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I wonder who the American duo is this time. I am surprised that I have not yet seen war Spain-Portugal or France-Lowlands. Got to wonder if GB and Ireland will land in Norway to assist their TA's in Sweden and Finland. Norway can be a very difficult nation to play if the Swedish player knows what they are doing. Too easy to sever Norway in two and short the resources at either end of the country. Hope the Norwegians are willing to spend money on AK's.....its the only way to keep the resources flowing back and forth if it does happen......and those AK's are so darn easy to sink. :( Boy a lot of questions......only the coming turns will have the answers.......PLAY ON boys, PLAY ON!



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I wonder who the American duo is this time. I am surprised that I have not yet seen war Spain-Portugal or France-Lowlands. Got to wonder if GB and Ireland will land in Norway to assist their TA's in Sweden and Finland. Norway can be a very difficult nation to play if the Swedish player knows what they are doing. Too easy to sever Norway in two and short the resources at either end of the country. Hope the Norwegians are willing to spend money on AK's.....its the only way to keep the resources flowing back and forth if it does happen......and those AK's are so darn easy to sink. :thumbsup: Boy a lot of questions......only the coming turns will have the answers.......PLAY ON boys, PLAY ON!




Looking at the map I might TA with France, Lowlands and Persia :(

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Guest Spongebob
Oi!!!! :thumbsup: What about me, why not TA with me Spatulaboy


T'is a rule of war, Spongey -- no one wants to share a foxhole with a fella that draws fire.


No one has fired a shot in anger in my direction.... Yet (GULP!) :(

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Hey Ondali care to invade Poland for me, this guy is asking for a Slap, I intercepted some diplomatic papers from Poland that cast doubt on you ability to get out of bed. Other comments were made that may cause offense. As you may well know causing offence is not one of my problems but to air in public what the Polish leader said about you and that donkey is just not cricket. Ive burned the photos as well, well most of them. Nice dress BTW :(


holiday is over....

so my ability to get out of bed should improve next monday

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Well as long as you all leave me alone then I am not bothered, I have No Coal.... :( Errrrm, I wonder where I can get some from. Your right about the Polish Miners, its the Polish Plumbers you need to watch.


I have heard that German coal is very much in demand this time of the year....


German coal is already spoken for, thanks anyway. Although maybe the Czechs and Austrians can delay a couple of days, just to be sporting, so perhaps I can keep them!

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I wonder who the American duo is this time. I am surprised that I have not yet seen war Spain-Portugal or France-Lowlands. Got to wonder if GB and Ireland will land in Norway to assist their TA's in Sweden and Finland. Norway can be a very difficult nation to play if the Swedish player knows what they are doing. Too easy to sever Norway in two and short the resources at either end of the country. Hope the Norwegians are willing to spend money on AK's.....its the only way to keep the resources flowing back and forth if it does happen......and those AK's are so darn easy to sink. :( Boy a lot of questions......only the coming turns will have the answers.......PLAY ON boys, PLAY ON!




I have already announced that I am Canada. If my partners wishes to say, that is up to him.


Thanks for suggestions about Norway. It comes in handy for another game.

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Who said that Irealand and Great Britian were TA with Sweden and Finland. You better check your latest turn or do another SIM POL. Ireland was hoping to stay peaceful long enough that I wouldn't need my navy, I will just fly my men evry where. Or maybe just sit there in my own country a build defenses so strong they couldn't be broken.

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