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Are they worth the trouble


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But take my world and there can be no peace between us, I will fight you to the end, I will make allies with the devil himself if thats what it takes. My agents will remain and I will supply that information to anyone who has the slightest dislike to you.


I will fight you on every forum post you make, I will continue to try and show you as a player who is out for what he can get and cares little about what is right. You will always be remembered as the player who destroyed the flagritz not the liberator of the kom Ka.



That's an interesting clip. Is it from flagritz?


If so it sure appears that flagritz is simply making noise to try to make you look bad. Kind of like a marketing gimmick. Repeat something enough times and some people will believe you. Seems like a case of sour grapes and now he's on the receiving end he's unhappy about it.


Yep thats from me.


But that because I am on the receiving end and so yes Im not happy about it.

Im not trying to make him look bad, if he choses to pick on me then I will however highlight how bad he really is.


Its not sour grapes its karma :}

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Sounds like an alien pleading for mercy to me . Now we play the role of Flagritz , and Flagritz plays the role of Komka....except here there is no more chance for mercy , you passed that up . Six times peace in one sentance...what is there to not understand?



Not really, these were the messages when we first met, only a few pathfinders had been lost at this point, asking for mercy for what?

After this the fighting escalates and warships are deployed by both sides, peace wasnt on the agenda when my ships were being blown up.... but then that is forgotten as it would no support your version of events to paint me as a bad bad player.


I never said I was happy about this war, I have many times admitted it is not my finest hour, but when a player wont talk to you (properly), drops from the face of the earth when the conflict escalates further then they intended what do you expect....


I know you wont show mercy, but thats because you are worse then me.




The first KomKa quote came when you were in his HW and Gehenna (another LNAW) appeared there the turn after that.



Yeah 16 turns prior to me attacking his homeworld, your point?

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A world for a world seems harsh but reasonable in light that flagritz took out komka. Guess his mouth got the best of him though. When not in a position of power one should never threaten the one offering terms of surrender. Bad form and not wise at all.


But take my world and there can be no peace between us, I will fight you to the end, I will make allies with the devil himself if thats what it takes. My agents will remain and I will supply that information to anyone who has the slightest dislike to you.


I will fight you on every forum post you make, I will continue to try and show you as a player who is out for what he can get and cares little about what is right. You will always be remembered as the player who destroyed the flagritz not the liberator of the kom Ka.



That's an interesting clip. Is it from flagritz?


If so it sure appears that flagritz is simply making noise to try to make you look bad. Kind of like a marketing gimmick. Repeat something enough times and some people will believe you. Seems like a case of sour grapes and now he's on the receiving end he's unhappy about it.




before this there was a long paragraph of begging for mercy and then the quoted stuff.

I told him I would free the KomKa HW and take one HW from him. And that from the start.

Now i will take at least two more from him.

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I propose people stop shouting at each other across the forum about the Flagritz War. The reasons don't matter. The decisions have been made.


A good idea. But from flagritzs comments he is glad we have free speech and if cestvel takes his hw then he won't ever stop. I assume this not stopping includes using his free speech so I'm sorry Deep but I think that proposal was DOA. Nice try though

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I propose people stop shouting at each other across the forum about the Flagritz War. The reasons don't matter. The decisions have been made.


Why? Shouting seems to be the only thing that works these days. Why just look at the progress made on a Health Care Reform plan we can all be proud of. :drunk:

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I propose people stop shouting at each other across the forum about the Flagritz War. The reasons don't matter. The decisions have been made.


Why? Shouting seems to be the only thing that works these days. Why just look at the progress made on a Health Care Reform plan we can all be proud of. :drunk:


Ironically, you will need universal health care to cure all the sore throats made hoarse from shouting about it :drunk:

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I propose people stop shouting at each other across the forum about the Flagritz War. The reasons don't matter. The decisions have been made.


Why? Shouting seems to be the only thing that works these days. Why just look at the progress made on a Health Care Reform plan we can all be proud of. :drunk:


Hey WKE, I come to SN for entertainment and politics definitely ain't that.


The web is an excellent place to voice opinions and it would be real cool if you stuck to topics related to SN and left the politics in political forums.


Unless you are referring to Cloning Centers or Imperial Medical Centers, please take it somewhere else. Thanks.

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The Harkonnens generally have poor health , speak in a gravelly voice , are quite obese , are given to fits of uncontrollable laughing , and sometimes will pull the body plugs of their slaves in order to drain them of their blood . Their skin is pockmarked with open festering sores , and their mode of locomotion is not walking.....the Harkonnens use their gravity belts to get them to where they want to go......healthcare is a dangerous profession , as the position of personal doctor to the Harkonnens is the same as a death sentance.....no shouting here , so no really good healthcare needed....we are pure .....pure evil...

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Sounds like an alien pleading for mercy to me . Now we play the role of Flagritz , and Flagritz plays the role of Komka....except here there is no more chance for mercy , you passed that up . Six times peace in one sentance...what is there to not understand?



Not really, these were the messages when we first met, only a few pathfinders had been lost at this point, asking for mercy for what?

After this the fighting escalates and warships are deployed by both sides, peace wasnt on the agenda when my ships were being blown up.... but then that is forgotten as it would no support your version of events to paint me as a bad bad player.


I never said I was happy about this war, I have many times admitted it is not my finest hour, but when a player wont talk to you (properly), drops from the face of the earth when the conflict escalates further then they intended what do you expect....


I know you wont show mercy, but thats because you are worse then me.




