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Vic! 89

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I find it ironic and humorous that the forum player named Sparafucile is allied to the Italians (or Rigoletto if I could be so bold!) and has the tag line "by studying the past, one can infer the future".


Maybe Greece will betray and slay the Italians? Just a thought.........



:thumbsup: for doing your research


Once saw Sparefucile performed by a base of the Opera company of Tartarstan. Now that was a base! if he opend his mouth, the sound of my T34's as comparisson were like the cry off a baby.

wonderfull performance. If you ever have the chance go see them.




Does this Mario guy dribble like this all the time

What on earth is he talking about????????????


Speak it with an Italian accent and it makes perfect sense


Oh Yeah

It does


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Just curious but how many hours do each of you spend on Vic in an average week?


1-2 hours per turn, a lot more thinking about possibilities, just looking at the map.


i think i spend a bit more on the turn, and still some turns i get back with some interesting results in the logistics department.

probably the result of wanting to play large countries

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Just curious but how many hours do each of you spend on Vic in an average week?


1-2 hours per turn, a lot more thinking about possibilities, just looking at the map.


i think i spend a bit more on the turn, and still some turns i get back with some interesting results in the logistics department.

probably the result of wanting to play large countries


I've yet to do that

The largest counrty I've played is Algeria

Tried to get the oil from those out of the way oil wells

It was usless and a waiste of time and resorces

I don't know why but I always run out of money too

Some of you end the game with heaps I don't how you do that

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Just curious but how many hours do each of you spend on Vic in an average week?


1-2 hours per turn, a lot more thinking about possibilities, just looking at the map.


i think i spend a bit more on the turn, and still some turns i get back with some interesting results in the logistics department.

probably the result of wanting to play large countries


I've yet to do that

The largest counrty I've played is Algeria

Tried to get the oil from those out of the way oil wells

It was usless and a waiste of time and resorces

I don't know why but I always run out of money too

Some of you end the game with heaps I don't how you do that


I think of the 4 nations with more tha 500 population, Algeria is the easiest to play. Except from the Oil everything else is near the coast in the North. It certainly was the strongest nation I ever played. But I must admit I had a lack of energy from turn 40 onwards. Used Queen Mary's to haul coal from the European mainland. Without doubt the most one of the ugliest moves I ever made.

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Just curious but how many hours do each of you spend on Vic in an average week?


1-2 hours per turn, a lot more thinking about possibilities, just looking at the map.


i think i spend a bit more on the turn, and still some turns i get back with some interesting results in the logistics department.

probably the result of wanting to play large countries


I've yet to do that

The largest counrty I've played is Algeria

Tried to get the oil from those out of the way oil wells

It was usless and a waiste of time and resorces

I don't know why but I always run out of money too

Some of you end the game with heaps I don't how you do that


I think of the 4 nations with more tha 500 population, Algeria is the easiest to play. Except from the Oil everything else is near the coast in the North. It certainly was the strongest nation I ever played. But I must admit I had a lack of energy from turn 40 onwards. Used Queen Mary's to haul coal from the European mainland. Without doubt the most one of the ugliest moves I ever made.



It's the most extreme country

Totally allied to Spain you need Brit Tech because it's like being an Island nation

If you DW Spain and spain has German tech and you have US tech it's a slaughter

I got booted out by turn 5 it was ugly

At least I got a free ride in the next game thanks to Russ

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Denmark, there is only one nation worth playing - DENMARK - SPONGISTAN - GODS COUNTRY - Yes I Am A GOD!!!!!


What is so good about it

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It's the most extreme country

Totally allied to Spain you need Brit Tech because it's like being an Island nation

If you DW Spain and spain has German tech and you have US tech it's a slaughter

I got booted out by turn 5 it was ugly

At least I got a free ride in the next game thanks to Russ


Iceland is far more extreme and the most islandish of the islands. AND no food, coal or oil.

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The food part can be fixed by spending money. You are guaranteed to increase your food production by at least 5% every time you issue the APD. The no COAL or PET cannot be fixed, even if you spend lots of money. The return on investment will never be worth the 10 or so PET or COAL you will get in return for the RPDs.



It's the most extreme country

Totally allied to Spain you need Brit Tech because it's like being an Island nation

If you DW Spain and spain has German tech and you have US tech it's a slaughter

I got booted out by turn 5 it was ugly

At least I got a free ride in the next game thanks to Russ


Iceland is far more extreme and the most islandish of the islands. AND no food, coal or oil.

