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Vic! 89

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We've all held up our end of the bargain. But are you a corpse then? I wouldn't mind, be easier to step in and pick up the pieces... :-)


And I really do not agree that peaceful coexistence couldn't have been possible, I did try.


Negotiations did take place, you are correct. What would you have done next had we come to that agreement? Invade Central? An amphibious invasion of Denmark? I think you would have still gone to war with us regardless. You are already on Polish soil and have already gone into German controlled lands of East Prussia. It's obvious that Finland and Sweden were completely incompetent based on how quickly you have taken the major cities. Good for you guys. Its always nice to have a fast start to prepare for the next war. Unfortunately for us, our intended victims are well organized and have mounted a nice defense. It will be a hard fought war over here and nothing has been decided for us by the actions thus far.

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We've all held up our end of the bargain. But are you a corpse then? I wouldn't mind, be easier to step in and pick up the pieces... :-)


And I really do not agree that peaceful coexistence couldn't have been possible, I did try.


Negotiations did take place, you are correct. What would you have done next had we come to that agreement? Invade Central? An amphibious invasion of Denmark? I think you would have still gone to war with us regardless. You are already on Polish soil and have already gone into German controlled lands of East Prussia. It's obvious that Finland and Sweden were completely incompetent based on how quickly you have taken the major cities. Good for you guys. Its always nice to have a fast start to prepare for the next war. Unfortunately for us, our intended victims are well organized and have mounted a nice defense. It will be a hard fought war over here and nothing has been decided for us by the actions thus far.

I have to agree with you're analysis of Finland and Sweden.

Our plan for taking Finland was rather solid, but during the execution we found so many points where Finland could easily have improved his chances for survival (maybe even beyond Spongebob).

points like building ldb's every turn in important cities, a small fort and inf on DD instead of hasty defense would easily have stopped us 2 turns. Last but certainly not least, i found a stack of 9 INF ready to invade Leningrad, but he never executed that move. it clearly was the morale of the player broken, not that of his soldiers.

Am i satisfied with the result? it was good to see a plan working, but the satisfaction of playing a wargame comes from well oiled forces, cunning reconnaissance, hard-fought victories and brilliant moves, not from the opposition breaking and stop playing when he realizes that he is invade by 2 countries.

Some people play this game for the fun of running a country, they optimize the economics and war is just secondary for it. I choose NR because the economics are not trivial, one needs to make strategic decisions where to build, how to organize.

Winning the game depends also on political skills, which I hardly have, but I have friends for that :)

we take our alliances seriously, because a good name is easily lost, but also because i dislike backstabbers. When Dageraad did it to me in a game of diplomacy(15 years ago) I felt very betrayed and I cordially disliked that.

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Hope you guys keep playing in VicII. Would like to a chance to work together someday. And don't tell me I could have done it in this game. My allies were already lined up on turn one in this game, as were all of you. With three such large blocks all together, someone has to go. You have the advantage right now due to no 'real' enemies to worry about anymore with Sweden and Finland dropped already. Our two groups down here will be fighting it out for some time to come. I expect we will both be weakened quite a bit by the time one gets a significant advantage and you come rolling down into the fray.

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Guest Spongebob
Hope you guys keep playing in VicII. Would like to a chance to work together someday. And don't tell me I could have done it in this game. My allies were already lined up on turn one in this game, as were all of you. With three such large blocks all together, someone has to go. You have the advantage right now due to no 'real' enemies to worry about anymore with Sweden and Finland dropped already. Our two groups down here will be fighting it out for some time to come. I expect we will both be weakened quite a bit by the time one gets a significant advantage and you come rolling down into the fray.


Dont worry I'll save you.

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Hope you guys keep playing in VicII. Would like to a chance to work together someday. And don't tell me I could have done it in this game. My allies were already lined up on turn one in this game, as were all of you. With three such large blocks all together, someone has to go. You have the advantage right now due to no 'real' enemies to worry about anymore with Sweden and Finland dropped already. Our two groups down here will be fighting it out for some time to come. I expect we will both be weakened quite a bit by the time one gets a significant advantage and you come rolling down into the fray.


Dont worry I'll save you.


C'mon Spongie, SAVE ME! I DARE YOU! :thumbsup:


I'll make it worth your while for sure......... :) A present for the holidays will await you under your tree!

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Guest Spongebob
Hope you guys keep playing in VicII. Would like to a chance to work together someday. And don't tell me I could have done it in this game. My allies were already lined up on turn one in this game, as were all of you. With three such large blocks all together, someone has to go. You have the advantage right now due to no 'real' enemies to worry about anymore with Sweden and Finland dropped already. Our two groups down here will be fighting it out for some time to come. I expect we will both be weakened quite a bit by the time one gets a significant advantage and you come rolling down into the fray.


Dont worry I'll save you.


C'mon Spongie, SAVE ME! I DARE YOU! :thumbsup:


I'll make it worth your while for sure......... :) A present for the holidays will await you under your tree!


Knowing you concrete and infantry.

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In defense of the people who played Finland and Sweden they had personal issues that forced them to drop.

