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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Now you come to mention it I am a little peckish, I will have a little Sliced Monk with a side salad please.


Sorry Robert,


Slicing, or any reasonable facsimile thereof, is a registered trademark of the Slicerowijcz Foundation of Poznan. You now owe me for infringement. Poland claims Elblag as our compensation....of course, it may take a while before all of the red tape clears to transfer good title in fee simple absolute, but we are patient.


Wladislaw Slicerohanowski

Deputy Minister of Justice

Polish Federation


Please accept our most humble apology for said infringment.


I, the undersigned, declare that I am a owner of Elblag in the above-entitled action. I have read the foregoing ownership deed and know the contents thereof. The contents of said document are true to the best of my knowledge, except as to the matters which are therein stated upon my information and belief, and as to those matters, I believe them to be true.


I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of Spongistan that the foregoing is true and correct.


Furthermore; The Grantor(s) for consideration of compensation, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys and quitclaims to Poland the following described real estate together with all after acquired title of the Grantor(s) and all improvements thereupon:


Please be advised that I have retained an attorney to represent me in the above-referenced matter. In the future, please address all correspondence, inquiries or demands to Bodgit and Scarper, lawyers in residence, Berlin.


This is an Agreement between Slicer Sozey, of Poland and Spongebob, of Spongeistan.


WHEREAS Tenant and Landlord have executed a lease agreement dated soon


WHEREAS the Landlord consents to this Sublease.


THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:


Subtenant agrees to sublease the premises covered under the Master Lease, from any time soon to whenever in the future. Subtenant agrees to comply with all Tenant terms contained in the Master Lease, which are incorporated herein by reference. Subtenant agrees to pay 3 goats and a Camel directly to Spongistan and to indemnify and hold harmless Tenant from all claims and liability arising out of any Subtenant breach. Tenant shall have all rights and remedies of Landlord under the Master Lease with respect to Subtenant.


Tenant agrees that nothing in this Sublease Agreement constitutes a release from any of the Tenant obligations under the Master Lease.


Landlord agrees to promptly notify Tenant in writing of any breach of this or the Master Lease by the Subtenant.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this anyday soon




Hope that makes the matter clear and resolved. :D




DAMN------------------------he is long winded--------I AM DENMARK :ranting:

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Now you come to mention it I am a little peckish, I will have a little Sliced Monk with a side salad please.


Sorry Robert,


Slicing, or any reasonable facsimile thereof, is a registered trademark of the Slicerowijcz Foundation of Poznan. You now owe me for infringement. Poland claims Elblag as our compensation....of course, it may take a while before all of the red tape clears to transfer good title in fee simple absolute, but we are patient.


Wladislaw Slicerohanowski

Deputy Minister of Justice

Polish Federation


Please accept our most humble apology for said infringment.


I, the undersigned, declare that I am a owner of Elblag in the above-entitled action. I have read the foregoing ownership deed and know the contents thereof. The contents of said document are true to the best of my knowledge, except as to the matters which are therein stated upon my information and belief, and as to those matters, I believe them to be true.


I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of Spongistan that the foregoing is true and correct.


Furthermore; The Grantor(s) for consideration of compensation, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys and quitclaims to Poland the following described real estate together with all after acquired title of the Grantor(s) and all improvements thereupon:


Please be advised that I have retained an attorney to represent me in the above-referenced matter. In the future, please address all correspondence, inquiries or demands to Bodgit and Scarper, lawyers in residence, Berlin.


This is an Agreement between Slicer Sozey, of Poland and Spongebob, of Spongeistan.


WHEREAS Tenant and Landlord have executed a lease agreement dated soon


WHEREAS the Landlord consents to this Sublease.


THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:


Subtenant agrees to sublease the premises covered under the Master Lease, from any time soon to whenever in the future. Subtenant agrees to comply with all Tenant terms contained in the Master Lease, which are incorporated herein by reference. Subtenant agrees to pay 3 goats and a Camel directly to Spongistan and to indemnify and hold harmless Tenant from all claims and liability arising out of any Subtenant breach. Tenant shall have all rights and remedies of Landlord under the Master Lease with respect to Subtenant.


Tenant agrees that nothing in this Sublease Agreement constitutes a release from any of the Tenant obligations under the Master Lease.


Landlord agrees to promptly notify Tenant in writing of any breach of this or the Master Lease by the Subtenant.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this anyday soon




Hope that makes the matter clear and resolved. :D




DAMN------------------------he is long winded--------I AM DENMARK :ranting:

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Now you come to mention it I am a little peckish, I will have a little Sliced Monk with a side salad please.


Sorry Robert,


Slicing, or any reasonable facsimile thereof, is a registered trademark of the Slicerowijcz Foundation of Poznan. You now owe me for infringement. Poland claims Elblag as our compensation....of course, it may take a while before all of the red tape clears to transfer good title in fee simple absolute, but we are patient.


Wladislaw Slicerohanowski

Deputy Minister of Justice

Polish Federation


Please accept our most humble apology for said infringment.


I, the undersigned, declare that I am a owner of Elblag in the above-entitled action. I have read the foregoing ownership deed and know the contents thereof. The contents of said document are true to the best of my knowledge, except as to the matters which are therein stated upon my information and belief, and as to those matters, I believe them to be true.


I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of Spongistan that the foregoing is true and correct.


Furthermore; The Grantor(s) for consideration of compensation, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys and quitclaims to Poland the following described real estate together with all after acquired title of the Grantor(s) and all improvements thereupon:


Please be advised that I have retained an attorney to represent me in the above-referenced matter. In the future, please address all correspondence, inquiries or demands to Bodgit and Scarper, lawyers in residence, Berlin.


