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Vic! 89

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to whom should it be given back? to the original owner or the previous owner?


LOL------are you serious? Doesn't matter. None of us planned to go to war with you guys any time soon. That location was scheduled to move yet again next turn. Now I will just have to start ceding locations to another TA you actually have a PAP with to ensure you keep the peace with notice of when you want to end it.


Well, you would be wise to include those nations that Norway, Rorthern Russia and Iceland too have a NAP with. Batlic states can do the same as you: cede control of a border province to a TA, and let him invade a former piece of Poland. But then, If Iceland got a piece of the border worth Poland, Poland could invade it. Hmmm.


What deal did you make? I am a bit of a lawman myself and a gentlemens agreement like "lets leave eachother alone till turn 10 or so" is asking for trouble, expecially if both of you know that you will get to war sooner or later. You should have done something like: no BPA between Poland and Baltic States before turn 11 (in which case the attack would be legal) or no BPA or DW between your TA's at the ending of turn 4 and mine (in which case the attack was a breach of treaty).


If both agree in the first or second interpretation we can go on pretending we are civilized and honorable and -coming turn 11- chop eachother to pieces.

If we can't find a wording we agree about no doubt Czechoslovakia would be very amused. I for myself am willing to abide bij the second wording, but the first is fine with me too.

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Guest Spongebob

You know with all this legal stuff floating around I had my lawyers go over the fine print of no attacking Germany and I think I have found a loop hole, its called the Knife in the Back clause that allows me to do what the hell I like and be dammed with the consequences.


I dont suppose someone could do a map of the current who ceded to who / dw on who / who owns what so its a little clearer. It was explained to me in detail but a picture spells a thousand words.


One final thought - Sponge is OFF the menu, I may be small and yellow but taking a bite out of me may find yourself on the wrong side of the Law. Besides, I'm a bit chewey :thumbsup:

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I think you have the wrong comparison EarThing, this rented space you talk off is office buildings and embassys and correct me if I am wrong but no nation in the last 100 years has gone to war over an attack on an embassy in another nation. These are small patches of sovereign terratory not swathes of pasture, mountain or hillside as in a Province.


BTW Can I please Invade you, your association with the Dark Monk has lowered you standing in my eyes.


PS Can I "BUY" Danzig


So if Ramstein/Miesenbach Germany was attacked in Germany who would be pissed off? Just the USA or would all the NATO nations, especially Germany, be pissed. If Mildenhall UK or Croughton/Northamptonshire UK was attacked would Great Britain consider it an act of was against their homelands? Would Japan consider and attack and invasion of Yakoda an act of war against Japan? All of these locations are considered rented space. Locations given to the US for their use in exchange for money, protection, etc.,etc...


I am very sure that if any of them were to be invade by a foreign power that the home nation would consider it an act of war against them unless the territory was immediately given back.


to whom should it be given back? to the original owner or the previous owner?

Please make the check out to 'UAE', thanks. :thumbsup:

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Morocco has conquered xBechar from Algeria

Hungary has declared war on Bulgaria

Poland has declared war on Czechoslovakia

Turkey has declared war on Iraq

Bulgaria has conquered xTrun from Yugoslavia

Baltic States has declared war on Bulgaria

Baltic States has conquered xHelsinki from Finland

Portugal has declared war on Spain

Greece has declared war on Bulgaria

Greece has declared war on Poland

Germany has conquered xPrague from Czechoslovakia

Germany has conquered xNachod from Czechoslovakia

Southern Russia has declared war on Persia

Lowlands has declared war on Poland

Lowlands has declared war on Switzerland

Northern Russia has declared war on Sweden

Egypt has conquered xAujila from Libya

UAE has declared war on Persia

Iraq has conquered xKhatuniye from Syria

Morocco has conquered xBayadh from Algeria

Morocco has conquered xMecheria from Algeria

Morocco has declared war on Spain

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Morocco has conquered xBechar from Algeria

Hungary has declared war on Bulgaria

Poland has declared war on Czechoslovakia

Turkey has declared war on Iraq

Bulgaria has conquered xTrun from Yugoslavia

Baltic States has declared war on Bulgaria

Baltic States has conquered xHelsinki from Finland

Portugal has declared war on Spain

Greece has declared war on Bulgaria

Greece has declared war on Poland

Germany has conquered xPrague from Czechoslovakia

Germany has conquered xNachod from Czechoslovakia

Southern Russia has declared war on Persia

Lowlands has declared war on Poland

Lowlands has declared war on Switzerland

Northern Russia has declared war on Sweden

Egypt has conquered xAujila from Libya

UAE has declared war on Persia

Iraq has conquered xKhatuniye from Syria

Morocco has conquered xBayadh from Algeria

Morocco has conquered xMecheria from Algeria

Morocco has declared war on Spain


Fast and furious, this game is.....

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Errrm Can I Buy Danzing Then


Oh, yeah, almost forgot. Danzig is not for sale, but would be willing to consider a roughly equivalent trade.......may, oh...I don't know, let's see......I know.....yeah...




I would happily trade Danzig for Odense.


