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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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It is with great regret that I wish to inform the world that the Neutrality of Switzerland has been violated by the Fascists from Italy. Geneva is in ruins and the city under siege. Our intelligence network has been severely compromised by traitors in Germany and we are asking the world for help in stopping the Genocide perpetrated by the Italian and Austrian dictators. If they go un-checked then a vast empire will emerge and sweep across Europe.


We ask you to send your spies to Geneva and report on troop movements so that we may prevent the spread of the Fascist disease. You need not be our allies only willing to help us defend against a great evil.


We need this information before the 19th of November, we know it's a tall order but if you cannot help directly then you may know someone who can, please pass on the message. :D


I'm afraid I cannot help you with this information, but I wish you the best in your struggle to prevent the spread of this evil. If there is another way to help, please let me know.

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well lets be honest you are the reason why I follow the game 87 forums :D


besides the maniac speeches of Austria ...



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It is with great regret that I wish to inform the world that the Neutrality of Switzerland has been violated by the Fascists from Italy. Geneva is in ruins and the city under siege. Our intelligence network has been severely compromised by traitors in Germany and we are asking the world for help in stopping the Genocide perpetrated by the Italian and Austrian dictators. If they go un-checked then a vast empire will emerge and sweep across Europe.


We ask you to send your spies to Geneva and report on troop movements so that we may prevent the spread of the Fascist disease. You need not be our allies only willing to help us defend against a great evil.


We need this information before the 19th of November, we know it's a tall order but if you cannot help directly then you may know someone who can, please pass on the message.


Dear neighbour,



Ok so you are being defeated. Und you want other players to help you. Und what do you have to offer zhem? Aaaah nothing???? Only a defeated Switserland soon to be erased from the map.



Von Manstein

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It is with great regret that I wish to inform the world that the Neutrality of Switzerland has been violated by the Fascists from Italy. Geneva is in ruins and the city under siege. Our intelligence network has been severely compromised by traitors in Germany and we are asking the world for help in stopping the Genocide perpetrated by the Italian and Austrian dictators. If they go un-checked then a vast empire will emerge and sweep across Europe.


We ask you to send your spies to Geneva and report on troop movements so that we may prevent the spread of the Fascist disease. You need not be our allies only willing to help us defend against a great evil.


We need this information before the 19th of November, we know it's a tall order but if you cannot help directly then you may know someone who can, please pass on the message.


Dear neighbour,



Ok so you are being defeated. Und you want other players to help you. Und what do you have to offer zhem? Aaaah nothing???? Only a defeated Switserland soon to be erased from the map.



Von Manstein


Just bad luck that Switzerland is such a tasty country: each city is a substantial gain or loss.

What do we get for all our hard work in Saudi Arabia? lots of sand with the occasional oil lake.

As if we Persians had any lack of oil.


What can we look forward to?

More sand, more oil and lots of pesky Arabs.

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Dear neighbour,



Ok so you are being defeated. Und you want other players to help you. Und what do you have to offer zhem? Aaaah nothing???? Only a defeated Switserland soon to be erased from the map.



Von Manstein


Dear General - We have fought a valiant battle against all the Austrian and Italian armed forces could throw at us and we have done this alone. We have forced your defeated armys to turn tail on more than one occassion and now we ask for help from around the world you feel the need to mock us. Rest assured we will not go down without a fight, we will continue to fight hard against your aggression but take heed, we are not defeated yet and will fight to the bitter end.


We do not promise what we cannot deliver so anyone who helps us by sending spys to Geneva will gain the Swiss peoples gratitude, if we prevail that goodwill is more valuable than a million men as we would be hnour bound to off our assistance.

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Stop ya bleating, you lose 1 province and think its all over when I have 8 missing from my portfolio and Im not complaining.


Grow a pair :ranting:


You're not complaining because you quit already, or because you'll fight to the (probably bitter) end? Can I do something with my 7 populated provinces to help?

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Guest Spongebob
Stop ya bleating, you lose 1 province and think its all over when I have 8 missing from my portfolio and Im not complaining.


