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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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don't like the SS.. :) . probebly the historical content, but they are to expensive anyhow. Nice in offence but in defense the normal panzers are just as good. But I agree that the T34 beats the german units untill we get to the panthers. Then again nothing beats a Junker dive bomber for almost the complete game. As for the American and Britisch tincan's on wheels...they better stay away from the real steel.


Ofcourse it would all been scrap if we only had our Italian tech list... :(


Super Mario


Well, i see some nice fighters, decent bombers, submarines, cruisers, destroyers, some nice battleships and AP's and from '43 on you could provide the Italians with some German "Lend-leased" units.

In the same way you could make a pretty decent "French" tech list by adding some American units. (and Yak-3's). I once made a list with French units and their preformance and up to tech 20 their tech is -in many ways- superior to the British one.

Both Tech list sshould be easier to construct as a Japanese one. Armor? What armor..... But nice battleships and excellent long-range mid-game fighers.

Or you could even make a tech list with units from the "rest of the world". Swedish Stridvagn 42 armor, Swiss mountaineers, Dutch Fokker fighters,

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The Japanese had tanks, but they never progressed beyond the quality of the US Stuart. Their Betty bomber would be the finest naval bomber of the set for the first 40 turns or so, and should be a good tactical bomber as well, and they should have good infantry, the real problem is their fighter technology, which is excellent through 1942, but does not evolve much after that. The Yamato and Musashi class BB's should be awesome, but naval power is far more an auxillary component in Europe than it would be in the Pacific.


The French had probably the best tanks in the world in 1939, but obviously after 1940 their progress would stop. I like the concept of a mixed tech. I would also like to see more obvious national units, like the Russian artillery division. Russian infantry divisions should be half the size of German divisions, which are smaller than US divisions. US divisions should use twice as much general supply as all other nations, but US Marine divisions should be considerably tougher than any of their counterparts.

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The Japanese had tanks, but they never progressed beyond the quality of the US Stuart. Their Betty bomber would be the finest naval bomber of the set for the first 40 turns or so, and should be a good tactical bomber as well, and they should have good infantry, the real problem is their fighter technology, which is excellent through 1942, but does not evolve much after that. The Yamato and Musashi class BB's should be awesome, but naval power is far more an auxillary component in Europe than it would be in the Pacific.


The French had probably the best tanks in the world in 1939, but obviously after 1940 their progress would stop. I like the concept of a mixed tech. I would also like to see more obvious national units, like the Russian artillery division. Russian infantry divisions should be half the size of German divisions, which are smaller than US divisions. US divisions should use twice as much general supply as all other nations, but US Marine divisions should be considerably tougher than any of their counterparts.


Victory "2" still needs a couple of USP's to draw veterans back to the game. Extra Tech's could do that

The idea to vary the size of divisions is an excellent one. But you also should vary the stacking limit and NTS sheme to compensate for the weaker divisions.

We could form a taskforce to work on four extra Tech's. It is up to RTG to coordinate this, but at the moment it is quiet on the developmet front.

I'll ask Russ.

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Of course, although the French may have had better tanks early on, their method of using them proved to be very much lacking in comparison to the German's combined arms 'blitzkrieg' strategy.


As for developing new units and or techs for a future incarnation of Victory, I have always been interested in knowing more about how RTG not only chose the units it did, but also in how they came up with the values for those units. Does anyone know anything about this aspect of the 'process?'


I noticed it most in the choice of air units that each tech has at its disposal. How are some units (versions of certain aircraft) chosen while others are not. Are there actually too many air unit (aircraft) choices available right now for each tech? Is that even possible? :)


Any info on this topic would be much appreciated.

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Of course, although the French may have had better tanks early on, their method of using them proved to be very much lacking in comparison to the German's combined arms 'blitzkrieg' strategy.


As for developing new units and or techs for a future incarnation of Victory, I have always been interested in knowing more about how RTG not only chose the units it did, but also in how they came up with the values for those units. Does anyone know anything about this aspect of the 'process?'


