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Vic! 89

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Dear world leaders,


Be informed that the "Worldnews edition 89" will appear regularly, the first edition is planned in October. As always, the news will be factual and precise. Anyone willing to share information with our reporters, do contact our staff and we will of course check all incoming information for their worth.


As a start, here are some headlines for the coming edition:

- Scandinavia in turmoil.

- Germany besieged on all sides.

- To be sandwiched in the desert sands.


Some in depth articles will cover:

- Lost capitals, can a country survive?

- Alone and friendless, how long can a Sponge last?

- War in the mountains, will our supply of Milka last until all is settled?


Our main article will be an interview with an expert on politics, who will shed some light on the different TA blocks and the implications this will have on the world.


Perhaps I will change my handle for this game to Horatius, it likely fits.

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Defend all you will but I fear your fate is already sealed. The odds are against you and the situation is Grim. You are a skilled warrior, it will be fun to watch from the sidelines how you defend your nation. I only hope you can share with Falco and his reporters so we can get a fuller picture. Strange how Czech / Austria / Hungary have not made any comments. Does anyone know who these horsemen of the apocalypse are.

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Defend all you will but I fear your fate is already sealed. The odds are against you and the situation is Grim. You are a skilled warrior, it will be fun to watch from the sidelines how you defend your nation. I only hope you can share with Falco and his reporters so we can get a fuller picture. Strange how Czech / Austria / Hungary have not made any comments. Does anyone know who these horsemen of the apocalypse are.


The Austrian/Hungarian/Czech's have not commented because they know that they do not have the upper hand just yet. There is a lot of fighting to be done before anything is decided. Czeck in after next turn!

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Defend all you will but I fear your fate is already sealed. The odds are against you and the situation is Grim. You are a skilled warrior, it will be fun to watch from the sidelines how you defend your nation. I only hope you can share with Falco and his reporters so we can get a fuller picture. Strange how Czech / Austria / Hungary have not made any comments. Does anyone know who these horsemen of the apocalypse are.


Only 2 against 1 for them hardly seems fair. Spongie is under the same misperception as you are, that I have no hope, so he figures he will grab while the grabbing is good.


"Then up spake brave Horatius

the captain of the gate

to every man upon this earth

death cometh, soon or late

and how could one die better

than facing fearsome odds

for the ashes of his fathers

and the temples of his Gods"

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nly 2 against 1 for them hardly seems fair. Spongie is under the same misperception as you are, that I have no hope, so he figures he will grab while the grabbing is good.


"Then up spake brave Horatius

the captain of the gate

to every man upon this earth

death cometh, soon or late

and how could one die better

than facing fearsome odds

for the ashes of his fathers

and the temples of his Gods"


While "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori", however

"the aim is not to die for ones country, but let the enemy die for his".

But maybe today is a good day to die, especially when you can take a lot of enemies with you.

So Go Germany!

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nly 2 against 1 for them hardly seems fair. Spongie is under the same misperception as you are, that I have no hope, so he figures he will grab while the grabbing is good.


"Then up spake brave Horatius

the captain of the gate

to every man upon this earth

death cometh, soon or late

and how could one die better

than facing fearsome odds

for the ashes of his fathers

and the temples of his Gods"


While "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori", however

"the aim is not to die for ones country, but let the enemy die for his".

But maybe today is a good day to die, especially when you can take a lot of enemies with you.

So Go Germany!


If you know that poem, Horatius does not die, but he does take a lot of bad guys with him.

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nly 2 against 1 for them hardly seems fair. Spongie is under the same misperception as you are, that I have no hope, so he figures he will grab while the grabbing is good.


"Then up spake brave Horatius

the captain of the gate

to every man upon this earth

death cometh, soon or late

and how could one die better

than facing fearsome odds

for the ashes of his fathers

and the temples of his Gods"


While "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori", however

"the aim is not to die for ones country, but let the enemy die for his".