This is an Agreement between Slicer Sozey, of Poland and Spongebob, of Spongeistan.


WHEREAS Tenant and Landlord have executed a lease agreement dated soon


WHEREAS the Landlord consents to this Sublease.


THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:


Subtenant agrees to sublease the premises covered under the Master Lease, from any time soon to whenever in the future. Subtenant agrees to comply with all Tenant terms contained in the Master Lease, which are incorporated herein by reference. Subtenant agrees to pay 3 goats and a Camel directly to Spongistan and to indemnify and hold harmless Tenant from all claims and liability arising out of any Subtenant breach. Tenant shall have all rights and remedies of Landlord under the Master Lease with respect to Subtenant.


Tenant agrees that nothing in this Sublease Agreement constitutes a release from any of the Tenant obligations under the Master Lease.


Landlord agrees to promptly notify Tenant in writing of any breach of this or the Master Lease by the Subtenant.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this anyday soon




Hope that makes the matter clear and resolved. :D




DAMN------------------------he is long winded--------I AM DENMARK :ranting:


Repeating yourself does not make it true

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:D Just got my results, the evil ones in Denmark have invaded MY country, this cannot be, they cant get away with attacking me, it should be the other way around, Denmark is mine, always has been, always shall be, its okay though I will just have to take it back :ranting:



dear Bob... destroying Denmark should be a pice of cake for you... you already did that a couple of times (when you played Denmark your self) :rolleyes:




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Guest Spongebob
:D Just got my results, the evil ones in Denmark have invaded MY country, this cannot be, they cant get away with attacking me, it should be the other way around, Denmark is mine, always has been, always shall be, its okay though I will just have to take it back :ranting:



dear Bob... destroying Denmark should be a pice of cake for you... you already did that a couple of times (when you played Denmark your self) :rolleyes:





HA :ranting: Very funny, lap it up HB... Having seen some of my latest reports I think I will have to go away and come back once I have re-captured some of my homeland.


Note to self - Must survive till T11 (fingers crossed)

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:D Just got my results, the evil ones in Denmark have invaded MY country, this cannot be, they cant get away with attacking me, it should be the other way around, Denmark is mine, always has been, always shall be, its okay though I will just have to take it back :ranting:



dear Bob... destroying Denmark should be a pice of cake for you... you already did that a couple of times (when you played Denmark your self) :ranting:





HA :ranting: Very funny, lap it up HB... Having seen some of my latest reports I think I will have to go away and come back once I have re-captured some of my homeland.


Note to self - Must survive till T11 (fingers crossed)


Old man Sponge you set your goals high. My 9th army will trap your 3rd corp in Kiel. :cheers:


That's 1/3 of your troops. :thumbsup:


You'll lose the city of Hamburg and the province of Offenbach this turn, thank France. :rolleyes:


Turn 11? No chance fool! :ranting:

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Spongebob again gone ... hmmmm :ranting:


I would say he is in dire need of some boosted brain cels... :D


hmmmmm... I know it... why not increase your brain size ...

now all is blond-yellowish coulour so in light of your great prestige in the last vic games


this could be an option for you:


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Guest Spongebob

Fine keep the jokes flowing but you must all realise by now.... your all SLAVES to the sponge, my chaos, my wit, just looking at some of your profiles tells me your ALL UNDER MY SPELL.

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Fine keep the jokes flowing but you must all realise by now.... your all SLAVES to the sponge, my chaos, my wit, just looking at some of your profiles tells me your ALL UNDER MY SPELL.


well lets be honest you are the reason why I follow the game 87 forums :D


besides the maniac speeches of Austria ...

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:D Just got my results, the evil ones in Denmark have invaded MY country, this cannot be, they cant get away with attacking me, it should be the other way around, Denmark is mine, always has been, always shall be, its okay though I will just have to take it back :ranting:



dear Bob... destroying Denmark should be a pice of cake for you... you already did that a couple of times (when you played Denmark your self) :ranting:





HA :ranting: Very funny, lap it up HB... Having seen some of my latest reports I think I will have to go away and come back once I have re-captured some of my homeland.


Note to self - Must survive till T11 (fingers crossed)



Old man Sponge you set your goals high. My 9th army will trap your 3rd corp in Kiel. :cheers:


That's 1/3 of your troops. :thumbsup:


You'll lose the city of Hamburg and the province of Offenbach this turn, thank France. :rolleyes:


Turn 11? No chance fool! :ranting:


How did you get my battle reports? Did the Ninjapirate sell it to you? I AM the leader of Denmark!


General Reichlin will capture Hamburg and Lt General Brockdorff will destroy the 3rd corp.


No need to send someone important to accomplish such a small task. You should not tell the tactics of MY allies.


If they want their actions known, they should tell.

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It is with great regret that I wish to inform the world that the Neutrality of Switzerland has been violated by the Fascists from Italy. Geneva is in ruins and the city under siege. Our intelligence network has been severely compromised by traitors in Germany and we are asking the world for help in stopping the Genocide perpetrated by the Italian and Austrian dictators. If they go un-checked then a vast empire will emerge and sweep across Europe.


We ask you to send your spies to Geneva and report on troop movements so that we may prevent the spread of the Fascist disease. You need not be our allies only willing to help us defend against a great evil.


We need this information before the 19th of November, we know it’s a tall order but if you cannot help directly then you may know someone who can, please pass on the message. :D

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