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New map for turn 12:




North Africa seems to be heading for a decision, but the middle east is still undecided. As is central Europe, but the Balkan alliance seem to be gaining ground.

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Guest Spongebob

This is a General Warning


Keep out of Danish Waters, your only going to get more and more of your shipping sunk. The waters around Denmark are protected and controlled by the Danish armed forces. ALL OFF THEM


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This is a General Warning


Keep out of Danish Waters, your only going to get more and more of your shipping sunk. The waters around Denmark are protected and controlled by the Danish armed forces. ALL OFF THEM



Danish? Calling the Skagerrak exclusively Danish is presumptious.

We're only here to clear up the mess of mines someone left here, on behalf of the Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Russian and Baltic gouvenrments.

We use only ships made of renewable materials (wood) and zero emission (as they do not use fuel).


Aside from that: those new Ju-88's that sunk borh of my minesweapers,

Do I understand correctly that those two groups are all of your armed forces?

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Guest Spongebob
This is a General Warning


Keep out of Danish Waters, your only going to get more and more of your shipping sunk. The waters around Denmark are protected and controlled by the Danish armed forces. ALL OFF THEM



Danish? Calling the Skagerrak exclusively Danish is presumptious.

We're only here to clear up the mess of mines someone left here, on behalf of the Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Russian and Baltic gouvenrments.

We use only ships made of renewable materials (wood) and zero emission (as they do not use fuel).


Aside from that: those new Ju-88's that sunk borh of my minesweapers,

Do I understand correctly that those two groups are all of your armed forces?


Yes they are all thats left of the once great Danish Airforce, we have no more planes, there all gone. You have no need to send any more bombers, you will be wasting your time.... Honest :santa:


Now stay out of my terratorial waters or the next Armed Forces you encounter will be Battleships on manovers. :drunk:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Spongebob



The Baltic Liberation Force, a known terrorist organization dedicated to eating babies and wearing the teath of infants around their necks on chains have been indited by the international criminal court of Copenhagen for crimes against Aquatic life. As we speak Danish forces armed with strongly worded legal documents are marching towards Riga. Any German or Polish forces that get in the way of this important delivery service will get trampled on with squishy wet boots.

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To start the new year: a new map.



The situation in Germany and Poland is getting very complicated.

Ireland has joined the battlefield and Great Brittain has dropped its first bombs. Many more will probably follow.

Spongebob and Falco have started a Media war.

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Falco, your creative writing skills are exemplary. I commend you on your ability to turn any result into such beautiful words! Let me get my shovel! :(




Units of the Baltic Liberation Force (BLF) are making headway in Poland. After securing several provinces and cities from the evil Polish dictator and his Central Russian comrade, a counterattack was launched by units loyal to the Polish dictator. A force consisting of rookie mechanized and armored units tried to retake Warsaw, where one of the BLF forces was camped, but has failed miserably. After serious losses the units were forced to retreat. Casualties to the enemy force could have been greater, had our units not tried to protect innocent civilians from getting harmed.


Elsewhere, enemy Air force units have bombarded the BLF forces occupying the city of Siedlce. Whilst little damage was done to the BLF units, more importantly, the civilians casualties of this bombardment where staggering. Women and children were among the casualties, as at the time of the bombardment these units were parading the city by request of the mayor. Most victims that fell were cheering the BLF heroes just minutes before their death. These atrocities will be avenged, when dictator Earthling is captured he will be tried before a war crimes court.


Meanwhile fresh troops are gathering at the border to either repel yet more evil forces, this time coming from the west. New airbases have been created close to that front, and more fighters have been deployed there to guard these bases and the BLF troops from an attack from above. As expectations are that the Danish airforces have not recovered from the loss of their two bomber wings, these fighters should be able to withstand and repel a tactical air strike by new green Danish Junker wings. Our own strike craft, a 2nd wing of bombers, are on their way from Finland to strengthen the western front.

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The Peaceful Scandinavian nations of Finland and Sweden were relatively undefended terrain to conquer. I am sure that the Finnish and Swedish countrysides are littered with the dead at the hands of the BLS and its allies and no one is parading or celebrating the devastation that has been levied upon any those peaceful Scandinavian provinces. There were no forces levied against the BLS in those nations, nor were there any in Poland. The Polish peoples only celebrate your presence in order to avoid the genocide that was perpetrated against the Finnish peoples. We are certain that if the Polish forces are able to regroup and turn back the unprovoked BLS and Russian invaders that our Polish peoples will welcome their freedom with open arms and be more than happy to execute and BLS captives.


See, my shovel works too.




Falco, your creative writing skills are exemplary. I commend you on your ability to turn any result into such beautiful words! Let me get my shovel! :blink:


I thank thee kindly for thine compliment.


