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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Guest Spongebob
Aaawwwww, I think the Sponge has a little crush on me! :angry2:


Oh and one final and very special award goes to.... EARTHLING


For sportsmanship in the face of humiliation at the hands of the Sponge, it takes a very special type of character to continue the fight against overwhelming odds and take on the chin all the abuse the sponge could throw at him. An Honour Sir


Yeah the sort of crush you get from a Crusader tank being dropped on your head ;)

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Thanks for dropping me of the list of Sponges least favorite players.

There will allways be a special place for Sponges in Persia #87!

(The province and city of Kuhak, unless Saudi Arabia gets there first!)

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LOL! :thumbsup: Thought that me garner a response from you! Would have liked to sampled that scotch. I don't often have the opportunity to buy a decent single malt which is that inexpensive in my neck of the woods.



Aaawwwww, I think the Sponge has a little crush on me! :angry2:


Oh and one final and very special award goes to.... EARTHLING


For sportsmanship in the face of humiliation at the hands of the Sponge, it takes a very special type of character to continue the fight against overwhelming odds and take on the chin all the abuse the sponge could throw at him. An Honour Sir


Yeah the sort of crush you get from a Crusader tank being dropped on your head ;)

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Ah good point dagger, i could update the most hated list but here in the UK we have something called the New Year Honours List, which for those in the colonies and the uneducated is where the great british government bestows upon the great and the good titles such as Sir and Lord so I figure I will follow suit and offer Greater Spongistanian Honours upon the great, the good and the down right pain in the arses from the past 12 months of Victory.


Order of Bikini Bottom goes to St Michael, a loyal servant of the Empire

Order of The Krusty Krab goes to Rommel, a true believer of Sponge Ideology

Order of the Pinnapple goes to Slicer, Convert to the Cause

Order of Plankton goes to Elpasopete, another Convert


Oh sod it here the most hated list updated with the positions up or down


1 - Hersir, for treachery, there can be no greater crime, you will always be the most hated forever

2 - Nfbeerse, for being an accessory to treachery [+4] ditto

3 - CD Earnst, for being an accessory to treachery [+4] ditto

4 - Erich Von Manstein, for being a bigger pain than earlier [+4]

5 - Kurassier, not as big a thorn as before as i have slapped him a few times in 85 [-2]

6 - Diggster, for not supporting a TA with enough coal [NEW]

7 - Dark Monk, for double crossing backstabbing evilness [-5], still here but he has been unusually quiet for far too long, i miss my sparing with him :angry2: GIT ;)

8 - Marklen X, being a thorn in my side and promising to do it again [NEW] and he did and its cost me booze :ranting:

9 - Coothunter [NEW] A new person who has faced the sponge, hate him

10 - Shadowy Girl [NEW] Another noob but my sponge sense tells me its someonelse, from my past too scared to take their dress off :thumbsup: deviant!!!!


Just outside the top 10


Because they are not worthly of my top 10 and as such should be ignored, forgot about, deleted.


Oh and one final and very special award goes to.... EARTHLING


For sportsmanship in the face of humiliation at the hands of the Sponge, it takes a very special type of character to continue the fight against overwhelming odds and take on the chin all the abuse the sponge could throw at him. An Honour Sir


Only number 10!!! I'm hurt, you pervert! I should report you to the police!


Over here it's illegal to look up the skirt of a 13 year old.


Have I done good in my first game Uncle Coot?

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And so the final battle for Switzerland begins. I tip my hat to you my Austrian and Italian foes. This next round of combat may be my last, we shall see but no matter what the outcome it has been eventful.



Looking forward to the battle reports. BTW I think Sponge will contact you soon. He would love to know a few things about a good defense. ;)


What you talking about ManStain, Switzerland is dead before me, I am not out yet, I bet I last atleast 1 more turn than Monty... :angry2: on second thoughts, best not bet again, its going to cost me too much in whisky. Anyway monty has only had to contend with two foes, me on the otherhand have had to deal with 4 at the last count plus all the sponge hateing masses who have done all they can behind the curtains to see the sponge fail.



