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Vic! 89

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Catching your bombs of course. I believe they did a good job. My fighter pilots are calling those AMc's "The Lureboats" already. Wanna come back next turn? :cheers:


You did come back! Irresistible aren't they, those cute little AMc's? :wub: But why did you went home before you even got the chance to see them up close? :rolleyes:


Of course he came back... haven't you checked his signature lately?!? :pirate:


It was actually his TA. They're THAT irresistible. :)

Actually, the AMC is a very ugly car, not cute in the least.

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Catching your bombs of course. I believe they did a good job. My fighter pilots are calling those AMc's "The Lureboats" already. Wanna come back next turn? :cheers:


You did come back! Irresistible aren't they, those cute little AMc's? :wub: But why did you went home before you even got the chance to see them up close? :rolleyes:


I am a man of my word. Even if it hurts. :angry2:

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Catching your bombs of course. I believe they did a good job. My fighter pilots are calling those AMc's "The Lureboats" already. Wanna come back next turn? :cheers:


You did come back! Irresistible aren't they, those cute little AMc's? :wub: But why did you went home before you even got the chance to see them up close? :rolleyes:


Of course he came back... haven't you checked his signature lately?!? :pirate:


It was actually his TA. They're THAT irresistible. :)

Actually, the AMC is a very ugly car, not cute in the least.


:wub: Prius :wub:


(No not for the environment but for my $$$)

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New map:




- GB lost 3 ships and 26 planes and shot down 188 Icelandic planes in return.

- The USA, while losing against Canada, has gotten some measure of revenge for all Queens lost to the British airforce. Harr harr harr. Canada has countered by laying mines to block the trade route to Iceland. Which is not used that often any more.

- Lowlands is as good as gone and the Scandinavian Alliance is conducting an orderly retreat

- The middle east is advancing through the Ukraine on shedule.

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Hey! Don't bring Morocco into this! I'm just minding my own business down here.

Sorry. The USA is such a mess that we get carried away when finally something works.

I will try to keep the map reports neutral,

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Oh my gosh, is it 2012 already?


Time to wake up from the holidays, 2 quick and dirty turns because of it, I see I'm up pretty soon.


Can I safely say I can face Egypt and Syria 'only' and see Saudi Arabia take the highway to xMoscow?

Can you please stop whining? You're complaining for months now and yet we've seen no reduction in Greek armies heading for Leningrad whatsoever.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New map:




- Tunisia DW'd Italy. On behalf of the Scandinavian Alliance: good hunting! In this game, Italy is nr 1 on our most favourite target list.

- The UAE took xFromanovo. As the player of Iceland that does ring a bell, but I can't remember which one

- No good news from the USA.

- From the eternal British/Icelandic war: some planes were shooted down (160) , some ships got sunk (10)

- A lot of good men died in Poland this turn. They took a lot of bad men with them.

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Okay I got to ask why is Italy more of a Target then ME, okay I know im no longer in it but it is unacceptable that the Sponge is NOT the most hunted.

But Bob, there is nothing left to hunt. Even your memory has been shot down. Do not worry, however. We shoit down a British plane over xHamburg, so maybe he will liberate Denmark and cede the locations back to you. Then we can hunt you a second time.

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