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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Must be another Americanisum as Gobble Gobble means something completley different in the Queens English :ranting:


Oh, yeah! And if a Brit says he's gonna 'smoke a fag' on Time Square in New York, that puts a whole new spin on things! To the unknowing, the term 'fag' or 'faggot' in British slang is a cigarette. But, in Americanese, it's a derogatory term for a homosexual.


LOL - Lets get the facts clear here, Fag is a Ciggi or a Tab, Faggot is a kind of Meatball and a Homosexual but so is a Puff, now a Puff where a Fag is concerned is a Drag on a Ciggi where Drag could mean cross dressing so whatever you do dont mention Drag, Puff and Fag in the same sentence unless in England, in fact just dont mention it. I hope that clears things up a bit. Dont you just love Americanese. If I went into the slang of Englands regional dialects then we would all go mad, we got Scouse, Brummie, Geordie, Cornish, Broad Lancs (ME) and Southern Softy thats anyone south of the watford gap oh and finally Mad Scots who are are still miffed that we beat them in the 18th Century and made them our slaves. :joker:


Now back to the matter in hand - Oi Girl, cough up and confess all your failed attacks or I will. :woohoo:


Sono Pazzi Questi Anglesi

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Must be another Americanisum as Gobble Gobble means something completley different in the Queens English :ranting:


Oh, yeah! And if a Brit says he's gonna 'smoke a fag' on Time Square in New York, that puts a whole new spin on things! To the unknowing, the term 'fag' or 'faggot' in British slang is a cigarette. But, in Americanese, it's a derogatory term for a homosexual.


LOL - Lets get the facts clear here, Fag is a Ciggi or a Tab, Faggot is a kind of Meatball and a Homosexual but so is a Puff, now a Puff where a Fag is concerned is a Drag on a Ciggi where Drag could mean cross dressing so whatever you do dont mention Drag, Puff and Fag in the same sentence unless in England, in fact just dont mention it. I hope that clears things up a bit. Dont you just love Americanese. If I went into the slang of Englands regional dialects then we would all go mad, we got Scouse, Brummie, Geordie, Cornish, Broad Lancs (ME) and Southern Softy thats anyone south of the watford gap oh and finally Mad Scots who are are still miffed that we beat them in the 18th Century and made them our slaves. :joker:


Now back to the matter in hand - Oi Girl, cough up and confess all your failed attacks or I will. :woohoo:


Careful with the language Spongie, Mom might read what you wrote and I might get grounded from the computer.


Failed attacks? I was succesful on the ground lossing less than I thought. I had better odds at Kiel.


1 destroyer sunk and 16 Devastators shot down, a draw? Darn weather!? I would have found those Kolns.


I'm at 272 naval kills, anybody doing better?

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Must be another Americanisum as Gobble Gobble means something completley different in the Queens English :ranting:


Oh, yeah! And if a Brit says he's gonna 'smoke a fag' on Time Square in New York, that puts a whole new spin on things! To the unknowing, the term 'fag' or 'faggot' in British slang is a cigarette. But, in Americanese, it's a derogatory term for a homosexual.


LOL - Lets get the facts clear here, Fag is a Ciggi or a Tab, Faggot is a kind of Meatball and a Homosexual but so is a Puff, now a Puff where a Fag is concerned is a Drag on a Ciggi where Drag could mean cross dressing so whatever you do dont mention Drag, Puff and Fag in the same sentence unless in England, in fact just dont mention it. I hope that clears things up a bit. Dont you just love Americanese. If I went into the slang of Englands regional dialects then we would all go mad, we got Scouse, Brummie, Geordie, Cornish, Broad Lancs (ME) and Southern Softy thats anyone south of the watford gap oh and finally Mad Scots who are are still miffed that we beat them in the 18th Century and made them our slaves. :joker:


Now back to the matter in hand - Oi Girl, cough up and confess all your failed attacks or I will. :woohoo:


Careful with the language Spongie, Mom might read what you wrote and I might get grounded from the computer.


Failed attacks? I was succesful on the ground lossing less than I thought. I had better odds at Kiel.


