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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Guest Spongebob
Now you come to mention it I am a little peckish, I will have a little Sliced Monk with a side salad please.


He is still a bit shy and won't say were he is.


You are right, he is a little shy, most unlike my nemesis to stay hidden this long. I still think he is the Genius Evil but this trouble with Denmark has me interested. What if Monk is Denmark, what if he has remained hidden so that if I do whupp his ass he can remain hidden and never expose his defeat at the hands of the Sponge. Thing is Denmark has taken 4 of my provinces, you would have thought that was enough for the leader of Denmark to declare but still he fears me. Maybe when he thinks he has me beaten he will come out of the closet :woohoo:


But lets turn our attention to Denmarks ally, Czechoslovakia. If things look grim for me then they look worse for the Czechs, hes like a wounded dog, trapped and surrounded. Its only a matter of time before it is put down and not a soul can reach him to help him.


Me on the other hand has penty of help from all quarter. Denmark had better savour his early successes, Germany is a big place and I have plenty hidden up my sleaves. :woohoo::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Now you come to mention it I am a little peckish, I will have a little Sliced Monk with a side salad please.


He is still a bit shy and won't say were he is.




Me on the other hand has penty of help from all quarter. Denmark had better savour his early successes, Germany is a big place and I have plenty hidden up my sleaves. :woohoo::woohoo::thumbsup:


Your not wearing a shirt, silly. Nothin up my sleaves, Bobaluie.

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Guest Spongebob
Now you come to mention it I am a little peckish, I will have a little Sliced Monk with a side salad please.


He is still a bit shy and won't say were he is.




Me on the other hand has penty of help from all quarter. Denmark had better savour his early successes, Germany is a big place and I have plenty hidden up my sleaves. :woohoo::woohoo::thumbsup:


Your not wearing a shirt, silly. Nothin up my sleaves, Bobaluie.


Sorry your gonna have to translate that for me :thumbsup:

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Now you come to mention it I am a little peckish, I will have a little Sliced Monk with a side salad please.


Sorry Robert,


Slicing, or any reasonable facsimile thereof, is a registered trademark of the Slicerowijcz Foundation of Poznan. You now owe me for infringement. Poland claims Elblag as our compensation....of course, it may take a while before all of the red tape clears to transfer good title in fee simple absolute, but we are patient.


Wladislaw Slicerohanowski

Deputy Minister of Justice

Polish Federation

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Guest Spongebob
Now you come to mention it I am a little peckish, I will have a little Sliced Monk with a side salad please.


Sorry Robert,


Slicing, or any reasonable facsimile thereof, is a registered trademark of the Slicerowijcz Foundation of Poznan. You now owe me for infringement. Poland claims Elblag as our compensation....of course, it may take a while before all of the red tape clears to transfer good title in fee simple absolute, but we are patient.


Wladislaw Slicerohanowski

Deputy Minister of Justice

Polish Federation


Please accept our most humble apology for said infringment.


I, the undersigned, declare that I am a owner of Elblag in the above-entitled action. I have read the foregoing ownership deed and know the contents thereof. The contents of said document are true to the best of my knowledge, except as to the matters which are therein stated upon my information and belief, and as to those matters, I believe them to be true.


I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of Spongistan that the foregoing is true and correct.


Furthermore; The Grantor(s) for consideration of compensation, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys and quitclaims to Poland the following described real estate together with all after acquired title of the Grantor(s) and all improvements thereupon:


Please be advised that I have retained an attorney to represent me in the above-referenced matter. In the future, please address all correspondence, inquiries or demands to Bodgit and Scarper, lawyers in residence, Berlin.


This is an Agreement between Slicer Sozey, of Poland and Spongebob, of Spongeistan.


WHEREAS Tenant and Landlord have executed a lease agreement dated soon


WHEREAS the Landlord consents to this Sublease.


THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:


Subtenant agrees to sublease the premises covered under the Master Lease, from any time soon to whenever in the future. Subtenant agrees to comply with all Tenant terms contained in the Master Lease, which are incorporated herein by reference. Subtenant agrees to pay 3 goats and a Camel directly to Spongistan and to indemnify and hold harmless Tenant from all claims and liability arising out of any Subtenant breach. Tenant shall have all rights and remedies of Landlord under the Master Lease with respect to Subtenant.


Tenant agrees that nothing in this Sublease Agreement constitutes a release from any of the Tenant obligations under the Master Lease.


Landlord agrees to promptly notify Tenant in writing of any breach of this or the Master Lease by the Subtenant.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this anyday soon




Hope that makes the matter clear and resolved. :woohoo:

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That is very nice that you are so worried about my well being. As you can tell by looking at the map, my country is vulnerable to attack. You should however be more concerned about your own survival. I will be in this game for a long time. Long after Germany is divided up, the Czech Republic will still exist. My borders may change a few times, but I will still be here.

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Guest Spongebob


That is very nice that you are so worried about my well being. As you can tell by looking at the map, my country is vulnerable to attack. You should however be more concerned about your own survival. I will be in this game for a long time. Long after Germany is divided up, the Czech Republic will still exist. My borders may change a few times, but I will still be here.


Ah it stirs, I think you may have surprised yourself with how many friends I have around me and how few you have around you. At this stage I only need to contend with Denmark. I did at some point think you may be a problem but you seem to have been fireing blanks. :woohoo: You break and fail to DW on me, what was all that about? Your nation is cut in three and my forces are all over your border stopping you from running away from the enemy already occupying your lands, your trapped and you know it. You like many others at the start thought - Ah the Sponge is on my border, easy prey but you failed to recognise my diplomatic skills, you could have been one of those who seized the opportunity the sponge offered and we could have been speaking about another nation.