Spongie, you exagerate, you have been attacked by 2 people, that is all.

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Guest Spongebob
And so the final battle for Switzerland begins. I tip my hat to you my Austrian and Italian foes. This next round of combat may be my last, we shall see but no matter what the outcome it has been eventful.



Looking forward to the battle reports. BTW I think Sponge will contact you soon. He would love to know a few things about a good defense. ;)


What you talking about ManStain, Switzerland is dead before me, I am not out yet, I bet I last atleast 1 more turn than Monty... :angry2: on second thoughts, best not bet again, its going to cost me too much in whisky. Anyway monty has only had to contend with two foes, me on the otherhand have had to deal with 4 at the last count plus all the sponge hateing masses who have done all they can behind the curtains to see the sponge fail.



Spongie, you exagerate, you have been attacked by 2 people, that is all.


Okay maybe a slight exageration, but I now have you and your french buddy to deal with but alas not for long. Oh and one more thing - CLEAR YOUR PM MAILBOX, its full

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Ah good point dagger, i could update the most hated list but here in the UK we have something called the New Year Honours List, which for those in the colonies and the uneducated is where the great british government bestows upon the great and the good titles such as Sir and Lord so I figure I will follow suit and offer Greater Spongistanian Honours upon the great, the good and the down right pain in the arses from the past 12 months of Victory.


Order of Bikini Bottom goes to St Michael, a loyal servant of the Empire

Order of The Krusty Krab goes to Rommel, a true believer of Sponge Ideology

Order of the Pinnapple goes to Slicer, Convert to the Cause

Order of Plankton goes to Elpasopete, another Convert


Oh sod it here the most hated list updated with the positions up or down


1 - Hersir, for treachery, there can be no greater crime, you will always be the most hated forever

2 - Nfbeerse, for being an accessory to treachery [+4] ditto

3 - CD Earnst, for being an accessory to treachery [+4] ditto

4 - Erich Von Manstein, for being a bigger pain than earlier [+4]

5 - Kurassier, not as big a thorn as before as i have slapped him a few times in 85 [-2]

6 - Diggster, for not supporting a TA with enough coal [NEW]

7 - Dark Monk, for double crossing backstabbing evilness [-5], still here but he has been unusually quiet for far too long, i miss my sparing with him :angry2: GIT ;)

8 - Marklen X, being a thorn in my side and promising to do it again [NEW] and he did and its cost me booze :ranting:

9 - Coothunter [NEW] A new person who has faced the sponge, hate him

10 - Shadowy Girl [NEW] Another noob but my sponge sense tells me its someonelse, from my past too scared to take their dress off :thumbsup: deviant!!!!


Just outside the top 10


Because they are not worthly of my top 10 and as such should be ignored, forgot about, deleted.


Oh and one final and very special award goes to.... EARTHLING


For sportsmanship in the face of humiliation at the hands of the Sponge, it takes a very special type of character to continue the fight against overwhelming odds and take on the chin all the abuse the sponge could throw at him. An Honour Sir


Only number 10!!! I'm hurt, you pervert! I should report you to the police!


Over here it's illegal to look up the skirt of a 13 year old.


Have I done good in my first game Uncle Coot?



Shadow, your first game is a gem so far. Unfortunately, this has not been much of a test.

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Guest Spongebob
Hey spongecus, you must slap like a girl, because I sure didn't feel any slaps in vic 85 from you. Only from Slicer and Pete.

Been hitting the Scotch early? ;)


Well it is Christmas :angry2:

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What you talking about ManStain, Switzerland is dead before me, I am not out yet, I bet I last atleast 1 more turn than Monty... :angry2: on second thoughts, best not bet again, its going to cost me too much in whisky. Anyway monty has only had to contend with two foes, me on the otherhand have had to deal with 4 at the last count plus all the sponge hateing masses who have done all they can behind the curtains to see the sponge fail.