I will trade you Krakow, Warsaw, Katowice, AAANNNNDDD Siedlce for Danzig! You can't pass on a deal like that. Plus, if you act now, I'll throw in a bonus of these lovely steak knives! But wait. There is more! You can also have Alaska, home of bears, mooses, and beavers! All of this for the low price of Danzig. If you act in the next 15 years, we will add xBerlin! A deal worth 2 Euros for sure, all yours for Danzig. As a token of our esteem, we will also inclde a variety of cleaning products if you act NOW!

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Guest Spongebob

Do you suffer from gut agony? Does your head hurt? Tension head? Got that bloated feeling? The beginning of lady moustache? Wrinkles? And have you pissed yourself again?


Dark Monk you’re leaking, hairy, over weight and everything hurts.... and your children’s clothes are filthy.


Is it any wonder us sponges long for a less clingy nemesis


For god’s sake sort yourself out


Sponges shave and get drunk because we’re already brilliant

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Man you guys are tough to keep up with. Can anybody give me the condensed version of what I ought to do with the Greek (used to be Polish) (but before that Bulgarian) provinces?


Cede them?


Keep them?


Loot them?





Cede them to the UAE. :thumbsup:

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The allied supreme war council decides to intervene in Norway and Finland, this vague and indecisive policy relies on the cooperation of neutral Norway and Sweden. The main motivation is the allied desire to deny Germany access to Swedish iron ore which pas through the port of Narvik.


The British destroyer Cossack violates Norway’s neutrality to rescue 299 British merchant seamen aboard the German transport Altmark, Germany accelerates its invasion plans believing Britain is preparing more military actions in Norway


Plans for the western front are revised on the advice of General Erich Von Manstein to occupy the Ardennes. The bulk of the German Armour is allocated to the plan.

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Man you guys are tough to keep up with. Can anybody give me the condensed version of what I ought to do with the Greek (used to be Polish) (but before that Bulgarian) provinces?


Cede them?


Keep them?


Loot them?





- Take the cities

- Use them as a takeoff point for

--the invasion of Bulgaria proper, if you do not have an agreement like the whimp Falco has with Poland

--the build-up for the invasion of Bulgaria proper if you DO have an agreement like the wise Falco has with Poland.

- Build up the industries, if there is any unemployed population left.

- Assign a propaganda corps to convince the natives that:

--They were sold out by their former masters Bulgaria

--Their temporary masters Poland wanted to deport them to Grodno, where it is cold and damp, and nothing will grow there.

--Historically they are part of the greater Grecian Empire, and they are welcome back.

--Make a nice propaganda film about you tearing down Polish border posts and replacing roadsigns with Greek ones.

--Make a second propagande film about "What have the Poles ever done for us ?"

--Of course we ARE worried about ther loved ones in Bulgaria. Thats why we are going there to look if they are all right.

--Of course war is terrible. That is why it is so horrible that Bulgaria started all this by crossing the border with Yugoslavia, who:

---At the moment are suffering under Bulgarian occupation

---Are old friends of Greece.

---Never intended any harm to happen to Bulgaria.

---Certainly deserve to be rescued.

---Your only intention is peace, to add their distinctive capabilities to your own and increase the qualitiy of excistence.

- Marry the most beautiful girl that lives there (if any qualify for "beautiful").

- If they do their best you will grant them with a nice statue of the great and benevolent dictator of Greater Greece. (Or of his Mistress)

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Actually David, never have the TA's been mentioned in all of the communication, which I have even checked. During the powwow only the Baltic States and Poland have been mentioned. Which is why I have hinted to your diplomat about the situation with the vacation resort near the Baltic border not so long ago. Also this has been mentioned by Dageraad on the forum, some pages back, you might want to look it up. No remarks have been made by your side.


I replied to Dageraad's remark.....

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Man you guys are tough to keep up with. Can anybody give me the condensed version of what I ought to do with the Greek (used to be Polish) (but before that Bulgarian) provinces?


Cede them?


Keep them?


Loot them?





- Take the cities

- Use them as a takeoff point for

--the invasion of Bulgaria proper, if you do not have an agreement like the whimp Falco has with Poland

--the build-up for the invasion of Bulgaria proper if you DO have an agreement like the wise Falco has with Poland.

- Build up the industries, if there is any unemployed population left.

- Assign a propaganda corps to convince the natives that:

--They were sold out by their former masters Bulgaria

--Their temporary masters Poland wanted to deport them to Grodno, where it is cold and damp, and nothing will grow there.

--Historically they are part of the greater Grecian Empire, and they are welcome back.

--Make a nice propaganda film about you tearing down Polish border posts and replacing roadsigns with Greek ones.

--Make a second propagande film about "What have the Poles ever done for us ?"

--Of course we ARE worried about ther loved ones in Bulgaria. Thats why we are going there to look if they are all right.

--Of course war is terrible. That is why it is so horrible that Bulgaria started all this by crossing the border with Yugoslavia, who:

---At the moment are suffering under Bulgarian occupation

---Are old friends of Greece.

---Never intended any harm to happen to Bulgaria.

---Certainly deserve to be rescued.

---Your only intention is peace, to add their distinctive capabilities to your own and increase the qualitiy of excistence.

- Marry the most beautiful girl that lives there (if any qualify for "beautiful").

- If they do their best you will grant them with a nice statue of the great and benevolent dictator of Greater Greece. (Or of his Mistress)




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