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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Some interesting developments in the British Ilses, eh Larry? Nice try on the Colorado's, but that has got to hurt.


Yes...your ally sank some battleships. However, my guess is Larry rebuilds them before you rebuild your industry.......


Tick tock.....tick tock......



Lol, that would be a neat trick, since London is already at full capacity.



Those same BB's levelled xBilbao also....and it is certainly not rebuilt.



That could be, but I thought you were speaking to me. I can't rebuild Spanish industry.

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Some interesting developments in the British Ilses, eh Larry? Nice try on the Colorado's, but that has got to hurt.


Yes...your ally sank some battleships. However, my guess is Larry rebuilds them before you rebuild your industry.......


Tick tock.....tick tock......



Lol, that would be a neat trick, since London is already at full capacity.



Those same BB's levelled xBilbao also....and it is certainly not rebuilt.



That could be, but I thought you were speaking to me. I can't rebuild Spanish industry.



Well...you were taking credit for your allies' accomplishments, so I assumed you would take responsibility for their failures as well. Your aircraft were, shall we say, largely ineffective?

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English targets in Hersbruck und Kronach. Nice soft english armor against german/russian tech. :blush:


Now vhere did I put that little Panzerarmee?


Von Manstein



Uh, British tanks are as tough as German tanks right now, we just do not have an uber division like the SS, but then neither do you!


I think the French killed them.


But I got some T34s :wub: with your name on them


Should be easy for you, T-34's against my A 13's, and Poland and Austria to help you, what will you say if you fail?

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I will definitely say a loud " Bravo! " if the A-13's prevail against the T-34's .


I would say bravo to any army that took out a stack T-34's (same size). I say soften them up with some bombers first, then some more and if you think that's enough, throw in the rest too.

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I will definitely say a loud " Bravo! " if the A-13's prevail against the T-34's .


If it were just the Hungarian T-34's I would whup him good, but there are an equal number of Polish panzers, and the bulk of my air force has to defend Great Britain against the western hordes, so it will be a very unequal fight. I can't wait!

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I will definitely say a loud " Bravo! " if the A-13's prevail against the T-34's .


If it were just the Hungarian T-34's I would whup him good, but there are an equal number of Polish panzers, and the bulk of my air force has to defend Great Britain against the western hordes, so it will be a very unequal fight. I can't wait!


I did not hear you complain so much when you attacked a poor defensless sponge en mass 4 onto 1. You all picked on the weaker player and now the tables have turned you are looking for world sympathy. Why not leave Europe for the liberators, head home, defend those shores because its going to be a race; who will get to London first. East or West.

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I did not hear you complain so much when you attacked a poor defensless sponge en mass 4 onto 1. You all picked on the weaker player and now the tables have turned you are looking for world sympathy. Why not leave Europe for the liberators, head home, defend those shores because its going to be a race; who will get to London first. East or West.


I have some doubts about the role of Spongebob in organising the pact against Western Europe, or the willingness of the pact to "avenge the sponge". In the original TA Switzerland, Germany, Lowlands and Hungary were fighting against Western Europe and lost. After that everyone turned their attention to Western Europe for different reasons:

Noone wanted to be next on the menue, it is always a good idea to stab someone in the back who is already committed to fighting someone else and there are always TA's that need a helping hand to establish themselfs on mainland Europe.


But what to do after that? Does anyone have a clue what to do when Western Europe is down? Who will turn on who?

Of all the different members of the pact you (=Hungary) are the smallest.

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I will definitely say a loud " Bravo! " if the A-13's prevail against the T-34's .


If it were just the Hungarian T-34's I would whup him good, but there are an equal number of Polish panzers, and the bulk of my air force has to defend Great Britain against the western hordes, so it will be a very unequal fight. I can't wait!


WHY OH WHY did you put that army there then?????????????????????????????????????


I guess it could be used better defending France against the italian assault.

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I did not hear you complain so much when you attacked a poor defensless sponge en mass 4 onto 1. You all picked on the weaker player and now the tables have turned you are looking for world sympathy. Why not leave Europe for the liberators, head home, defend those shores because its going to be a race; who will get to London first. East or West.


I have some doubts about the role of Spongebob in organising the pact against Western Europe, or the willingness of the pact to "avenge the sponge". In the original TA Switzerland, Germany, Lowlands and Hungary were fighting against Western Europe and lost. After that everyone turned their attention to Western Europe for different reasons:

Noone wanted to be next on the menue, it is always a good idea to stab someone in the back who is already committed to fighting someone else and there are always TA's that need a helping hand to establish themselfs on mainland Europe.


But what to do after that? Does anyone have a clue what to do when Western Europe is down? Who will turn on who?

Of all the different members of the pact you (=Hungary) are the smallest.


Size is relative, you are not privy to the inner workings of my nation so cannot know as I do the relative strengths and weakness of each part.

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I will definitely say a loud " Bravo! " if the A-13's prevail against the T-34's .


If it were just the Hungarian T-34's I would whup him good, but there are an equal number of Polish panzers, and the bulk of my air force has to defend Great Britain against the western hordes, so it will be a very unequal fight. I can't wait!


WHY OH WHY did you put that army there then?????????????????????????????????????


I guess it could be used better defending France against the italian assault.