The first KomKa quote came when you were in his HW and Gehenna (another LNAW) appeared there the turn after that. The second one was on an early contact and trying to set a border, which the Flagritz completely ignored.

And they pushed on (like I did while you tried to set up borders, hehe)

Then the KomKa killed of these threatening scouts (like you did with mine, hehe)

And you used that as an excuse to go in and wipe him out (like mockingly I did as well ...)


I hope you see the humor now?

Good grief - after 40+ turns in the game the Gehenna meet up with their second closest neighbour. Especially as they have been scouting that entire area non-stop since about turn 30 (Using 2 AP scouts - second string fleets). And by the way - I'm pretty certain that they met up with the Kom Ka BEFORE Flagritz went to war with them. Small, perhaps inconvenient detail, I'm sure - but...! And hey - revelation - I'm one of the players who discussed and agreed peaceful relations in English with the Kom Ka, not role-play-spik.


Yep - REALLY sinister.


What's this? Your rationalization for hitting your next target amongst the easy pickings?


Added edit :

7/16/07 email -


I would be interested in the name of the system you come from. WP's out of nowhere ending in my own space make me nervous.


Here are some systems at the outer reach of the empire, if one of this connects to your empire I will be happy to show you the shortest route.


















Thanks for getting back to me.


I came "south" on my maps from my own empire border system Estmar through a one way F WP to Igumen, then Sevchik and on to Ortmka. I already have an idea of local systems from your run-in with Flagritz (we have shared border maps) so I have been making my way towards Regent in the hope I can head "westward" on my own maps via the B WP there to link up again with my own territory again eventually - I can afford to lose a couple of antiquated fleets, but it would be wasteful to throw away the two experienced explorer characters with them! I have no idea what lays beyond Regent although I do have 1 ship fleet that split off from the one in Ortmka which has made its way to Gawan (E WP from Regent to get there) to check out that possible route.


I have a few of those listed systems of yours on my own map (which shows the hub system Laraene and most of those named coming off it - all of this in the apparent opposite direction I want to travel to get 'home') which do not show any connections to my own territory - but as we both know, any maps we make are just two dimensional guesses as to where the systems come into contact with others, and directions mean absolutely nothing without a solid link on the other end (and please note, I'm not so closely allied with Flagritz that I can just travel through a large segment of HIS territory either).


My own claimed border systems that you are most likely to be nearest to are, amongst others, Elviane, Aricin, Arturo, Mnata, Stanford, Argider, Zera, Judocus, Susadh, Terasa and of course Estmar. I'm not sure how close my territory is (if at all) beyond Regent so I won't mention them until such time as we come into contact there.


Be lucky,





If you move to Regent and then outwards, you have my blessings. There are three Type E Warppoints in Regent wich may lead in your direction. If you go another way please consult with me beforehand.


May you find Home






Kom-Ka Federation


Looks like I was wrong about the timing of my contact (hey - I'm being honest here!) it was concurrent after all, although as I recall I went to Ortmka to refuel - before I knew it was his HW. The above contact speaks for itself though (unless inconvenient to future plans of course).

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I propose people stop shouting at each other across the forum about the Flagritz War. The reasons don't matter. The decisions have been made.


Why? Shouting seems to be the only thing that works these days. Why just look at the progress made on a Health Care Reform plan we can all be proud of. :drunk:


Hey WKE, I come to SN for entertainment and politics definitely ain't that.


The web is an excellent place to voice opinions and it would be real cool if you stuck to topics related to SN and left the politics in political forums.


Unless you are referring to Cloning Centers or Imperial Medical Centers, please take it somewhere else. Thanks.


I think you might have missed the subtle comparison of the rational :drunk: discussion between players in this forum to those ongoing comments :drunk: from all involved in the current distraction of the week. It's subtle, and may require a a bone dry sense of humor; but a strong reaction was probably unnecessary. :thumbsup:


Have a nice day.

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Cloning centers and Imperial Medical centers are not really good til you get to 1 in 100


The first is about a 500 percent increase in pop growth and the second is about 300 percent.


Free secret info the good guys will not put out. :drunk:


Why take the fun of discovery from them? :drunk:


Isn't that the essence of evil? Take the fun out of everything.


No, that is the role of government.


Uhh, on the other hand, perhaps you are correct........


Looks like I made a political statement, but at least it is generic.

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I propose people stop shouting at each other across the forum about the Flagritz War. The reasons don't matter. The decisions have been made.


Why? Shouting seems to be the only thing that works these days. Why just look at the progress made on a Health Care Reform plan we can all be proud of. :drunk:


Hey WKE, I come to SN for entertainment and politics definitely ain't that.


The web is an excellent place to voice opinions and it would be real cool if you stuck to topics related to SN and left the politics in political forums.


Unless you are referring to Cloning Centers or Imperial Medical Centers, please take it somewhere else. Thanks.


Politics IS entertainment. I mean come on now, even clowns can't come up with the materials these fools do these days. John Stewert and Stephen Colbert have become rich of the topic. So I say enjoy the laughs! :drunk:

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Cloning centers and Imperial Medical centers are not really good til you get to 1 in 100


The first is about a 500 percent increase in pop growth and the second is about 300 percent.


Free secret info the good guys will not put out. :drunk:


Why take the fun of discovery from them? :drunk:


Isn't that the essence of evil? Take the fun out of everything.


No, that is the role of government.


Uhh, on the other hand, perhaps you are correct........


Looks like I made a political statement, but at least it is generic.


Oh oh .. Jodookus is going to yell at you. :thumbsup: Better hide.

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