1 destroyer sunk and 16 Devastators shot down, a draw? Darn weather!? I would have found those Kolns.


I'm at 272 naval kills, anybody doing better?


Nope, but then, I haven't built a navy yet either. Oh, and while we're on the language thing, the word 'gift' certainly has different meanings. In English--Queen's or President's--it's a present, but das Gift auf Deutsch means 'poison'. Tell a German you're giving him a gift, and he'll kick your ass!

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Guest Spongebob

I will let the world decide who has the upper hand in this war, you may have gained some German soil but keeping it is going to be tough job, and tough jobs should be carried out by the men and sponges of this world, NOT GIRLZ! You and your allies will not prevail, you may actually have some more success but I am in a better position to capitilize on your failings so keep plugging away and for the rest of you read how GIRLZ play with big boys toys, never let a GIRL drive a tank is what I say, just look what happens.



Denmark has attacked Germany at Rostock from Lubeck

The attack was repulsed!


Denmark has attacked Germany at xHamburg from Hamburg

The attack was repulsed!


Denmark has attacked Germany at xGotha with a tactical air strike

Fishing for forces


Denmark has attacked Germany at xDortmund with a tactical air strike

Fishing for forces


Denmark has attacked Germany at xLubben with a tactical air strike

Fishing for forces


Czechoslovakia has attacked Germany at xLeipzig from Leipzig

The attack was repulsed!


Germany has attacked Denmark at Hamburg with a tactical air strike

Ouch That Hurt :joker:


Germany has attacked Denmark at Hamburg from xHamburg

The attack was repulsed! Okay so that hurt also but I’m not afraid to state the facts :ranting:


Germany has attacked Denmark at Hamburg from Minden

The attack was repulsed! Did not hurt me half as much as it hurt you :wacko:


Germany has attacked Czechoslovakia at ?????????????? from ???????????? [CENSORED]

The attack succeeded! I bet you did not expect that did you – HA – To be honest I am surprised it was a success :cheers:


Ships of Germany conducted a coastal bombardment at xOdense

Good fortifications protect the coastal batteries – what a shame, better luck next time and more ships :ranting:

The batteries successfully fought off the bombardment


Aircraft of Denmark conducted a maritime strike

Ok that hurt me :woohoo:

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Guest Spongebob
I'm at 272 naval kills, anybody doing better?


I'm at 1129 naval kills. :woohoo:


Its not hard to be better than a GIRL I think even Switzerland has more naval kills than Denmark :ranting:

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I am just going to send some troops on patrol tomorrow to make sure those sheep are removed, Its all a question of timing, if i get to the front before the Austrian farmers it may cause a diplomatic incident but if I wait for them to move the sheep then they may not move at all. :ranting:

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In the yellow victim's mentioning of all the battles he had against Denmark / Czech , he mentions the attacks which hurt him , and he is losing precious ground forces...what he fails to mention is that he lost major factories with his capitol , meaning it is much harder for him to replace those troops than it is for Denmark , since the Danish infrastructure is intact .

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First.....I would never be one to stick up for the yellow victim, but:


Yes, Germany took a big hit by losing Berlin, but when comparing German and Danish infrastructure you are comparing apples to oranges. Even with the loss of Berlin, the Germans have 100+ more pop to work with to build stuff. The loss of the stockpiles is much more significant. If Berlin was still the AIC1 (which I expect it was), that makes the equation a little different. Then, the loss would make the Germans and Danish roughly equal (advantage still Germany) in regard to 'working' pop and 'working' factories. The Germans are certainly in trouble with the loss of Berlin, but the Czechs sound like they are going down quickly in their homeland from the banter on the boards and the info floating around the game. If the Sponge has has truly learned from past experiences, Berlin will fall back into German control and the Czechs will be expelled. All he has to do is hold Denmark off long enough for that to occur.