They've been competent and trusted allies through several games.



That is unfortunate and explains a lot. One turn of prolongued resistance would have made a world of difference.

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In defense of the people who played Finland and Sweden they had personal issues that forced them to drop.

They've been competent and trusted allies through several games.




You mean I outlasted someone? :thumbsup: I thought I would be the first to go, with Iraqi and Persian armies marching to the sea. I will set achievable goals- turn 10. :)

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Hope you guys keep playing in VicII. Would like to a chance to work together someday. And don't tell me I could have done it in this game. My allies were already lined up on turn one in this game, as were all of you. With three such large blocks all together, someone has to go. You have the advantage right now due to no 'real' enemies to worry about anymore with Sweden and Finland dropped already. Our two groups down here will be fighting it out for some time to come. I expect we will both be weakened quite a bit by the time one gets a significant advantage and you come rolling down into the fray.


I made you the offer to cooperate as a fifth member of our TA with the full consent of the whole team, and in this team such an offer is genuine and binding. A lot of things were not known at the time: the lopsided results of the war in Scandinavia (we were very lucky), the large TA south of your border and the size of your own TA group.


We'll see about Vic II when it arrives. I have been working on some Japanese and French or combined units, but the other techs need a major rework too to make the new tech work. At the moment some units are still far to dominant, up to the level that some players can get away with only building one type of medium bomber and one type of army.

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Guest Spongebob
Hope you guys keep playing in VicII. Would like to a chance to work together someday. And don't tell me I could have done it in this game. My allies were already lined up on turn one in this game, as were all of you. With three such large blocks all together, someone has to go. You have the advantage right now due to no 'real' enemies to worry about anymore with Sweden and Finland dropped already. Our two groups down here will be fighting it out for some time to come. I expect we will both be weakened quite a bit by the time one gets a significant advantage and you come rolling down into the fray.


I made you the offer to cooperate as a fifth member of our TA with the full consent of the whole team, and in this team such an offer is genuine and binding. A lot of things were not known at the time: the lopsided results of the war in Scandinavia (we were very lucky), the large TA south of your border and the size of your own TA group.


We'll see about Vic II when it arrives. I have been working on some Japanese and French or combined units, but the other techs need a major rework too to make the new tech work. At the moment some units are still far to dominant, up to the level that some players can get away with only building one type of medium bomber and one type of army.


You never offered me that TA, very upset, unloved, unwanted Sponge :)

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You never offered me that TA, very upset, unloved, unwanted Sponge :)


The four of us joined as a collective setup. We immediately looked for a fifth member. Denmark was among the nations we tried to approach.


In my first turn I did a RNA on Denmark. It came up with no result, as you had invoked the privacy option. You chose to remain anonymous.

In the first few turns you declared to be - among others - Germany or Southern Russia. I did invite you to cooperate on June 19 th, which you ignored completely. A month later when I suggested you might be Denmark, you did not confirm it.


Earthling took over the standby position of Poland and declared immediately, so he was approached by us with an offer. That meant: putting our cards on the table. That is not without some risk, as Earthling had good reason not to join us and immediately warned Sweden and Finland about us. He did so on this forum, for everyone to read. At that moment you could have known what our intentions are.


And still, there are lots of possibilities. Go talk to France, Ireland and the UK. Form a fourth power block. Talk to Italy, he is at war with the TA you want to DW next turn. Play on their fears on what could happen if you do not cooperate: At the moment the two TA blocks in central Europe are tearing at eachother, earning cheers and applause from all those that stand at the ringside. But what if one of those teams actually wins? The resulting powerblock could be too strong to stop.

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Guest Spongebob
You never offered me that TA, very upset, unloved, unwanted Sponge :)


The four of us joined as a collective setup. We immediately looked for a fifth member. Denmark was among the nations we tried to approach.


In my first turn I did a RNA on Denmark. It came up with no result, as you had invoked the privacy option. You chose to remain anonymous.

In the first few turns you declared to be - among others - Germany or Southern Russia. I did invite you to cooperate on June 19 th, which you ignored completely. A month later when I suggested you might be Denmark, you did not confirm it.


Earthling took over the standby position of Poland and declared immediately, so he was approached by us with an offer. That meant: putting our cards on the table. That is not without some risk, as Earthling had good reason not to join us and immediately warned Sweden and Finland about us. He did so on this forum, for everyone to read. At that moment you could have known what our intentions are.


And still, there are lots of possibilities. Go talk to France, Ireland and the UK. Form a fourth power block. Talk to Italy, he is at war with the TA you want to DW next turn. Play on their fears on what could happen if you do not cooperate: At the moment the two TA blocks in central Europe are tearing at eachother, earning cheers and applause from all those that stand at the ringside. But what if one of those teams actually wins? The resulting powerblock could be too strong to stop.


Did you actually have to research that? Oh come on the Sponge is playing, we all know how the world order will unfold, no need for a history lesson.


Denmark will prevail, Germany will be mine, then Poland, Then the Monk in Central Russia and all shall bow before my greatness.

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