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Vic! 89

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I am intreegued (yes i know i cant spell) but can someone condense what all the fuss is about into a Spongebyte that a Sponge can understand. I was Denmark in this game after all and still have a curiosity as to what is going on.


Anyone care to educate the sponge? :rolleyes:

short version


Those who killed you claim the exclusive right to kill others and are whining now a spag-eater is spoiling their Grande Bouffe ;)



:thumbsup::wub: :wub: :wub:


Great movie BTW.

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Oh come on, we can tell all kinds of stories what happened earlier in this game, while you guys could just walk over countries who stepped out immediately with easy wins we got stuck in burning resources, time and money and not progressing a single province for ages. And no sooner were we just able to tip the balance our way with some teaming up or we found Northern Russian armored divisions waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of their territory :rolleyes:


It's been fun with you guys, finally a worthy opponent, don't go blaming any losses now on Italy capturing his long over due piece of Western Europe, hell he must have had his piece of the frustration pie trying to capture Switzerland (oh he still wasn't able to ;) )


indeed, much more interesting fighting.

this is my second game of victory, this one starting one year after the first.

steamrolling over finland was not really satisfying, and he had a nice setup targeted on lenigrad.

in the end after seeing mine and his setup i think we would have won, but with much heavier fighting.


now in poland we are doing that heavy fighting. its my first time that i'm actually defending something, so there were holes in my defence (i was just starting to plug the one you've found last turn).

I also learned the hard way that there is a limit to the amount of munition that an army can carry (when you both attacked my 18 div army head on 4 times in one turn. a fifth army would have killed my army because it only carries munition for 4 1:1 batttles.


i agree with the term worthy opponent, we are getting smacked whenever we leave a gap. (and sometimes when there is no real gap)

I hope that we can return the favor, at least i know from my ground casualties that I/we have inflicted a solid amount.

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I realize it's not my business, so I'll understand if there is no reply, but I am intrigued. I've been following the back and forth accusations and counter accusations and wanted to seek a clarification for all of us that have been following this.


Did Italy ever specifically agree to the proposal and or demands (depending on who's telling the story) that Lowlands set forth? Or, did Italy only agree to consider it, take it under advisement, etc the 'proposal'? It may seem to some like such a question would be considered splitting hairs, but to some players, unless an offer is clearly accepted/agreed to, there is no agreement to be broken later on and thus either party is free to act at their discretion with or without giving notice if they choose. Some may argue that it would have been the 'gentlemanly' thing to do to inform and or warn the soon to be target of the void nature of the prior discussions, but it is by no means a requirement in many players minds.


If the proposal was not clearly agreed to by both players, then it sounds like at least one person may have made certain assumptions about the status of the proposal. Assumptions like that can be a shaky, or even a dangerous thing to stake your nations future on as we are now seeing.


Any clarification then on what was 'officially' agreed to/finalized or not?


Can someone throw this lawyer out, I said I wanted and Spongelike explanation. - Becher made it simple so I thank you and wish Italy all the success he deserves and kicks those scandinavian vermin out of mainland Europe.

Lol...guess who's the actual lawyer, hahahaha

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I think it is kind of time i have my say on what has happened. Unfortunately i was traveling abroad these last weeks so it took a while.


Let me be very clear. Italy and Lowlands had a deal. A deal that Italy was very happy to take when i offered it and where he explicitely stated he had no intention of going further north. If there was any threatening done it was done by italy moving his troops north. I kept neadly on the agreed line, did not even take anything 'extra'.


Yes it is a game and in this game as in the next and the next and many more to come i will soley dedicate my life on killing VLD or what ever he calls him self. What ever happens Italy will not win this game (or any of the next games if i can get close to him...)


Ofcourse Austria and party is laughing their butt's off but that's the price we have to pay. Luckily we have some smarter folks down south...


Don't think this is over yet, taste the revenge!.. :rolleyes:




ps... mannstein...you can frankfurt again (for the time being) it was in ruins anyway.. ;)

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ps... mannstein...you can frankfurt again (for the time being) it was in ruins anyway.. :rolleyes:


I have a better suggestion: You're welcome to take all of my german territory. I starved all pop to death and scrapped all factories. Partisans doing their best to kill the rail. Just a smoking wasteland now.


Von Manstein

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New map:




- Spectacular progression by the Middle East in their war against Emptyness. xStalingrad and xPinarbasi were taken.

- Italy and the Scandinavian TA are now at war, with Italy striking the first blow in spectacular fashion.

- With Great Britain TA'd to Canada, can we expect a spectacular invasion from that direction?

- The southwestern corner of the map has been silent. What is happening over there? Something spectacular?

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The US armed forces active in the war in Europe are limited to

- a few Airborne divisions that scour the French landside for food. They are getting very hungry by now. Very. Now if they only could convert all this foord into something edible like General supplies ....

- less than a dozen rusty LSM's without fuel, carrying a very hungry,severely depleted Marine division. It will soon suffer no more.

- A lonely, rusty destroyer without fuel that could not catch up with a fleeing AK even if it tried.

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To oblige Fastfreddy:

here is the new map:




- Canada and Spain are trying to DW on the USA, The USA in turn is surprised to be driven out of the Pyrenees by the Moroccans. Not that there was anything left to be driven out. What's next? A Morroccan invasion of Washington?

- Great Britain is going for the consistency award by bombing ..... xReykyavik. Service in Bomber command's 1 st wing is very unpopular. Still, the Icelanders are planning to upgrade their P-36's into something better. Just in case. All those P-40's are not that much of an improvement. But at least we can build Shermans now.

- Lowlands is fighting for it's life -again- as Austria has joined Italy in the attack against it. Apparently, Austria couldn't do it on its own.

- The Czech are standing at the Baltic coast and have surrounded xBerlin. For the time being. As the Norwegian troops over there have been comitted to fighting the Austrians,

- The Greek Vanguard has penetrated into the homecountry of Baltic States, providing an excellent target for bombing. Greek and Baltic units are fighting in Russia.

- The middle east is mopping up the rest of Turkey and Southern Russia. As there is no adversary in sight that can stop them they will probably win the game.

- I have absolutely no idea what Morrocco, Ireland and Tunisia are up to.

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- Africa is not divided and fought over. (Ever heard of Libya in game 87?)

- Ireland and Great Britain are TA's (Enemies in 87)

- Finland and Poland are not in the northern TA, but Russia and Lowlands are

- "Dark green" and "Northern Blue" are not in an alliance, but fighting eachother. And how!

- Two players have the same position in both games: Kurassier (UAE) and von Mannstein (Austria). The first is doing far better this time around. The latter is not. Yet.

- The Northern alliance in 87 was smaller at this point, but expanding. The Northern Alliance in 89 is being pushed back by superior numbers,

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- Africa is not divided and fought over. (Ever heard of Libya in game 87?)

- Ireland and Great Britain are TA's (Enemies in 87)

- Finland and Poland are not in the northern TA, but Russia and Lowlands are

- "Dark green" and "Northern Blue" are not in an alliance, but fighting eachother. And how!

- Two players have the same position in both games: Kurassier (UAE) and von Mannstein (Austria). The first is doing far better this time around. The latter is not. Yet.

- The Northern alliance in 87 was smaller at this point, but expanding. The Northern Alliance in 89 is being pushed back by superior numbers,

See my comments in 87......

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