The Sponge may survive longer than expected here :ranting: ....unless a few other jump into the fray? :woohoo:


In the yellow victim's mentioning of all the battles he had against Denmark / Czech , he mentions the attacks which hurt him , and he is losing precious ground forces...what he fails to mention is that he lost major factories with his capitol , meaning it is much harder for him to replace those troops than it is for Denmark , since the Danish infrastructure is intact .
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Guest Spongebob
First.....I would never be one to stick up for the yellow victim, but:


Yes, Germany took a big hit by losing Berlin, but when comparing German and Danish infrastructure you are comparing apples to oranges. Even with the loss of Berlin, the Germans have 100+ more pop to work with to build stuff. The loss of the stockpiles is much more significant. If Berlin was still the AIC1 (which I expect it was), that makes the equation a little different. Then, the loss would make the Germans and Danish roughly equal (advantage still Germany) in regard to 'working' pop and 'working' factories. The Germans are certainly in trouble with the loss of Berlin, but the Czechs sound like they are going down quickly in their homeland from the banter on the boards and the info floating around the game. If the Sponge has has truly learned from past experiences, Berlin will fall back into German control and the Czechs will be expelled. All he has to do is hold Denmark off long enough for that to occur.


The Sponge may survive longer than expected here :ranting: ....unless a few other jump into the fray? :woohoo:


In the yellow victim's mentioning of all the battles he had against Denmark / Czech , he mentions the attacks which hurt him , and he is losing precious ground forces...what he fails to mention is that he lost major factories with his capitol , meaning it is much harder for him to replace those troops than it is for Denmark , since the Danish infrastructure is intact .



Awww, Thanks Earthling, I can feeeeeeel the Lurve. I have Shafted on ignore so i dont get to see his dribbling unless someone responds to it. You are quite correct in your assumptions Earthling and the sponge has had a plan since day one - Survival, I know I cannot hold on to everything so I dont try. Czech has more problems than me and he will have to turn away from me soon enough if he wants to survive. Denmark in the hands of a GIRL for pete's sake, I cant allow that to continue so all its spouting about taking cities is all talk, Denmark cannot capture my cities, not a chance. GIRLS are NOT Allowed.

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First.....I would never be one to stick up for the yellow victim, but:


Yes, Germany took a big hit by losing Berlin, but when comparing German and Danish infrastructure you are comparing apples to oranges. Even with the loss of Berlin, the Germans have 100+ more pop to work with to build stuff. The loss of the stockpiles is much more significant. If Berlin was still the AIC1 (which I expect it was), that makes the equation a little different. Then, the loss would make the Germans and Danish roughly equal (advantage still Germany) in regard to 'working' pop and 'working' factories. The Germans are certainly in trouble with the loss of Berlin, but the Czechs sound like they are going down quickly in their homeland from the banter on the boards and the info floating around the game. If the Sponge has has truly learned from past experiences, Berlin will fall back into German control and the Czechs will be expelled. All he has to do is hold Denmark off long enough for that to occur.


The Sponge may survive longer than expected here :ranting: ....unless a few other jump into the fray? :woohoo:


In the yellow victim's mentioning of all the battles he had against Denmark / Czech , he mentions the attacks which hurt him , and he is losing precious ground forces...what he fails to mention is that he lost major factories with his capitol , meaning it is much harder for him to replace those troops than it is for Denmark , since the Danish infrastructure is intact .


All read is not to be believed. The demise of Czech is greatly exagerated.


Spongie has yet to stop me. Slow my progress, yes.


He has lost 6 divisions, nothing of importance, but he has not built anything of importance.


I have probed and have found he has nothing that will stop me.



Denmark has attacked Germany at xKiel from Kiel on Sunday, November 29, 2009


Lt. General Brockdorff is the commander for Denmark

Major General List is the commander for Germany


The attacker uses a city assault against a deliberate defense in a city at odds of 1.94 to 1


Can you guess the results?


What about France? How long will Lowlands survive?


I think Spongie will survive longer than his 2 allies, but not much.

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I am humbled by your supieor skill


Thanks, but when a bunch of Russian tech capital ships move into a sea zone with SDBs on AMI, the results are predictable.

( the battle report was fun to read though) and I doubt my Persian friend will make the same mistake twice. :ranting::woohoo:

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