But maybe today is a good day to die, especially when you can take a lot of enemies with you.

So Go Germany!


Libya has declared war on Tunisia

Egypt has conquered xSelima from Libya

Northern Russia has conquered xJuuka from Finland

Northern Russia has conquered xLieksa from Finland

Northern Russia has conquered xSotkamo from Finland

UAE has declared war on Iraq

UAE has declared war on Great Britain

Morocco has conquered xBechar from Algeria

Hungary has declared war on Bulgaria

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Libya has declared war on Tunisia

Egypt has conquered xSelima from Libya

Northern Russia has conquered xJuuka from Finland

Northern Russia has conquered xLieksa from Finland

Northern Russia has conquered xSotkamo from Finland

UAE has declared war on Iraq

UAE has declared war on Great Britain

Morocco has conquered xBechar from Algeria

Hungary has declared war on Bulgaria


I see a familiar pattern in the middle east: Kurassier playing UAE, TA-ing with the Saudi's and using Kuwayt as a takeoff point to invade a TA of Persia and Iraq.

Better luck this time around!


(Well, I have to admit there is a certain twisting of the truth here: in #87 we attacked Kurassier first. But still this looks like a second try at the same strategy)

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Defend all you will but I fear your fate is already sealed. The odds are against you and the situation is Grim. You are a skilled warrior, it will be fun to watch from the sidelines how you defend your nation. I only hope you can share with Falco and his reporters so we can get a fuller picture. Strange how Czech / Austria / Hungary have not made any comments. Does anyone know who these horsemen of the apocalypse are.


The Austrian/Hungarian/Czech's have not commented because they know that they do not have the upper hand just yet. There is a lot of fighting to be done before anything is decided. Czeck in after next turn!


Indeed, what with Hungary splitting his attention between Germany and myself, I would think that, perhaps, there is a deeper game going on here at the moment, neh? Why start a fight with another bloc of nations when you haven't swallowed your first bite of the apple? Mayhap they've bitten off more than they can chew, let alone swallow...


Interesting times, interesting times...




In the midst of the word he was trying to say,


 In the midst of his laughter and glee,


He had softly and suddenly vanished away —


 For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.

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Indeed, what with Hungary splitting his attention between Germany and myself, I would think that, perhaps, there is a deeper game going on here at the moment, neh? Why start a fight with another bloc of nations when you haven't swallowed your first bite of the apple? Mayhap they've bitten off more than they can chew, let alone swallow...


He meant Rumania......

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Indeed, what with Hungary splitting his attention between Germany and myself, I would think that, perhaps, there is a deeper game going on here at the moment, neh? Why start a fight with another bloc of nations when you haven't swallowed your first bite of the apple? Mayhap they've bitten off more than they can chew, let alone swallow...


He meant Rumania......


Pardon, you are quite correct.




Mornings come far too early in the day.


"You are old, Father William," the young man said,

"And your hair has become very white;

And yet you incessantly stand on your head --

Do you think, at your age, it is right?


"In my youth," Father William replied to his son,

"I feared it might injure the brain;

But, now that I'm perfectly sure I have none,

Why, I do it again and again."

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Libya has declared war on Tunisia

Egypt has conquered xSelima from Libya

Northern Russia has conquered xJuuka from Finland

Northern Russia has conquered xLieksa from Finland

Northern Russia has conquered xSotkamo from Finland

UAE has declared war on Iraq

UAE has declared war on Great Britain

Morocco has conquered xBechar from Algeria

Hungary has declared war on Bulgaria


I see a familiar pattern in the middle east: Kurassier playing UAE, TA-ing with the Saudi's and using Kuwayt as a takeoff point to invade a TA of Persia and Iraq.

Better luck this time around!


(Well, I have to admit there is a certain twisting of the truth here: in #87 we attacked Kurassier first. But still this looks like a second try at the same strategy)


He is just coming to my rescue, thats all. :ranting:

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