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Guest Spongebob


EVERY Tech Package has the ability to amphibiously assault, some just arrive sooner than others. My guess is you won't even know what hits you.


Lucky for the sponge that your fighters do not have a lot of range. But land armies can make up for a lot. Odense isn't that far from Warsaw, in the right kind of conditions, is it?


The conditions will be perfect, when I am ready. :woohoo:


Keep dreaming Earthling, by the time you are ready to land in Odense I will be sitting in Warsaw.


And Falco, dont encourage him, he of all people should know not to underestimate the Sponge. B) What gets me is he has gotten into bed with the Dark Monk, all respect once earned has gone up in smoke. I pitty the Earthling.

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EVERY Tech Package has the ability to amphibiously assault, some just arrive sooner than others. My guess is you won't even know what hits you.


Lucky for the sponge that your fighters do not have a lot of range. But land armies can make up for a lot. Odense isn't that far from Warsaw, in the right kind of conditions, is it?


The conditions will be perfect, when I am ready. :woohoo:


Keep dreaming Earthling, by the time you are ready to land in Odense I will be sitting in Warsaw.


And Falco, dont encourage him, he of all people should know not to underestimate the Sponge. B) What gets me is he has gotten into bed with the Dark Monk, all respect once earned has gone up in smoke. I pitty the Earthling.


Keep dreaming? I won't land in Odense? Sounds like a challenge. I accept.


And as far as the Monk goes, I worked with him in 77. He was a good ally. He actually won that game.....how did you do in that game again? Oh yeah, I remember now. You were invaded by the USA and Canada in record time.


That ought to start a tirade.....

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EVERY Tech Package has the ability to amphibiously assault, some just arrive sooner than others. My guess is you won't even know what hits you.


Lucky for the sponge that your fighters do not have a lot of range. But land armies can make up for a lot. Odense isn't that far from Warsaw, in the right kind of conditions, is it?


The conditions will be perfect, when I am ready. :woohoo:


Keep dreaming Earthling, by the time you are ready to land in Odense I will be sitting in Warsaw.


And Falco, dont encourage him, he of all people should know not to underestimate the Sponge. B) What gets me is he has gotten into bed with the Dark Monk, all respect once earned has gone up in smoke. I pitty the Earthling.


Keep dreaming? I won't land in Odense? Sounds like a challenge. I accept.


And as far as the Monk goes, I worked with him in 77. He was a good ally. He actually won that game.....how did you do in that game again? Oh yeah, I remember now. You were invaded by the USA and Canada in record time.


That ought to start a tirade.....




Credit where credits due mate

USA in 77 was a dirty little mongrel

Traitorous behavior and downright low life played USA & Canada

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Guest Spongebob

Have you notice the new fever with wich my enemies are after me, its because they fear me, fear the sponge. I hope you do accept the challenge, its going to be fun. I have perfected the defense of Denmark over several years, my knowledge of this nation is second to none...


On second thoughts.... hold on, did you mention 77... the game where my TA betrayed me and my ally to the three stooges. ARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! :thumbsup::cheers::cheers:


Monk as my TA was a big mistake, they never wanted me as a TA just wanted to use me and abuse me so dont even go there. Your welcome to the Monk, you make a wonderful couple B):robot::woohoo:

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Guest Spongebob
Hey Spongebob, if your army, airforce and fleet do not leave Denmark for the rest of the game, I promise my TA's and me will leave Denmark alone.


:woohoo: That's a threat if I ever heard one! Stay put or we will kill you! B)


Oh Dageraad you may not know me as well as some of the others but they know never to show a sponge a red flag. You have no comprehension of the diplomatic negotiations behind closed doors and of the plans made with strange bedfellows.


Be careful what you wish for my icelandic devil :robot:


Question - if I take a province and then a city does it not become part of Denmark. I wonder how easy it will be to invade Iceland. - fear me dager, FEAR ME

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Hey Spongebob, if your army, airforce and fleet do not leave Denmark for the rest of the game, I promise my TA's and me will leave Denmark alone.


:woohoo: That's a threat if I ever heard one! Stay put or we will kill you! :woohoo:


Oh Dageraad you may not know me as well as some of the others but they know never to show a sponge a red flag. You have no comprehension of the diplomatic negotiations behind closed doors and of the plans made with strange bedfellows.


Be careful what you wish for my icelandic devil :pirate2:


Question - if I take a province and then a city does it not become part of Denmark. I wonder how easy it will be to invade Iceland. - fear me dager, FEAR ME



He would be the first

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Guest Spongebob
Just had some damaging reports for some players. Sweden and Switzerland are both in Deep Trouble.


How about Libya and Finland?


Nothing on Finland but I have to ask... How the hell has Sweden lost xStockholm to Norway so early. Even I have never lost a capital this soon in a game... :woohoo: I think :woohoo:


Thats got to be a record for incompetence. Who is playing Sweden?

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Nothing on Finland but I have to ask... How the hell has Sweden lost xStockholm to Norway so early. Even I have never lost a capital this soon in a game... :woohoo: I think :woohoo:

Thats got to be a record for incompetence. Who is playing Sweden?


Being called incompetent by Spongebob himself. Some would consider that to be the ultimate insult.

xBern was lost before the fall of xStockholm, so it was not the first capital to fall.

The first few turns seem to me a bit of paper-scissors-stone: what to defend, how much to commit to the attack, spread out or concentrate. Especially between these two countries. Norway and Sweden share a long border and both are "thin"". Both can be cut in two by just one series of moves (or move).

Norway found a weak spot in the border defence of Sweden, slipped through and took xStockhom, which Sweden left almost completely undefended. The Swedish armies that could have been there, are somewhere else. Too early to call this a KO.

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Nothing on Finland but I have to ask... How the hell has Sweden lost xStockholm to Norway so early. Even I have never lost a capital this soon in a game... <_< I think :rolleyes:

Thats got to be a record for incompetence. Who is playing Sweden?


Being called incompetent by Spongebob himself. Some would consider that to be the ultimate insult.

xBern was lost before the fall of xStockholm, so it was not the first capital to fall.

The first few turns seem to me a bit of paper-scissors-stone: what to defend, how much to commit to the attack, spread out or concentrate. Especially between these two countries. Norway and Sweden share a long border and both are "thin"". Both can be cut in two by just one series of moves (or move).

Norway found a weak spot in the border defence of Sweden, slipped through and took xStockhom, which Sweden left almost completely undefended. The Swedish armies that could have been there, are somewhere else. Too early to call this a KO.


If not a KO, then at least a major setback. For Norway to conquer xstockholm and xKaterinaholm, he must have lost 2 turns production already, which is a quarter of the pop of Sweden. Next to that, all pop in the southern part of Sweden is also cut of from the rest. Another 40 pop production gone. Not a nice beginning.



A nice beginning for Norway

Is anyone playing Sweden

There is no recovery for Sweden now so I would say write him off

Now how does the map look

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A nice beginning for Norway

Is anyone playing Sweden

There is no recovery for Sweden now so I would say write him off

Now how does the map look


Slipping through the Swedish defences is nice, but leaves the Swedish army intact. Sweden has to retake some territory or invade Norway, as time is not on his side: Norway is outproducing him almost 2:1 at the moment and Norway is getting extra support from the Icelandic air force. And Sweden can hope only for support from Spongebob, as Finland has other problems to worry about.


I will update the map after my own turn. about a week from now. That will give me a chance to do a few extra SIM POL's. For the situation at this moment see here

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