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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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I like the odds though, 13 on 5. That is not counting 3 dead enemies. We may not hold, but we intend to cut down that 13 number a bit.



It's gonna be a long hot summer. :rolleyes:


Better not tell that to my troops in the desert, they might desert. ;)



If they desert the desert they might be dessert. :blush:



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Guest Spongebob
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, isn't that what they say? So actually I think we are friends already. The African alliance (AFA) is in war with your alliance, we (MEA) are at war with them. So the WEA isn't all alone. There's even the EAE (BUL&ROM) which are also enemies of one of your other enemy alliances, the SEA. So the EAE are also our friends. So the WAE, the MEA and the EAE are fighting the NEA, the SEA, the AA and the AFA. Makes it more even, doesn't it? Only 3 vs 4.


Friend, what can we do for you?


Well first of all you can translate all that into Spongistan for me because it does not make sense. :blush:

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It means that it is currently roughly even odds.......


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, isn't that what they say? So actually I think we are friends already. The African alliance (AFA) is in war with your alliance, we (MEA) are at war with them. So the WEA isn't all alone. There's even the EAE (BUL&ROM) which are also enemies of one of your other enemy alliances, the SEA. So the EAE are also our friends. So the WAE, the MEA and the EAE are fighting the NEA, the SEA, the AA and the AFA. Makes it more even, doesn't it? Only 3 vs 4.


Friend, what can we do for you?


Well first of all you can translate all that into Spongistan for me because it does not make sense. :blush:

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The enemy of my enemy is my friend, isn't that what they say? So actually I think we are friends already. The African alliance (AFA) is in war with your alliance, we (MEA) are at war with them. So the WEA isn't all alone. There's even the EAE (BUL&ROM) which are also enemies of one of your other enemy alliances, the SEA. So the EAE are also our friends. So the WAE, the MEA and the EAE are fighting the NEA, the SEA, the AA and the AFA. Makes it more even, doesn't it? Only 3 vs 4.


Friend, what can we do for you?


Well first of all you can translate all that into Spongistan for me because it does not make sense. :blush:


Don't worry your simple mind and just ignore it.

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It means that it is currently roughly even odds.......


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, isn't that what they say? So actually I think we are friends already. The African alliance (AFA) is in war with your alliance, we (MEA) are at war with them. So the WEA isn't all alone. There's even the EAE (BUL&ROM) which are also enemies of one of your other enemy alliances, the SEA. So the EAE are also our friends. So the WAE, the MEA and the EAE are fighting the NEA, the SEA, the AA and the AFA. Makes it more even, doesn't it? Only 3 vs 4.


Friend, what can we do for you?


Well first of all you can translate all that into Spongistan for me because it does not make sense. :blush:


Is this some new math I'll learn in college this fall?

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I am not so sure. With your entire air force and all of your troops in the north, and the Spanish now in the war, can you afford to pull forces from that front? I think a one division attack would have little chance at success, but a well thought out offensive could drive you out of the war.


But then, wouldn't this be the case for every country in war? I'd not be happy if someone landed in my homecountry, while all armies are running around wreaking havoc in egypt.


Guess meanwhile your alliance is at war with more than half of the world. How did ya'll get into this predicament? Caught between a rock and a hard place.


I will tell you how they got into this Mess - ME - they were so blinded by the easy target I was that they did not think of what would happen once I was gone. Sometimes it is wise to be a friend if the Sponge even if the Sponge does not survive. :blush:


