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Cargo Calculation


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That is GREAT news! Now I dont have to list every possible material my colonies COULD mine (and their IMP & ADV refined versions) just in case I need to make them down the road. Sooo much better.



Be careful with this order on colony worlds - if you have power-generation facilities that require fuel materials (coal, processed radioactives), a LC ALL order may result in shutting down the colony's industrial/mining ops (i.e. remember to combine it with an OC order to drop the coal, etc. back to the colony and watch your cargo requirements).




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I am assuming then that the LOAD CARGO ALL will load cargo from the colony in alphabetical order??

I'd say that it will probably load alphabetically, but due to the vagaries of the MSAccess Jet Engine, sometimes the table isn't resorted instantly. Thus, if new cargo showed up on a world, perhaps by being offloaded from an EXPL fleet, sometime the table is not resorted on the spot. As a result I couldn't say with certainty that it will load alphabetically, but in most cases it probably does.

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You could 'force' it to load items alphabetically, Pete. You could put it on your "Things That Would Be Nice to Have but Aren't Critical" To-Do List. :lol:


I think you have enough on your plate to keep you busy through November 2003 already; in no particular order of importance --


-PC-to-PC Empire Diplomacy Order

-Fleet Cargo Calculator

-FBP Modifications

-Database error corrections (e.g. Fusion Engines)

-Rules Upgrades

-Assorted little things that always seem to pop up


The joys of programming. :rolleyes:



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The key when using an ALL option is to never, ever, ever, ever, ever (er...ever) use it in place of a number or you'll cause yourself grief (the value of the word "ALL" when used as a number is considered to be zero, not at all what you want). Never, ever, ever :D



Load Cargo, <pop group #>, <fleet #>, ALL



Load Cargo, <pop group #>, <fleet #>, Coal, 500, Iron, ALL


Do not use ALL as if it were a big number. Instead, issue:



Load Cargo, <pop group #>, <fleet #>, Coal, 500, Iron, 99999999


Ninety-nine million is almost always high enough to handle any quantities you might have in stockpile. Don't use a ridiculously high number (something higher than 2 billion).


Oh, one more tip: don't use commas in your numbers. Baaaaaaad. :blink:

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