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Vic! 89

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Guest Spongebob
Dags was just bragging to me how he is going to take Odense and Alborg next turn! Hope you are ready! Falco says he bombed Odense clean and it is ripe for the taking.........


OMG look what crawled out from the woodwork, A GIRL, are you still pottering about 87 or did you get your ass handed back to you on a plate. Never mind, I dont suppose your here so I can attack you again, never mind, pointless Girl. I need to concentrate on a better defense of Denmark than a Girl can do. Show me some pointers, where did you go wrong in 87 so I dont make the same huge mistakes you did after gaining so much of Germany.


Actually, I removed his former 1st command from xCopenhagen, but he wasn't supposed to know that, David! And Odense is a bit farfetched, or just plain far for Icelandic craft. So you're exaggerating a bit.


If your gonna try and con the master con artist you should grab yourself a better bag of tricks. I know where your airbase is, I also know its just as far to Odense as it is Copenhagen. Also the 1st command is alive and well.


The only thing you guys are achieving is to force me to defend the homeland. So keep flying your planes, I will keep building up my defenses and by the time your on my doorstep you will either have lost the will to fight or the ability.

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We did make a fantasy scenario:


1: You go berzerk agains Falco (Baltic states) just to kill Earthling and Monk before he can, believing leaving the defence of the motherland to Great Brittain. So you can blame him if it goes wrong. All of my LCI's on transit from xBergen to xOdense and xCopenhagen wouldn't mind that scenario.


2: You start building fixed defences like mad, cripling your economy and blowing your position.


3: You draw al your armies back to the mother country to defend against Norway and Iceland, closely followed by Falco to advance through the front door top take the rest of the country.

Poland and Germany wouldnt mind. They have other things on their mind and surely would not object us takeing down another of their enemies.


4: Meanwhile the entire Northern Russian Fleet in the Baltic is getting bored and levels xAlborg.


Nice to know that Miss Shadow is on our side.

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Yes I know but when I have Iceland, Baltics and now Norway raining on my parade its a little hard to cover all bases. All we need now is Northern Russia to join the party and we will have ourselves a humdinger of a jamboree. Soooooooo I hope you all feel big and hard picking on a poor defenseless Sponge :python:


Perhaps you may consider trying a new diplomatic style.


Quoted for truth. I didn't really want to join the customary Spongebashing and I was willing to leave you alone if we would be able to get some kind of agreement. My allies felt the same. But you got on our nerves really fast (just as we expected) and now you're just going to die.

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We did make a fantasy scenario:


1: You go berzerk agains Falco (Baltic states) just to kill Earthling and Monk before he can, believing leaving the defence of the motherland to Great Brittain. So you can blame him if it goes wrong. All of my LCI's on transit from xBergen to xOdense and xCopenhagen wouldn't mind that scenario.


2: You start building fixed defences like mad, cripling your economy and blowing your position.


3: You draw al your armies back to the mother country to defend against Norway and Iceland, closely followed by Falco to advance through the front door top take the rest of the country.

Poland and Germany wouldnt mind. They have other things on their mind and surely would not object us takeing down another of their enemies.


4: Meanwhile the entire Northern Russian Fleet in the Baltic is getting bored and levels xAlborg.


Nice to know that Miss Shadow is on our side.


ah, but i heard good news: there is a danish fleet to kill. DW denmark next turn to get my first naval kill

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Guest Spongebob

You know you lot do more talking and less action than my Grandmother. You’re all spouting gibberish under the assumption I know nothing about your plans, your intentions, your forces, your locations and the colour of your underwear.


You leave yourselves so wide open it’s like sending a bowling ball between the legs of a hooker and it rattle around like it’s in a pin ball machine.


If you really want to scare me with your fantasy plans and pseudo psycho babble then start telling me something I can believe, that actually only I could know, than... and only then will I get scared.


I’m sat here on my throne, paper at the ready, in the Place of Copenhagen laughing at you lot.


Some enemies over the years have earned the respect of the Sponge and other become jokes in the pages of history, you lot are like the Marx Brothers and nowhere near as talented.


Time for bed, I will respond to your next raft of nonsense in the morning.

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Turn about is fair play... :python: I did it to you guys, it's only fair that you try and start a shouting match on this side of things! LOL!


What deal :rolleyes: what you talking about willis :(


The possible deal about Earthling letting Falco take Jutland, Norway wil get Copenhaven and me Odense?

(sorry, I couldn't resist)

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Guest Spongebob
Turn about is fair play... :python: I did it to you guys, it's only fair that you try and start a shouting match on this side of things! LOL!


What deal :rolleyes: what you talking about willis :(


The possible deal about Earthling letting Falco take Jutland, Norway wil get Copenhaven and me Odense?

(sorry, I couldn't resist)


Oh so thats how it is, playing the Sponge at his own game, well let me tell you this.... Your ALL gonna die... EVERYONE.

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So how about our deal, Mr Earthworks? All set and ready to go? This small delay with the conquest of those green pastures of Denmark will soon be over. Ready to rumble?


Falco, Back to this.....Am I ready to rumble? Always! :python: I would prefer that you leave it to me and Ondali for a few turns and see what happens. I still have a lot of resources committed to wars elsewhere. Warning: If you DW on me Falco, I will obliterate your air bases first thing. Can't have those JU88's bombing me, EVER! You will most likely try and do the same to me, so have that fighter escort mirroring your bombers, it will be needed. Oh, that's right, your fighters cannot reach my air bases from Madonna.....good for me! Then again, my fighters cannot escort that far either! :rolleyes: It ought to be interesting. Let's see, I will be at war with....1,2,3,....damn7,8,9....damn 10 NATIONS! Much like the Lowlands 85......could be a tough fight again! Let's see, I last to turn 39 in 85, I guess I have a new goal to set for 89!


Calling all Monks! Calling all DARK Monks! C'mon Monk! We got a war to fight!

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Guest Spongebob
Madonna fan, are you? I'm more a Wham fan. You go for your Madonna when we start fighting, but beware our 'borderline', remember those Bulgarians on 'holiday' there.


I'll just turn a 'different corner' and get 'the final' word in our conflict. And look what a 'careless whisper' gets us. Wrong rumors and 'wham, bam', we're at eachothers throats.


By the way, shouldn't we all handle Sponge like a virgin? He plays the game as one who has no experience at all... ;-)


Im sorry, I've just been violently sick. Too many puns, too few nations to bomb.


Can I play bomb the base, I got just enough to do some damage. I wonder what would happen if everyone bombed the base, Monks, Earthlings, Sponges.

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Madonna fan, are you? I'm more a Wham fan. You go for your Madonna when we start fighting, but beware our 'borderline', remember those Bulgarians on 'holiday' there.


I'll just turn a 'different corner' and get 'the final' word in our conflict. And look what a 'careless whisper' gets us. Wrong rumors and 'wham, bam', we're at eachothers throats.


By the way, shouldn't we all handle Sponge like a virgin? He plays the game as one who has no experience at all... ;-)


This has got to be one of the best posts ever......lol! :python:


Just so you, no more DW for me.....I got enough issues. You want the war, you DW.

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Guest Spongebob

Well the latest bombing runs have been reported, its turning out to be an interesting encounter. The thing you need to be asking yourself is what will the Sponge do next.

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