Why dont you send some of those troops you have into Germany, Berlin is nice this time of year, send as many as you think you care spare. I will give them a warm welcome. :woohoo:

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Now you come to mention it I am a little peckish, I will have a little Sliced Monk with a side salad please.


He is still a bit shy and won't say were he is.


You are right, he is a little shy, most unlike my nemesis to stay hidden this long. I still think he is the Genius Evil but this trouble with Denmark has me interested. What if Monk is Denmark, what if he has remained hidden so that if I do whupp his ass he can remain hidden and never expose his defeat at the hands of the Sponge. Thing is Denmark has taken 4 of my provinces, you would have thought that was enough for the leader of Denmark to declare but still he fears me. Maybe when he thinks he has me beaten he will come out of the closet :woohoo:


But lets turn our attention to Denmarks ally, Czechoslovakia. If things look grim for me then they look worse for the Czechs, hes like a wounded dog, trapped and surrounded. Its only a matter of time before it is put down and not a soul can reach him to help him.


Me on the other hand has penty of help from all quarter. Denmark had better savour his early successes, Germany is a big place and I have plenty hidden up my sleaves. :woohoo::thumbsup::thumbsup:


My Master, the Glorious and Powerful, Dark Monk says I must first achieve success before I brag. Taking 4 provinces and nothing to stop me from taking Hamburg has met my Masters first test.


Well, first he said "Defeat the Sponge one. 2nd- learn the rules. 3rd- Master the tactics."


Do the easy first then move forward. My journey has begun. Perhaps, if I may be so bold as to dream, I may be worty to be called the Shadowy Monk one day.


The humble servant of the Dark Monk


Shadowy Figure- Denmark 87

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Now you come to mention it I am a little peckish, I will have a little Sliced Monk with a side salad please.


He is still a bit shy and won't say were he is.


You are right, he is a little shy, most unlike my nemesis to stay hidden this long. I still think he is the Genius Evil but this trouble with Denmark has me interested. What if Monk is Denmark, what if he has remained hidden so that if I do whupp his ass he can remain hidden and never expose his defeat at the hands of the Sponge. Thing is Denmark has taken 4 of my provinces, you would have thought that was enough for the leader of Denmark to declare but still he fears me. Maybe when he thinks he has me beaten he will come out of the closet :woohoo:


But lets turn our attention to Denmarks ally, Czechoslovakia. If things look grim for me then they look worse for the Czechs, hes like a wounded dog, trapped and surrounded. Its only a matter of time before it is put down and not a soul can reach him to help him.


Me on the other hand has penty of help from all quarter. Denmark had better savour his early successes, Germany is a big place and I have plenty hidden up my sleaves. :thumbsup::thumbsup::woohoo:


My Master, the Glorious and Powerful, Dark Monk says I must first achieve success before I brag. Taking 4 provinces and nothing to stop me from taking Hamburg has met my Masters first test.


Well, first he said "Defeat the Sponge one. 2nd- learn the rules. 3rd- Master the tactics."


Do the easy first then move forward. My journey has begun. Perhaps, if I may be so bold as to dream, I may be worty to be called the Shadowy Monk one day.


The humble servant of the Dark Monk


Shadowy Figure- Denmark 87


Yeah right, I'M the leader of Denmark!!! :thumbsup:


I'm the kid who is crushing that old Sponge!!


Hersir says I don't need to learn to trick the Sponge to defeat him


He's right- Just go straight forward and roll through him. :woohoo:


Follow Czechs lead and just go for the throat :woohoo:


Maybe Russ can set up a minor league for us noobs and those that are still learning the game. :thumbsup:


We could make Spongebob the test. Defeat him and move up- nah too easy :pirate2:


Defeat Earthling- that would be more of a achievement :ranting:

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Guest Spongebob

Well finally some names to face, Some fresh blood for the Slicing tonge (shister, I owe Poland another province) of the Sponge.


So we have Showaddywaddy Figure, all greasy haired and from the 70s and Don Marks a distant relation to Don Key, sorry I mean Don King, that bloke with the mad hair. (EeeHaw)


So who is the real Denmark, I guess I will only find out if you want me too, if you can tell me one of the battle reports I got sent from the front.


Taking 4 provinces and keeping 4 provinces is another thing, remember I have been defeated as Denmark more times than I care to remember, I have intimate knowledge of that nations strengths and weaknesses. I know how it ticks, you got lucky, one more turn and you would not have been going anywhere.


So savour your victory for now, in fact brag if you continue to progress but be prepared to eat humble pie when I come and give you a slap. Denmark is MY homeland and will be welcoming me home very very soon.


Czech is no worry of mine, he could not find the jugular if it was painted yellow and wore square pants. :woohoo:

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Guest Spongebob
Ahhh , Spongebobby , you think you are so sly :woohoo: There are forces at work you cannot even begin to guess at.....


And who the Virgin Mary are you, let me guess, your Denmark. If it was not for me Denmark would be a small pointless nation but I have made it great, Everyone wants to be Denmark but you all dont realise that I AM DENMARK.


There are always forces I know nothing about but there are also forces you know nothing about, whats that old saying... Stay Hidden in Plain View :woohoo:

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