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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Guest Spongebob
Alas, I have to conclude from the world events:




Conclude all you want but I am still here and now send my next army off to fight to Czechs. Prague city will be mine. :rolleyes:

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The maps are based on world events only. Fighting spirit, front lines and provinces lost do not show up in the world events, so I can not show them on the map.


It would be fun if you would show us the map according to the Sponge.

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Guest Spongebob
Let me help you dag. Spongboob still owns Erfurt, Fulda, Zwickau and Coburg, and possibly something near the Austrian border, though I doubt Manstein was so kind.


And soon I am going to Own your ass and I'm going to hand it back to you all wrapped up in a hankie

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Let me help you dag. Spongboob still owns Erfurt, Fulda, Zwickau and Coburg, and possibly something near the Austrian border, though I doubt Manstein was so kind.


And soon I am going to Own your ass and I'm going to hand it back to you all wrapped up in a hankie


You must have brown eyes.

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Guest Spongebob

Of course I have used some artistic licence but do not dispute the facts. That little grey bit in the middle is Sponge, I know I should have colored it Yellow but I got confused with who is who. That little blue bit is Czech, you will have to look hard to find it


Fear the Sponge

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Of course I have used some artistic licence but do not dispute the facts. That little grey bit in the middle is Sponge, I know I should have colored it Yellow but I got confused with who is who. That little blue bit is Czech, you will have to look hard to find it


Fear the Sponge



I guess you've never won a coloring contest. Apparently, it is hard for you to stay within the lines. It would be really difficult to lose that much of my country and not show up in the world events. When I take those last four provinces of yours, you may color them whatever color you want. But you will know, I own it.

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So Monty - I like to hold high standards in the way I fight and with whom I align myself. If you look up my TAs, they are all very competent, trustworthy, and intelligent.


What is it like to side with the Sponge? Kind of dirty? I've eliminated weak opponents before, but the sponge is in a class by himself. He likes to flaunt his incompetence. I thought you learned about the sponge while you were Switzerland.


You know what they say, "Walks like a sponge..."

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What I really found interesting was how he was so upset over being allied to smearpants in G85 ( I believe , but am not sure ) , and then comes right back into this game and again allies with smearpants . One has to think he is incapable of learning , or has some other such disability . I guess maybe he thought first time was a fluke , and the smearpants could not be as bad as he was , and in this game he would be better....yeah , right .

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The Sponge has his uses, In 83 I was conned, in 87 I had no choice. I had no contact from any of my other neighbours as most joined as a pre-arranged group. I think as Switzerland I proved my worth in stirling defense. On the back of that I think you will find my new current position is as Sponge free as can be, all those who know the Sponge, who have worked with the Sponge can appreciate his value, even his enemies. I will admit at the start of 87 my opinion was the same as most but you must understand as I do now that your only as good as your allies. If Sponge is forever hunted then he will forever fail.

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Guest Spongebob
Of course I have used some artistic licence but do not dispute the facts. That little grey bit in the middle is Sponge, I know I should have colored it Yellow but I got confused with who is who. That little blue bit is Czech, you will have to look hard to find it


Fear the Sponge



I guess you've never won a coloring contest. Apparently, it is hard for you to stay within the lines. It would be really difficult to lose that much of my country and not show up in the world events. When I take those last four provinces of yours, you may color them whatever color you want. But you will know, I own it.


Okay I forgot to colour the ones you have around Berlin but face it you cant keep them, how are you going to get your battered army their to defend them? your not; you need that feeble army to try and gain a production base in your home nation.


And what are you going to do about my Prussian holiday resort, then their is my Polish Holiday villa far from the front, then I have a depoit on the Faeroes and Bornholm and finally by the time your long gone I will be sitting in my new Capital city - COPENHAGEN, a gift from all those I have helped to defeat you and your unholy alliance. :thumbsup:


Oh BTW you missed out a U in Colouring

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