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Vic! 89

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New map:



- Changed the color of the western alliance to purple to simplify the map and increase contrast.

- Morocco is eating away at Spain, Egypt is eating away at Greece

- The odds against Lowlands are growing. But xLux is still holding!

- The USA is drowning fast in the quagmire called negative morale and Cede Location. Tsssk. As if Canada needed to use that tactic.

- In the usual exchange between Iceland and Great Britain, some ships got sunk and some planes got shot down. And Iceland is whole again.


Better use all my advantages to end this quickly. The game is half over and I don't have much to show for it.

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It's easier than you think to get a port in Iceland

What ever next

Just sign up for #93 with Iceland as a first and only choice. That will probably work.

I dont think so

Iceland needs the best possible TA's to carry it with resuorces

I've had it with Island nations

Never again

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Iceland has more than enough food and ore, if you plan for it. Coal and money are the problem.

At the start of the game I hoped to trade Coal for Ore with you. My TA with Lowlands is partly based on the need for energy.


Iceland is in a very good position to defend against an invasion if it knows it is coming.

It has only one harbor and I can keep strong armies in place to either block a landing or blitz it right back in the ocean.

I cannot keep you from coming ashore somewhere, but local air superiority can help stop you ferrying in more.

I knew that an invasion was coming, I even said so on the forum.


The score is 2:1 in my favour. I tried to invade you once, and lost. You tried to invade twice, and lost. Turn 36.

Tea time and on to the second half. Your TA's are doing better than mine. Though my TA's are no push-overs and very loyal.

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Iceland has more than enough food and ore, if you plan for it. Coal and money are the problem.

At the start of the game I hoped to trade Coal for Ore with you. My TA with Lowlands is partly based on the need for energy.


Iceland is in a very good position to defend against an invasion if it knows it is coming.

It has only one harbor and I can keep strong armies in place to either block a landing or blitz it right back in the ocean.

I cannot keep you from coming ashore somewhere, but local air superiority can help stop you ferrying in more.

I knew that an invasion was coming, I even said so on the forum.


The score is 2:1 in my favour. I tried to invade you once, and lost. You tried to invade twice, and lost. Turn 36.

Tea time and on to the second half. Your TA's are doing better than mine. Though my TA's are no push-overs and very loyal.


I tend to agree with Dageraad here....Iceland is very playable. Energy and $$ are definitely the shortfalls for the position. Everything else is there as long as the planning and execution are accomplished. I am actually trading LGT for COAL as Iceland in 87. Allies can make a difference, but a player who is able to conquer successfully will also succeed.

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Sorry bout those AMc's. Nice cars but WHAT were they doing in the water?



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Fighters? What fighters? :huh:

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There's a desert storm blowing East of us all, free reign country. Just wanted to mention it, not a lot I can do about it with all energy going elsewhere. Nor do I really care. Yet.



Looking back at this year: did the central front move at all? Maybe that's a feat in itself, the number of countries at war with Greece certainly maxed out.

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New map:




- Further progress by the united middle eastern team in Russla

- Two DW's against France. What's left of it.

- Some ships got sunk and some planes got shot down in the war between GB and Iceland, but not very many this time. Must be the weather.

- Lots of fighting in Poland and France. For those who doubt that anything has changed: here is the map from the first turn of this year (turn 13). only showing the part with Northern Germany and Poland.



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Catching your bombs of course. I believe they did a good job. My fighter pilots are calling those AMc's "The Lureboats" already. Wanna come back next turn? :cheers:


You did come back! Irresistible aren't they, those cute little AMc's? :wub: But why did you went home before you even got the chance to see them up close? :rolleyes:


Of course he came back... haven't you checked his signature lately?!? :pirate:

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Catching your bombs of course. I believe they did a good job. My fighter pilots are calling those AMc's "The Lureboats" already. Wanna come back next turn? :cheers:


You did come back! Irresistible aren't they, those cute little AMc's? :wub: But why did you went home before you even got the chance to see them up close? :rolleyes:


Of course he came back... haven't you checked his signature lately?!? :pirate:


It was actually his TA. They're THAT irresistible. :)

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