charge said they had forgot them and very politley said "Can we come in?" We had to refuse entry and so in all the confusion and the raised voices a few shots where fired and a few people got maimed. Suffice to say they were not allowed entry. I dare say they will be back but without the correct paperwork they are not getting in.


Euhm Vell. How should I say this. Some of my brave austrian mountain troops were skiing in the Alps minding their own business und enjoying the view und clean air. Suddenly some swiss peasants opened fire. Maybe we crossed the border by mistake, maybe not. Anyhow my austrian mountaineers returned fire und called in air support. Und now ve are facing a full scale war. Only because some swiss peasant got trigger happy!!! :birthday:


Von Manstein


In an effort not to strain tensions further the Swiss Peasants have not pursued the Austrian skiers onto thier own side of the Alps. However if they come again we will be forced to follow them home. Austrians and Italians for that matter are not welcome. The Swiss border is closed. :)

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;):cheers::wacko::taz: - I have nothing to say ;)


Let's keep it zhat way.

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Guest Spongebob
:thumbsup::cheers::drunk:;) - I have nothing to say ;)


Let's keep it zhat way.


Awwww - ManStain, why so glum? :( Life not being kind to you?


I heard from a friend that your not having an easy time in the Alps, dont worry I will come to your rescue. :taz: An old friend of mine by the name of The Dark Monk once said - "Never ally to the Sponge, he will bring you to your knees" Well those offers we have spoken about will come to fruition soon :wacko: , are you realy sure you want to go down that road????

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