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Vic! 89

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You are obviously all speaking a language that I clearly don't understand. I'm assuming it has something to do with one nation killing another nations forces, but the particulars of said destruction are a mystery. :(


Okay, here is a free translation from the Spongistani original into English:


YIHAAAAAAA : after posting mysterious messages about anvils and hammers I will now launch my part of the combined offensive that my team has been planning for some time now. I am happy about this and want to let the world know that I feel so.

A.k.a. "Alea iacta est", or "Allons-Y" or "Geronimo".


STOMP: We connect with the adversary and make good gains.

A.k.a. "YES !!!!", or "HIT", or even "Take that"


WHAMMO: The adversary launches his own combined offensive, what was planned all along but just waitend for the opponent to make the first move.

A.k.a "Boing" or "Ahaaaa" or "Oh no".


STAMP: A lot of ARM and AIR points are lost on both sides.

A.k.a. "AAAARGH". or "I can have it" or "That hurt".


SPLOTCH Something in between is ran over.

A.k.a. "Oh no, my precious......" or "Hihi" or "Just a minor flesh wound".

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SPLOTCH Something in between is ran over.

A.k.a. "Oh no, my precious......" or "Hihi" or "Just a minor flesh wound".


I thought this was the only Spongistani term. There always is a SPLOTCH and that usually means the end of greater spongistan.


Probably SPLOTCH is the only word that's native to the Spongistani, aside of GARGL (Sound of a sponge running on dry, meaning he has ruined his economy. Again) and FWUMPH (Pieces of Sponge hitting you after exploding).

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Time for a new map:




- Progress into Italy by Tunesia and Algeria. Italian reserves are rushing to the rescue.

- the USA is not feeling too well.

- The MEA is nearing the Rumanian border.

- Hungary tries to knock out Baltic states and has conquered a piece of Baltic home territory,

- Norway tries to knock out Czechoslovakia and has conquered a piece of Czech home territory.

- The war between Great Britain and Iceland has seen the introducton of something new: British fighter cover.

Thus signalling the need for the Icelanders to build better fighters. Those P-36C's are getting a bit slow.

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You are obviously all speaking a language that I clearly don't understand. I'm assuming it has something to do with one nation killing another nations forces, but the particulars of said destruction are a mystery. :(


Okay, here is a free translation from the Spongistani original into English:


YIHAAAAAAA : after posting mysterious messages about anvils and hammers I will now launch my part of the combined offensive that my team has been planning for some time now. I am happy about this and want to let the world know that I feel so.

A.k.a. "Alea iacta est", or "Allons-Y" or "Geronimo".


STOMP: We connect with the adversary and make good gains.

A.k.a. "YES !!!!", or "HIT", or even "Take that"


WHAMMO: The adversary launches his own combined offensive, what was planned all along but just waitend for the opponent to make the first move.

A.k.a "Boing" or "Ahaaaa" or "Oh no".


STAMP: A lot of ARM and AIR points are lost on both sides.

A.k.a. "AAAARGH". or "I can have it" or "That hurt".


SPLOTCH Something in between is ran over.

A.k.a. "Oh no, my precious......" or "Hihi" or "Just a minor flesh wound".



Have to frame this one. Great! :laugh:


On the Zponge issue: Don't mention, please. I love a pushover target as much as any Vic player but please without the board pollution.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New map:




- It looks like the Moroccans and Tunisians plan to stay in Italy.

- In a surprise move, the Dutch have taken back xAmsterdam.

- Rumours of large clashes in the Ukraine. It is getting quiet in Poland.

- Some Austrians mysteriously disappeared from the map.

- The Icelandic air force was grounded and did not find any British ships this time.

- The USA is almost gone and Czechoslovakia is in trouble.


And a question.

now that I finally can build them and the British have moved their focus back to the continent I am contemplating building some of the new naval units that become available.

Are Iowa class battleships worth the expense?

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New map:




- It looks like the Moroccans and Tunisians plan to stay in Italy.

- In a surprise move, the Dutch have taken back xAmsterdam.

- Rumours of large clashes in the Ukraine. It is getting quiet in Poland.

- Some Austrians mysteriously disappeared from the map.

- The Icelandic air force was grounded and did not find any British ships this time.

- The USA is almost gone and Czechoslovakia is in trouble.


I have always been in trouble this game :-)


Getting used to it.....

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New map:


- It looks like the Moroccans and Tunisians plan to stay in Italy.

- In a surprise move, the Dutch have taken back xAmsterdam.

- Rumours of large clashes in the Ukraine. It is getting quiet in Poland.

- Some Austrians mysteriously disappeared from the map.

- The Icelandic air force was grounded and did not find any British ships this time.

- The USA is almost gone and Czechoslovakia is in trouble.


And a question.

now that I finally can build them and the British have moved their focus back to the continent I am contemplating building some of the new naval units that become available.

Are Iowa class battleships worth the expense?

In NTS? No. 2 Alabama's are better than 1 Iowa. But one rarely builds 2 battleships every turn. If you can afford the Naval NTS 4 then the question is are 3 Iowa's worth more than 4 North Carolina's? Perhaps. They're worse in shore bombardment, but they're more resilient against air attack (MUCH more AA, faster and more hp) and they're better in surface combat (better penetration power and faster, perhaps they're more accurate too, if max range is factored in accuracy).


Personally I'd stick with North Carolina's/Washingtons, by far the best battleships in the game, mostly because I want 2 battleships in the few turns that my Naval NTS is 4. But if that's not an issue then Iowa's are an acceptable choice. And they have a better cool factor. It's cooler to sink them too. :P


The disappeared Austrian soldiers will not be missed. Soon the Viennish women will meet real men. :python:

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Iowa's can force KG-V's and Bismarcks (and other North Carolinas) to fight, North Carolina's can't. Other than that and the huge LAA difference (which is not used against any aircraft with reach and hitting power except the Ju-88), it looks like NC's give more bang for buck than an Iowa.

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I have always been in trouble this game :-)

Getting used to it.....


I do not doubt that Supermario (lowlands) share and Janus Agricolus (USA) share the sentiment. We are working on a way to share your misery with your allies, but they will not cooperate. It will remain forever a question who would win a straight duel between our two teams.

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- Some Austrians mysteriously disappeared from the map.


Multiple choice:

  • They were not there in the first place, your intel is wrong;
  • I airlifted 'm out;
  • They commited mass harakiri to save their honour.

Whatever the answer, your norwegian friend did not score the arm points. :rolleyes:

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