But as much as you want to shovel it all away, the truth speaks for itself. Evil dictators will be evicted from power. The faith of the Polish populations rest on the mighty arms of the BLF. They will be victorious. No shovel is going to change the final outcome. Resistance is futile....

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Guest Spongebob
The Peaceful Scandinavian nations of Finland and Sweden were relatively undefended terrain to conquer. I am sure that the Finnish and Swedish countrysides are littered with the dead at the hands of the BLS and its allies and no one is parading or celebrating the devastation that has been levied upon any those peaceful Scandinavian provinces. There were no forces levied against the BLS in those nations, nor were there any in Poland. The Polish peoples only celebrate your presence in order to avoid the genocide that was perpetrated against the Finnish peoples. We are certain that if the Polish forces are able to regroup and turn back the unprovoked BLS and Russian invaders that our Polish peoples will welcome their freedom with open arms and be more than happy to execute and BLS captives.


See, my shovel works too.




Falco, your creative writing skills are exemplary. I commend you on your ability to turn any result into such beautiful words! Let me get my shovel! :blink:


I thank thee kindly for thine compliment.


But as much as you want to shovel it all away, the truth speaks for itself. Evil dictators will be evicted from power. The faith of the Polish populations rest on the mighty arms of the BLF. They will be victorious. No shovel is going to change the final outcome. Resistance is futile....


Do you guys really want me to get my shovel out :thumbsup: , you know dam well I can shift more BS than any of you. BTW I cannot wait till the next turn.... Not only will Spongistan have survived for 13 turns which is an event in its own right but I have increased the size of my great nation 3 fold, the largest expansion I have ever had. Im gonna march through Warsaw then on to Riga.


You know its Great being Me :thumbsup:

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Guest Spongebob
Do you guys really want me to get my shovel out :( , you know dam well I can shift more BS than any of you. BTW I cannot wait till the next turn.... Not only will Spongistan have survived for 13 turns which is an event in its own right but I have increased the size of my great nation 3 fold, the largest expansion I have ever had. Im gonna march through Warsaw then on to Riga.


You know its Great being Me :blink:


We'll see when you conquer xBerlin. Waiting for that in the world events.


Are you still building all those defenses everywhere? Do you think you have enough? You didn't forget a city somewhere, with no or only 25 LDB. Remember those airdrops. You do know that the Russian TB3 is the best airdrop plane at the start of the game, don't you? And that turn 13 is the turn that Russian air regiments can be build? Not that I'm trying to make you paranoid of course. You are already. But it would be a shame if all that production in Germany was cut of from the motherland.


Shit.... Panic, check all cities, make sure every city has German peasents armed with pitch forks defending against the Russians. If in danger, if in doubt, run in circles jump about.

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Do you guys really want me to get my shovel out :blink: , you know dam well I can shift more BS than any of you. BTW I cannot wait till the next turn.... Not only will Spongistan have survived for 13 turns which is an event in its own right but I have increased the size of my great nation 3 fold, the largest expansion I have ever had. Im gonna march through Warsaw then on to Riga.


You know its Great being Me :thumbsup:


We'll see when you conquer xBerlin. Waiting for that in the world events.


Are you still building all those defenses everywhere? Do you think you have enough? You didn't forget a city somewhere, with no or only 25 LDB. Remember those airdrops. You do know that the Russian TB3 is the best airdrop plane at the start of the game, don't you? And that turn 13 is the turn that Russian air regiments can be build? Not that I'm trying to make you paranoid of course. You are already. But it would be a shame if all that production in Germany was cut of from the motherland.


Shit.... Panic, check all cities, make sure every city has German peasents armed with pitch forks defending against the Russians. If in danger, if in doubt, run in circles jump about.


And within a few turns Sponge is bankrupt. :(

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And within a few turns Sponge is bankrupt. :(


But we all know that ruining your economy does not mean you can not resist an invader.

Maybe we should just FP and ignore him.

Maybe we should invite him as a guest of honour in a Dutch Victory meet-and-greet somewhere in spring.

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Guest Spongebob
And within a few turns Sponge is bankrupt. :(


But we all know that ruining your economy does not mean you can not resist an invader.

Maybe we should just FP and ignore him.

Maybe we should invite him as a guest of honour in a Dutch Victory meet-and-greet somewhere in spring.


The problem with thinking I am bankrupt is it is just that.... thoughts. Try and FP if you wish, you will fail, Ignoring me will not stop my march to Riga. I have plenty of German slaves paying me taxes to suppliment my lavish aquatic lifestyle. :blink:


Have you notice I dont waffle on as much, maybe its because I am taking my final outing seriously? All these extra provinces, cities, armies takes a lot of logistical prowes.


Maybe I just dont care what any of you think. Maybe I have a big enough army on the Polish border just twitching to slap the Polish peasents and the Baltic terrorist around a bit.

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