Grow a pair :ranting:


You're not complaining because you quit already, or because you'll fight to the (probably bitter) end? Can I do something with my 7 populated provinces to help?


yes you can help by invading Czech and Denmark, wiping out all there armies and then declaring allegence to thr Sponge

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Dear neighbour,



Ok so you are being defeated. Und you want other players to help you. Und what do you have to offer zhem? Aaaah nothing???? Only a defeated Switserland soon to be erased from the map.



Von Manstein


Dear General - We have fought a valiant battle against all the Austrian and Italian armed forces could throw at us and we have done this alone. We have forced your defeated armys to turn tail on more than one occassion and now we ask for help from around the world you feel the need to mock us. Rest assured we will not go down without a fight, we will continue to fight hard against your aggression but take heed, we are not defeated yet and will fight to the bitter end.


We do not promise what we cannot deliver so anyone who helps us by sending spys to Geneva will gain the Swiss peoples gratitude, if we prevail that goodwill is more valuable than a million men as we would be hnour bound to off our assistance.

You have the Sponge as your savior, what other help do you need?


Those that make bad decisions must live with the results.

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Stop ya bleating, you lose 1 province and think its all over when I have 8 missing from my portfolio and Im not complaining.


Grow a pair :ranting:


You're not complaining because you quit already, or because you'll fight to the (probably bitter) end? Can I do something with my 7 populated provinces to help?


yes you can help by invading Czech and Denmark, wiping out all there armies and then declaring allegence to thr Sponge


If and when possible I will certainly do so, ofcourse. The last part of your request might be harder, as I think the Sponge will be decimated soon, in this game at least.

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Those that make bad decisions must live with the results.


Well it was a decision forced upon me. Austria was not talking, Italy was not talking, we know why now and France was not talking so what is a nation supposed to do. In my two games so far it is a hard lesson to learn but many players (not all) join this game with pre-set agendas and pre-set alliances and is a severe kick in the teeth to someone new to this game


I said I did not want to ally to the Spong but what choice did I have when others have hidden agendas and your not in the "club"


I fully intend to make Italy and Austria pay for thier "Agenda" :ranting:

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What can we look forward to?

More sand, more oil and lots of pesky Arabs.


Don't forget those pesky Arab dive bombers! :ranting::ranting:


This kind of treatment of our police fishing inspection craft was totally uncalled for.

Several outdated ammunition supply vessels were sunk. As such not a big loss.

The relevant part of the inspecion fleet has survived, however. It will soon continue in its search for illegal immigrants.


The Research Institute of Persia is starting on the design of its own suitable "dive bomber".

The best design they came up was the "Leninets"class minelayer.


"They dive realy well, can resurface too, and can lay mines. Mines dive too. Mines go BOOM.

BOOM is good, da?" according to the Official First Factfinder of the institute.

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:ranting: Just got my results, the evil ones in Denmark have invaded MY country, this cannot be, they cant get away with attacking me, it should be the other way around, Denmark is mine, always has been, always shall be, its okay though I will just have to take it back :ranting:



dear Bob... destroying Denmark should be a pice of cake for you... you already did that a couple of times (when you played Denmark your self) :rolleyes:





HA :ranting: Very funny, lap it up HB... Having seen some of my latest reports I think I will have to go away and come back once I have re-captured some of my homeland.


Note to self - Must survive till T11 (fingers crossed)



Old man Sponge you set your goals high. My 9th army will trap your 3rd corp in Kiel. :rolleyes:


That's 1/3 of your troops. :thumbsup:


You'll lose the city of Hamburg and the province of Offenbach this turn, thank France. :taz:


Turn 11? No chance fool! :ranting:


How did you get my battle reports? Did the Ninjapirate sell it to you? I AM the leader of Denmark!


General Reichlin will capture Hamburg and Lt General Brockdorff will destroy the 3rd corp.


No need to send someone important to accomplish such a small task. You should not tell the tactics of MY allies.


If they want their actions known, they should tell.



Denmark? Sound like very good drugs :thumbsup:

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