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The only honour you deserve is the honour of cleaning my bayonet with your blood. The invasion of Poland will begin on or around the 3rd Jan 2011. I promised Germany an Invasion date and now I promise you one. Anyone else want an Invasion date from the Yellow Menace.


My good Sponge, I figured you would have learned THAT lesson already? Even so, thank you for the fair warning. Maybe I can strike a deal with a couple of my invaders so I can approach your invasion with the appropriate attention it deserves. At least this time one of my border allies has not ceded you territory and I will not be caught by surprise. :woohoo:


No surprises this time but that eliment should never be underestimated. You know the Sponge likes to keep a few up his sleeve. Maybe its a ruse, to throw my true target off balance. I wonder what I can buy in 5 turns time :thumbsup:


Are we updating avatars and signatures again? One of my alter egos, I won't say which one, forgot to tell me.

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Guest Spongebob
The only honour you deserve is the honour of cleaning my bayonet with your blood. The invasion of Poland will begin on or around the 3rd Jan 2011. I promised Germany an Invasion date and now I promise you one. Anyone else want an Invasion date from the Yellow Menace.


My good Sponge, I figured you would have learned THAT lesson already? Even so, thank you for the fair warning. Maybe I can strike a deal with a couple of my invaders so I can approach your invasion with the appropriate attention it deserves. At least this time one of my border allies has not ceded you territory and I will not be caught by surprise. :woohoo:


No surprises this time but that eliment should never be underestimated. You know the Sponge likes to keep a few up his sleeve. Maybe its a ruse, to throw my true target off balance. I wonder what I can buy in 5 turns time :thumbsup:


Are we updating avatars and signatures again? One of my alter egos, I won't say which one, forgot to tell me.


Dad your back, all the bad men are picking on me. PreteenDater, EarThing, Penknife, Spatulaboy, Inspecta Toilet Seat, Madame X, Kurryarsier, there all at it. I dont know what to do. I invaded Germany as you said I should and stayed away from nasty ManStain. Now I am heading east to give EarThing and thick Ear. I will be there early Jan unless someone gets in my way.


Any advice dad, whats should I do next :thumbsup:

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Dad your back, all the bad men are picking on me. PreteenDater, EarThing, Penknife, Spatulaboy, Inspecta Toilet Seat, Madame X, Kurryarsier, there all at it. I dont know what to do. I invaded Germany as you said I should and stayed away from nasty ManStain. Now I am heading east to give EarThing and thick Ear. I will be there early Jan unless someone gets in my way.


Any advice dad, whats should I do next :thumbsup:




'nasty' ???


You're just afraid. Wetting yourself. Absorbing the warm fluid and coloring yellow. :woohoo: YUCK! Stay away from me!!!


What's that smell?



Von Manstein

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Cruel for whom? Falco? Yes, I agree, it is too cruel to send Falco's troops into combat against...THE YELLOW MENACE!

Ah a new quote for the Signature.


Your all gonna die..... die i tell you picking on a poor defensless sponge. My mates will come round to your house and beat you up :woohoo:


Wow! I finally got a quote on the bottom of Bob's signature. Is that an honor or a curse? No quite sure...


The only honour you deserve is the honour of cleaning my bayonet with your blood. The invasion of Poland will begin on or around the 3rd Jan 2011. I promised Germany an Invasion date and now I promise you one. Anyone else want an Invasion date from the Yellow Menace.

I'll take an invasion please from you please.

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Guest Spongebob
I'll take an invasion please from you please.


Well its about 56 MCR to the Sueze, can i get through that way? 6 Turns to get to Suez, another 6 to UAE, but I need the fuel, about 2500 to Suez + the rest. (Quick Mental Calculation)


I guess I can fit you in around 2013ish - Prepare your defenses, chances are you'll be dead before I get there.

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I'll take an invasion please from you please.