Not quite Spongie. With Denmark, France and Czechoslovakia TAs, what is the obvious country to attack? As for the rest, just a confluence of events. Ireland and Great Britain are always fated to fight, and Ireland had two TAs. Poland attacked Czechoslovakia sensing an easy kill, but found out otherwise. He was checked until Monty did the country hopping thing into Hungary and hit the Czechs from behind. Norway, BS and Finland took out Sweden, and their obvious next target was Denmark. Same with Italy and Austria after Switzerland, we knew they would be attacking us. Yugoslaviia and Greece happen to be their TAs. Algeria fought Spain for Morocco, as for Tunisia, something there is fishy. Anyway, just the fact of too many neighbors. I like the odds though, 13 on 5. That is not counting 3 dead enemies. We may not hold, but we intend to cut down that 13 number a bit.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, isn't that what they say? So actually I think we are friends already. The African alliance (AFA) is in war with your alliance, we (MEA) are at war with them. So the WEA isn't all alone. There's even the EAE (BUL&ROM) which are also enemies of one of your other enemy alliances, the SEA. So the EAE are also our friends. So the WAE, the MEA and the EAE are fighting the NEA, the SEA, the AA and the AFA. Makes it more even, doesn't it? Only 3 vs 4.


Friend, what can we do for you?


If your alliance was actually fighting them, yes it would, but words will not divert forces nor take cities. They have suffered greivous losses, and their bad news is not over by a long sight. I think the Field Marshall has it right, it will be a long hot summer on the continent. We will sit and relax in nice cool London town I think.

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Who has suffered grievous losses? I hope your not referring to me and my allies.


With the number of enemies they have it is perfectly possible to hurt someone that is not an ally of Hungary.




- Morocco and Egypt considered fully conquered. Their conquerers Algeria and Transjordan are now fighting eachother over what's left of Libya, making that country a good candidate of being the next to be eliminated. Nice of the #1 and #2 in the standings to offer us this entertainment.

- I am sorry that the map does not show material losses.

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I hear the new ships for the Persian navy are being built with glass bottoms! :cheers:


Nice maps by the way. :cheers: Looks like I'm back to zero for the time being. :thumbsup:


Congratulations with restoring the integrity of the United Arab Emirate territories. I was tempted to try to take xShiinas back straight away, but there were more tempting targets to concentrate on. There is always next turn but the airspace over the UAE is getting a bit crowded.


All ships of the Persian navy have glass bottoms. It is a special design feature to better detect and avoid all those mines .

This time a Marat class actually survived your air attack! We have to study this in detail. Maybe it's the beginning of a new trend.

We certainly did not expect to have to repair that unit!


In the meantime there are quite a few Iraqi T-34A's looking for a parking place to go shopping for ore.

And the city of xYas appears to be a fine place for the Persian army to rest after wandering through the desert during a summer turn.

Curious little boxes on tracks, those M2A4's. Nice first try for a tank. The Italians must be green with envy.

Maybe- after the war - we should organise a symposium for Emirate tank designers and Persian ship designers.

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- Morocco and Egypt considered fully conquered. Their conquerers Algeria and Transjordan are now fighting eachother over what's left of Libya, making that country a good candidate of being the next to be eliminated. Nice of the #1 and #2 in the standings to offer us this entertainment.

- I am sorry that the map does not show material losses.


If the standing is considered the number of 25+ cities conquered, then I might currently be number 2 in the standings. If it is the amount of pop per turn added together, then the total production of Spain and Algeria is huge compared to the meagre resources of Transjordan. Consider Spain, which had all the resources of Portugal available since turn 10 (with all cities probably over 50 pop). Algeria has persuaded almost every city of Morocco to join the great Algerian empire since tech 11. Only Casablanca refused to join, but this error has been corrected by Sjeik Feeney this last turn.


But I'll try to entertain all by destroying as much of the algerian forces as I can.

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Who has suffered grievous losses? I hope your not referring to me and my allies.


With the number of enemies they have it is perfectly possible to hurt someone that is not an ally of Hungary.




- Morocco and Egypt considered fully conquered. Their conquerers Algeria and Transjordan are now fighting eachother over what's left of Libya, making that country a good candidate of being the next to be eliminated. Nice of the #1 and #2 in the standings to offer us this entertainment.

- I am sorry that the map does not show material losses.





That map is looking better every turn. Appreciate the effort!


Oh congrats on the three extra seats vor D'66. Glad I could help. :thumbsup:

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