Spongy, You had only two invaders, and were bordered by two TAs, AND you have a good-sized country. I was invaded by three countries and bordered no TAs, yet I was able to take your capital. Thanks to your fleeing defense, I will soon border two TAs as well. If only I could start every game on your border...

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Ah good point dagger, i could update the most hated list but here in the UK we have something called the New Year Honours List, which for those in the colonies and the uneducated is where the great british government bestows upon the great and the good titles such as Sir and Lord so I figure I will follow suit and offer Greater Spongistanian Honours upon the great, the good and the down right pain in the arses from the past 12 months of Victory.


Order of Bikini Bottom goes to St Michael, a loyal servant of the Empire

Order of The Krusty Krab goes to Rommel, a true believer of Sponge Ideology

Order of the Pinnapple goes to Slicer, Convert to the Cause

Order of Plankton goes to Elpasopete, another Convert


Oh sod it here the most hated list updated with the positions up or down


1 - Hersir, for treachery, there can be no greater crime, you will always be the most hated forever

2 - Nfbeerse, for being an accessory to treachery [+4] ditto

3 - CD Earnst, for being an accessory to treachery [+4] ditto

4 - Erich Von Manstein, for being a bigger pain than earlier [+4]

5 - Kurassier, not as big a thorn as before as i have slapped him a few times in 85 [-2]

6 - Diggster, for not supporting a TA with enough coal [NEW]

7 - Dark Monk, for double crossing backstabbing evilness [-5], still here but he has been unusually quiet for far too long, i miss my sparing with him ;) GIT :ranting:

8 - Marklen X, being a thorn in my side and promising to do it again [NEW] and he did and its cost me booze :cheers:

9 - Coothunter [NEW] A new person who has faced the sponge, hate him

10 - Shadowy Girl [NEW] Another noob but my sponge sense tells me its someonelse, from my past too scared to take their dress off :ranting: deviant!!!!


Just outside the top 10


Because they are not worthly of my top 10 and as such should be ignored, forgot about, deleted.


Oh and one final and very special award goes to.... EARTHLING


For sportsmanship in the face of humiliation at the hands of the Sponge, it takes a very special type of character to continue the fight against overwhelming odds and take on the chin all the abuse the sponge could throw at him. An Honour Sir


Nah toll!



Oooh I love you soooo much. Number four :thumbsup::angry2::cheers: Apart from those three traitors I'm your most hated?? Great great great!


BTW maybe Russ can set up a special Sponge game? 20 countries for Sponge (with extra resources & starting armies, T34) and 20 countries for zhe rest of us.



Merry Christmas everybody!

Von Manstein

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And so the final battle for Switzerland begins. I tip my hat to you my Austrian and Italian foes. This next round of combat may be my last, we shall see but no matter what the outcome it has been eventful.



Looking forward to the battle reports. BTW I think Sponge will contact you soon. He would love to know a few things about a good defense. :thumbsup:


What you talking about ManStain, Switzerland is dead before me, I am not out yet, I bet I last atleast 1 more turn than Monty... ;) on second thoughts, best not bet again, its going to cost me too much in whisky. Anyway monty has only had to contend with two foes, me on the otherhand have had to deal with 4 at the last count plus all the sponge hateing masses who have done all they can behind the curtains to see the sponge fail.


Au contraire mon ami. Switserland is not dead yet. Monty is still commander in chief, he has armies, cities und production. Und more important it seems he has the will to resist. So even if we have had some success the fight is far from over. You on the other hand seem to have admitted defeat. "Ooooh there are four evil players attacking me." Stop whining und fight like a ... Yeah well fight like a man I vould liek to say but what is a spineless Sponge to do?





Merry Chrtismas :angry2:

Von Manstein

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