I am hopeful it can do some damage before it goes away. We shall see. What am I supposed to do, keep it out of the way while you run over Europe?

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I will definitely say a loud " Bravo! " if the A-13's prevail against the T-34's .


If it were just the Hungarian T-34's I would whup him good, but there are an equal number of Polish panzers, and the bulk of my air force has to defend Great Britain against the western hordes, so it will be a very unequal fight. I can't wait!


I did not hear you complain so much when you attacked a poor defensless sponge en mass 4 onto 1. You all picked on the weaker player and now the tables have turned you are looking for world sympathy. Why not leave Europe for the liberators, head home, defend those shores because its going to be a race; who will get to London first. East or West.


Uh, first of all, I am not complaining, merely stating the fact that it will not be a 1 on 1 fight with you. I am good with that, you clearly will need help to do what you brag you will do.

Secondly, there was never a 4 on 1 on sponge. Poland and Lowlands both were war with us from the start, and Baltic States, Norway and Finland went to war with Denmark long before Germany fell.

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I will definitely say a loud " Bravo! " if the A-13's prevail against the T-34's .


If it were just the Hungarian T-34's I would whup him good, but there are an equal number of Polish panzers, and the bulk of my air force has to defend Great Britain against the western hordes, so it will be a very unequal fight. I can't wait!


I did not hear you complain so much when you attacked a poor defensless sponge en mass 4 onto 1. You all picked on the weaker player and now the tables have turned you are looking for world sympathy. Why not leave Europe for the liberators, head home, defend those shores because its going to be a race; who will get to London first. East or West.


Uh, first of all, I am not complaining, merely stating the fact that it will not be a 1 on 1 fight with you. I am good with that, you clearly will need help to do what you brag you will do.

Secondly, there was never a 4 on 1 on sponge. Poland and Lowlands both were war with us from the start, and Baltic States, Norway and Finland went to war with Denmark long before Germany fell.


From what I remember from those early days France, Czech, Denmark and your good self were running around the Sponges aquarium in a determined effort to wipe him out. The others only took advantage to stop your continued progress. Should THEY have done nothing and allowed you and your allies free passage? You clearly have some grievance against my stewardship of Hungary, the country of my exile allowing yourself the belief it is not deserved or that progress has been at the behest of my allies. When the final curtain falls we can have a frank and open discussion on all aspects of how we finish in this game. Untill then I will continue to march on London.

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I will definitely say a loud " Bravo! " if the A-13's prevail against the T-34's .


If it were just the Hungarian T-34's I would whup him good, but there are an equal number of Polish panzers, and the bulk of my air force has to defend Great Britain against the western hordes, so it will be a very unequal fight. I can't wait!


I did not hear you complain so much when you attacked a poor defensless sponge en mass 4 onto 1. You all picked on the weaker player and now the tables have turned you are looking for world sympathy. Why not leave Europe for the liberators, head home, defend those shores because its going to be a race; who will get to London first. East or West.


Uh, first of all, I am not complaining, merely stating the fact that it will not be a 1 on 1 fight with you. I am good with that, you clearly will need help to do what you brag you will do.

Secondly, there was never a 4 on 1 on sponge. Poland and Lowlands both were war with us from the start, and Baltic States, Norway and Finland went to war with Denmark long before Germany fell.


From what I remember from those early days France, Czech, Denmark and your good self were running around the Sponges aquarium in a determined effort to wipe him out. The others only took advantage to stop your continued progress. Should THEY have done nothing and allowed you and your allies free passage? You clearly have some grievance against my stewardship of Hungary, the country of my exile allowing yourself the belief it is not deserved or that progress has been at the behest of my allies. When the final curtain falls we can have a frank and open discussion on all aspects of how we finish in this game. Untill then I will continue to march on London.



You have your facts wrong. Both France and Great Britain were at war with Lowlands before they were at war with Germany. Hungary, Poland and Norway all went to war with our alliance BEFORE one French or British unit crossed into Germany. Sponge likes to play the poor me card, but if he had played his position better, he could of easily saved it.

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You have your facts wrong. Both France and Great Britain were at war with Lowlands before they were at war with Germany. Hungary, Poland and Norway all went to war with our alliance BEFORE one French or British unit crossed into Germany. Sponge likes to play the poor me card, but if he had played his position better, he could of easily saved it.


You are right there. Easy to check if all data is available in XLS. Monty, you agressive person. Declaring on Czecho and Denmark in turn 5. Germany has declared on GB, not the other way around. Czecho was the first victim of a united assault, but even so, he went for Germany. Even lowlands declared on GB. But Germany was declared upon by Denmark and Czecho. Norway did nothing whatsoever but declare on sweden.


TURN 5 (as seen by the results of my turns)

Denmark has declared war on Germany

France has declared war on Lowlands

Hungary has declared war on Czechoslovakia

Poland has declared war on Czechoslovakia

Switzerland has declared war on Czechoslovakia

Switzerland has declared war on Denmark



Czechoslovakia has declared war on Germany

Denmark has declared war on Hungary

Denmark has declared war on Lowlands

Finland has declared war on Sweden

Lowlands has declared war on Great Britain



France has declared war on Germany



France has declared war on Hungary

Germany has declared war on Great Britain

France has declared war on Switzerland

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