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Vic! 89

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The food part can be fixed by spending money. You are guaranteed to increase your food production by at least 5% every time you issue the APD. The no COAL or PET cannot be fixed, even if you spend lots of money. The return on investment will never be worth the 10 or so PET or COAL you will get in return for the RPDs.


In turn 1 I did APD on three provinces. Only one was succesfull, and only for 5%.

Turn 2 gave me 3x a +5% increase,

Turn 3 2x a +5%, and 1x +10%. So it is a bit random.

Coal consumption is down to 144/turn and dropping.


Sounds like Iceland is a basket case to me

Why did they bother including it in the game

To make Iceland playable they should up the ante a little


To the contrary. I've played Iceland twice. Dropped the first time because of 'real life' stuff and finished the game the second time around. Both times, the lack of resources was not the primary problem. It was getting a sustainable beachhead. You REALLY need a solid TA on the mainland to 'support' your entrance on to the continent. I've learned SO MUCH since those games. It's almost tempting to try Iceland again.


Thats interesting

Do you become a burden to your TA

Do you have to drag resorses back to Iceland or build at your landing point

I suppose you first have to hold it against the enemy unless he is defeated outright on your landing

Which is easier said than done

I don't think I like Iceland at all


Is this a good joice

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It all depends on your choice for an invasion. You certainly need to work with a TA to make the landing more effective. I have seen it work several different ways in four different games. In all four games Iceland was/is still a viable nation in the game. All have chosen different targets. In game 77, Iceland controlled much of central Europe and held nearly every invasion point. In two other games, I have seen Iceland struggle to hold any ground while in game 87, I have been able to take and hold everything I wanted in Northern Russia, with the help of my allies. I certainly understand the difficulties of playing the nation and have corrected some of the shortcomings of the position. I will certainly need to bring back spoils from NR to keep the homeland happy. The food issue shouldn't be an issue if you can continually APD and keep 2-3 ADL 10's to supply the small nation with food. Even if you put you biggest energy drains in the AE cites, you will still run out of energy at or around turn 55 or so. You will have to bring in COAL and/or PET.



Thats interesting

Do you become a burden to your TA

Do you have to drag resorses back to Iceland or build at your landing point

I suppose you first have to hold it against the enemy unless he is defeated outright on your landing

Which is easier said than done

I don't think I like Iceland at all


Is this a good joice

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Thats interesting

Do you become a burden to your TA

Do you have to drag resorses back to Iceland or build at your landing point

I suppose you first have to hold it against the enemy unless he is defeated outright on your landing

Which is easier said than done

I don't think I like Iceland at all


Is this a good joice


But You're right: Iceland is crap, certainly not worth the effort of invading. I wouldn't do so if I were Great Brittain or Ireland.

Morocco is the far better choice: lots of sunshine, sand and friendly Moroccans. Just not fair that in most games I participated in Morocco was ambushed by Algeria. So if you want a part of Morocco, You'd better hurry before it is gone!

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For once I am NOT the weakest link



And who might be the weakest link? (He asks, knowing Songebob will make yet another slight against a certain someone. Most notably by tweaking the spelling of his name in a predictably immature and childish way.) Ah, we may not be sure of his location, but we can be very sure of his reaction/behavior before he even opens his mouth based on COUNTLESS past examples apparently.

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Guest Spongebob
Tis true you are Denmark, and no doubt I am the weakest link, hehe. Come and get me spongie, I am ready. Too bad you do not want peace, I tried.


I have no TA's, no allies but as I have come out of the closet so to speak I am now open to offers. Who wants to be friends with the Sponge. All offers will be considered and then I decide.


So Germany, send your diplomats, anyone else send yours. Its my final game so who wants to Save Our Sponge? You must all consider this though by doing so you will have a big yellow square target painted on your back. Can you Sponge Up enough?

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Thats interesting

Do you become a burden to your TA

Do you have to drag resorses back to Iceland or build at your landing point

I suppose you first have to hold it against the enemy unless he is defeated outright on your landing

Which is easier said than done

I don't think I like Iceland at all


Is this a good joice


But You're right: Iceland is crap, certainly not worth the effort of invading. I wouldn't do so if I were Great Brittain or Ireland.

Morocco is the far better choice: lots of sunshine, sand and friendly Moroccans. Just not fair that in most games I participated in Morocco was ambushed by Algeria. So if you want a part of Morocco, You'd better hurry before it is gone!


This sounds like a red herring to us

We kinda like the idea of fresh fish daily

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Guest Spongebob
Its my final game so who wants to Save Our Sponge?


Maybe it's everyone's final game?


<_< Confused


Russ wasn't sure that there would be a Game 90. So, technically speaking, this could be everyone's last game of Victory! Stop being so porous! Airhead!


Well I did'nt know that did I :thumbsup: You had better beg forgiveness or I will invade you. Calling me an Airhead, dont you realise who I am?

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Well I did'nt know that did I :thumbsup: You had better beg forgiveness or I will invade you. Calling me an Airhead, dont you realise who I am?


Listen you bag of dust, if I have to build the ugliest fleet of LCI's you have ever seen to teach you yet another lesson in politeness, I will. Even been invaded by a Russian flotilla? I will make it happen just to slap you around.



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