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The food part can be fixed by spending money. You are guaranteed to increase your food production by at least 5% every time you issue the APD. The no COAL or PET cannot be fixed, even if you spend lots of money. The return on investment will never be worth the 10 or so PET or COAL you will get in return for the RPDs.


In turn 1 I did APD on three provinces. Only one was succesfull, and only for 5%.

Turn 2 gave me 3x a +5% increase,

Turn 3 2x a +5%, and 1x +10%. So it is a bit random.

Coal consumption is down to 144/turn and dropping.

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The food part can be fixed by spending money. You are guaranteed to increase your food production by at least 5% every time you issue the APD. The no COAL or PET cannot be fixed, even if you spend lots of money. The return on investment will never be worth the 10 or so PET or COAL you will get in return for the RPDs.


In turn 1 I did APD on three provinces. Only one was succesfull, and only for 5%.

Turn 2 gave me 3x a +5% increase,

Turn 3 2x a +5%, and 1x +10%. So it is a bit random.

Coal consumption is down to 144/turn and dropping.


Was reading your guys conversation on this topic of doing RPD's and had to comment. It is indeed random. In another game, I did an RPD in three locations for 5 turns straight and had ZERO SUCCESS in any of them the entire time. That being said, doing RPD's is sometimes a necessary evil, assuming you have the money to spend of course. Otherwise, ATTACK!

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Yes, my mistake, you are VIRTUALLY guaranteed a 5% increase. It's a 90% chance of success. Early on in the game 87, I missed even more than you did! Missing 2 of 3 is is a statistical anomaly, for me it was a travesty. I missed on 7 of 21 in the first 7 turns of the game in 87. A 66% success rate is no where even close to 90%. And it hurt. You are at 77% right now, hopefully your success rate continues to increase. Also, it is supposed to be a 60/40 split on the 5/10%. I have not experienced that at all. My rate has been 80/20. I have issued 45 APD's, 35 have been successful (77%, your current rate) & the split has been 28 to 7 or an 80/20 split in favor of the 5%. Again, not close to the 60/40 split suggested in the rules. This is the only game (87) that I have paid attention to those numbers, for obvious reasons. The numbers have been steadily increasing back toward the rates listed, but not gotten there. Since turn 7, I have run 24 additional APDs and been successful 21 times, an 87.5% success rate - Still not 90%! Early on, I hit only 2 - 10% increase out of 14. Since, it has been 5 out of 21 for the 10%, barely over 20%. Just plain bad luck on my part if the rates are truly supposed to be as listed in the rules.


The food part can be fixed by spending money. You are guaranteed to increase your food production by at least 5% every time you issue the APD. The no COAL or PET cannot be fixed, even if you spend lots of money. The return on investment will never be worth the 10 or so PET or COAL you will get in return for the RPDs.


In turn 1 I did APD on three provinces. Only one was succesfull, and only for 5%.

Turn 2 gave me 3x a +5% increase,

Turn 3 2x a +5%, and 1x +10%. So it is a bit random.

Coal consumption is down to 144/turn and dropping.

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The food part can be fixed by spending money. You are guaranteed to increase your food production by at least 5% every time you issue the APD. The no COAL or PET cannot be fixed, even if you spend lots of money. The return on investment will never be worth the 10 or so PET or COAL you will get in return for the RPDs.


In turn 1 I did APD on three provinces. Only one was succesfull, and only for 5%.

Turn 2 gave me 3x a +5% increase,

Turn 3 2x a +5%, and 1x +10%. So it is a bit random.

Coal consumption is down to 144/turn and dropping.


Sounds like Iceland is a basket case to me

Why did they bother including it in the game

To make Iceland playable they should up the ante a little

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The food part can be fixed by spending money. You are guaranteed to increase your food production by at least 5% every time you issue the APD. The no COAL or PET cannot be fixed, even if you spend lots of money. The return on investment will never be worth the 10 or so PET or COAL you will get in return for the RPDs.


In turn 1 I did APD on three provinces. Only one was succesfull, and only for 5%.

Turn 2 gave me 3x a +5% increase,

Turn 3 2x a +5%, and 1x +10%. So it is a bit random.

Coal consumption is down to 144/turn and dropping.


Sounds like Iceland is a basket case to me

Why did they bother including it in the game

To make Iceland playable they should up the ante a little


To the contrary. I've played Iceland twice. Dropped the first time because of 'real life' stuff and finished the game the second time around. Both times, the lack of resources was not the primary problem. It was getting a sustainable beachhead. You REALLY need a solid TA on the mainland to 'support' your entrance on to the continent. I've learned SO MUCH since those games. It's almost tempting to try Iceland again.

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