Well its about 56 MCR to the Sueze, can i get through that way? 6 Turns to get to Suez, another 6 to UAE, but I need the fuel, about 2500 to Suez + the rest. (Quick Mental Calculation)


I guess I can fit you in around 2013ish - Prepare your defenses, chances are you'll be dead before I get there.


Fine. If you are going to whine about it. I'll come attack you. :thumbsup:


Now where did I put those Seibel designs? :thumbsup::woohoo:

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Guest Spongebob
Ow, could you lead him to me? Got some armies and planes hanging around with nothing to do, need the target practice! :ranting:


Down, Falco. It isn't turn 11 yet.


Guess your political career makes you as dumb as all other politicians, or you just can't read anymore: The meaning of that reply was not attacking Poland, my good and friendly neighbor, but his evil aggressor from beneath the waves! Ashes to ashes, sponges beneath the waves or something.


Dear mister President General most Exalted leader of Poland. The keep the peace in the east, let's work together to squash the water from the invading Sponges! Keep us informed, so our tactical strike force can do exactly that, strike tactically on sponges marching above the waves.


Hey Falco, what nation are you again. I am toying with the Idea of leaving Poland for a while and pay you a visit instead seeing as you want to BOMB me :ranting: Problem is... and I am shure I have asked this already.... But....... What nation are you again? :thumbsup:

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Guest Spongebob
Hey Falco, what nation are you again. I am toying with the Idea of leaving Poland for a while and pay you a visit instead seeing as you want to BOMB me :ranting: Problem is... and I am shure I have asked this already.... But....... What nation are you again? :thumbsup:


If you don't know already, why should you even bother with me? I could ofcourse start signing every message with something like "Greeting, Falco, ruler of ...." but that would get old fast I think. Anyways, don't worry about me, eventually we will meet (might even be sooner than you think).


Oooops Sorry Falco, I knew you were Baltics its just I was not sure if you Knew :ranting: What you got against me, wanting to Bomb me? Polands a much better target for you, unless your scared of him - He is tough, he lasted out against 2 opponents once in a single city and thats not a nice experience. If your nice to me I will come and help you defeat him, trust me, from experience you dont want to take him on alone. I wont be. :ranting:

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The only honour you deserve is the honour of cleaning my bayonet with your blood. The invasion of Poland will begin on or around the 3rd Jan 2011. I promised Germany an Invasion date and now I promise you one. Anyone else want an Invasion date from the Yellow Menace.


My good Sponge, I figured you would have learned THAT lesson already? Even so, thank you for the fair warning. Maybe I can strike a deal with a couple of my invaders so I can approach your invasion with the appropriate attention it deserves. At least this time one of my border allies has not ceded you territory and I will not be caught by surprise. :ranting:


No surprises this time but that eliment should never be underestimated. You know the Sponge likes to keep a few up his sleeve. Maybe its a ruse, to throw my true target off balance. I wonder what I can buy in 5 turns time :thumbsup:


Are we updating avatars and signatures again? One of my alter egos, I won't say which one, forgot to tell me.


Dad your back, all the bad men are picking on me. PreteenDater, EarThing, Penknife, Spatulaboy, Inspecta Toilet Seat, Madame X, Kurryarsier, there all at it. I dont know what to do. I invaded Germany as you said I should and stayed away from nasty ManStain. Now I am heading east to give EarThing and thick Ear. I will be there early Jan unless someone gets in my way.


Any advice dad, whats should I do next :ranting:


At times like this, I prefer long soaks in a tub of Vodka. Of course that was the start of those nasty Discus Fish rumors.

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Guest Spongebob

DONT...... MENTION..... THAT....... FISH - Arrrrrrghhhhhhh!!!!!!


On another subject I feel I must give fair warning to all those peacefull nations who wish to see a proposterous Denmark that the waters around this great nation are infested with jelly fish. They will stick to the hulls of ships and explode. I have created a network of ever decreasing jelly fish fields so stay away for your own good.


Especially German Submarines :ranting:

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