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Vic! 89

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Guest Spongebob
I stand in the way of the murderous Scandinavians, fear not for the Sponge has the righteous on his side.


Who said I was on your side? :python::cheers:


You wish you were on my side. You can only dream of the Greatness that is Sponge. Anyway I have a small Icelandic fishing expadition I need to deal with. They have been warned time and time again that the waters around Denmark are patrolled and protected as soveriegn Spongistanian waters and without a passport and a map around the mines then said Fishing Boats will get sunk, and that includes any people dressed as fisherwomen who sail upon them or disembark for fresh Norwegen supplies of Salted Meat.


If anyone dares to set foot on any part of Greater Spongistanian Terratory will soon find themselves crushed under the squishy brown boot of the Sponge. How do you think I have been able to liberate 5 provinces and cities from German rule every turn if it was not for the co-ordinated and sustained presure of vast armies in every province, city and port. I have delivered on everything I have said so far, if you heretics continue to push me then I will invade you and return the favour let alone my eventual conquest of the Baltic Mistakes and the liberation of Riga from tyrany.


So say we all :ph34r:

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1 on 2? A bit melodramatic, don't you think? You have hardly had to fight Germany, as I have been fighting 1 on 5 for some time. I find it hard to work up much sympathy for you. Do you think you will get your panzers out of Coburg? Better move fast if you want them to live.



I don't ask for sympathy. I only ask that you send more ARM pts my way. Need to improve my score.


BTW Are zhere Panzers in Coburg?



Von Manstein

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1 on 2? A bit melodramatic, don't you think? You have hardly had to fight Germany, as I have been fighting 1 on 5 for some time. I find it hard to work up much sympathy for you. Do you think you will get your panzers out of Coburg? Better move fast if you want them to live.



I don't ask for sympathy. I only ask that you send more ARM pts my way. Need to improve my score.


BTW Are zhere Panzers in Coburg?



Von Manstein



lol.. Marklen I think he did not tell his soldiers yet that they had a one way ticket into Germany... they will be burried there..actually they already died but just did not notice it yet :python:


rest asure my friend Manstein... your troups will never see home again...

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Guest Spongebob
Well my troops dont want to see home, they want to see Riga, a dark depressing place in desperate need of the colour Yellow


Running away from Germany already?


No I have all of the Germany I need for now, I allow the rest of Europe to take a piece of the Pie. I must now concentrate on my March to Riga

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Guest Spongebob

Latest update from the front.


Yet again more German cities are liberated from oppression. However these Norwegen and Icelandic aggressors continue to bomb the defenders of the Homeland, have they no idea they cannot win this battle of the Air, I produce vast quantities of replacements for my forces, and replace them as soon as they are bombed and all the time my march to Riga now via Polish farms continues.


Your strategy guys is going to fail. You either need to change tactics or your nations will need a change of leadership.

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Guest Spongebob
At least we have an airforce to strike with .....

Armed with pea shooters and bad intentions. You can keep wasting those bombs and fuel until your blue in the face. Your having no effect on my progress and only serve to reveal your lack of planning and ineffectual joint operations. If I did not know better I would say your not even on the same side.

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At least we have an airforce to strike with .....

Armed with pea shooters and bad intentions. You can keep wasting those bombs and fuel until your blue in the face. Your having no effect on my progress and only serve to reveal your lack of planning and ineffectual joint operations. If I did not know better I would say your not even on the same side.


You are right.


At the moment we are involved in a fierce competition on who has the biggest airforce. I am still ahead by a small margin but he is gaining on me, so DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT, you pansy !!!!

And about tactics: we are dropping bombs. We will keep dropping bombs untill you take xRiga and then....

We'll drop some more bombs.

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Guest Spongebob
At least we have an airforce to strike with .....

Armed with pea shooters and bad intentions. You can keep wasting those bombs and fuel until your blue in the face. Your having no effect on my progress and only serve to reveal your lack of planning and ineffectual joint operations. If I did not know better I would say your not even on the same side.


You are right.


At the moment we are involved in a fierce competition on who has the biggest airforce. I am still ahead by a small margin but he is gaining on me, so DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT, you pansy !!!!

And about tactics: we are dropping bombs. We will keep dropping bombs untill you take xRiga and then....

We'll drop some more bombs.


Then I will catch those bombs and hand them right back at ya. Wont be long now before you realise I am providing you with more targets than you have bombers to fly. You cannot take on all my ground forces. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it :woohoo:

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lol.. Marklen I think he did not tell his soldiers yet that they had a one way ticket into Germany... they will be burried there..actually they already died but just did not notice it yet :woohoo:


rest asure my friend Manstein... your troups will never see home again...





Now you do it again: Making mistakes. Vhy would my troops want to go home? Zhey want to go sightseeing in xAmsterdam...




Von Manstein

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