I noticed it most in the choice of air units that each tech has at its disposal. How are some units (versions of certain aircraft) chosen while others are not. Are there actually too many air unit (aircraft) choices available right now for each tech? Is that even possible? :)


Any info on this topic would be much appreciated.


This discussiion might become interesting, lets continue on the Victory 2 development forum

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don't like the SS.. :( . probebly the historical content, but they are to expensive anyhow. Nice in offence but in defense the normal panzers are just as good. But I agree that the T34 beats the german units untill we get to the panthers. Then again nothing beats a Junker dive bomber for almost the complete game. As for the American and Britisch tincan's on wheels...they better stay away from the real steel.


Ofcourse it would all been scrap if we only had our Italian tech list... :cheers:


Super Mario


American airpower... :)

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Of course, although the French may have had better tanks early on, their method of using them proved to be very much lacking in comparison to the German's combined arms 'blitzkrieg' strategy.


As for developing new units and or techs for a future incarnation of Victory, I have always been interested in knowing more about how RTG not only chose the units it did, but also in how they came up with the values for those units. Does anyone know anything about this aspect of the 'process?'


I noticed it most in the choice of air units that each tech has at its disposal. How are some units (versions of certain aircraft) chosen while others are not. Are there actually too many air unit (aircraft) choices available right now for each tech? Is that even possible? :)


Any info on this topic would be much appreciated.


What would be needed is different technology. But also different doctrines and morale.


German armor with blitzkrieg doctrine and high morale

Russian mot with mass assault doctrine and low morale

French inf with 'french doctrine' :( and pretty ok morale


Imagine using french tanks (Char) with german doctrines...



Von Manstein

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Of course, although the French may have had better tanks early on, their method of using them proved to be very much lacking in comparison to the German's combined arms 'blitzkrieg' strategy.


As for developing new units and or techs for a future incarnation of Victory, I have always been interested in knowing more about how RTG not only chose the units it did, but also in how they came up with the values for those units. Does anyone know anything about this aspect of the 'process?'


I noticed it most in the choice of air units that each tech has at its disposal. How are some units (versions of certain aircraft) chosen while others are not. Are there actually too many air unit (aircraft) choices available right now for each tech? Is that even possible? :)


Any info on this topic would be much appreciated.


What would be needed is different technology. But also different doctrines and morale.


German armor with blitzkrieg doctrine and high morale

Russian mot with mass assault doctrine and low morale

French inf with 'french doctrine' :cheers: and pretty ok morale


Imagine using french tanks (Char) with german doctrines...



Von Manstein


You play to much HOI.... :(

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Of course, although the French may have had better tanks early on, their method of using them proved to be very much lacking in comparison to the German's combined arms 'blitzkrieg' strategy.


As for developing new units and or techs for a future incarnation of Victory, I have always been interested in knowing more about how RTG not only chose the units it did, but also in how they came up with the values for those units. Does anyone know anything about this aspect of the 'process?'


I noticed it most in the choice of air units that each tech has at its disposal. How are some units (versions of certain aircraft) chosen while others are not. Are there actually too many air unit (aircraft) choices available right now for each tech? Is that even possible? :)


Any info on this topic would be much appreciated.


What would be needed is different technology. But also different doctrines and morale.


German armor with blitzkrieg doctrine and high morale

Russian mot with mass assault doctrine and low morale

French inf with 'french doctrine' :cheers: and pretty ok morale


Imagine using french tanks (Char) with german doctrines...



Von Manstein


You play to much HOI.... :cheers:


I sure do! HOI is more compex but the bugs and the STUPID AI are ruining it (I like it extremely realistic and very very hard). Vic is nice and simple but the human opponents really make this game unique abnd very challenging. Now if Vic could just 'borrow' some of the good ideas of HOI it would be even better.


aka I would spend even more money on it :(



Von Manstein

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