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Guest Spongebob
So I will lead the world in a round of applause for Dagger and his buddies. (CLAP.... CLAP.... CLAP....)


Does this mean I am back on the famous list?


Good point, I think it needs an update. However it will not stop my march on Riga. Baltics will die at my hands. You cannot save him, nothing can save him. The problem with having huge armies is they can only attack one target at once. Nothing can save the Baltics from thousands of Sponges washing up on his shores. :cheers::rolleyes:

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Baltics will die at my hands. You cannot save him, nothing can save him. The problem with having huge armies is they can only attack one target at once. Nothing can save the Baltics from thousands of Sponges washing up on his shores. :cheers::rolleyes:


Sponges that wash up on a shore are either dead or dead real soon. You certain you want to try it that way? Falco better hire a good cleaning party of his beaches before the tourist season is lost.

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Guest Spongebob
Baltics will die at my hands. You cannot save him, nothing can save him. The problem with having huge armies is they can only attack one target at once. Nothing can save the Baltics from thousands of Sponges washing up on his shores. :thumbsup::rolleyes:


Sponges that wash up on a shore are either dead or dead real soon. You certain you want to try it that way? Falco better hire a good cleaning party of his beaches before the tourist season is lost.


Oh Im sure and I wont be alone :ranting: Its amazing how many boats you can get through a Canal these days missing all those mines I laid outside of Oslo and Goteborg, seen any good minesweepers latley, oh thats right there at the bottom of the ocean clogging up my waterways.


Lots of Coastline in the Baltics and not well defended unlike Copenhagen. :cheers:

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Guest Spongebob

Whos your Daddy, WHOS YOUR DADDY!!!! ... come on say it.... Spongebobs ya Daddy. I know you wanna say it.


Whooya!! :angry::thumbsup::thumbsup:




Spongistanian scientist have developed a new defense system. Its called the Rubber Duck, Millions of afore mentioned Ducks have been placed around the coast of Spongistan and are on high alert. Whenever the enemy tries to land troops on our shores they simply Bounce off and sink to the depths of the sea.

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Whos your Daddy, WHOS YOUR DADDY!!!! ... come on say it.... Spongebobs ya Daddy. I know you wanna say it.


Whooya!! :angry::thumbsup::thumbsup:




Spongistanian scientist have developed a new defense system. Its called the Rubber Duck, Millions of afore mentioned Ducks have been placed around the coast of Spongistan and are on high alert. Whenever the enemy tries to land troops on our shores they simply Bounce off and sink to the depths of the sea.


Hmmmmm, Sponges, errrr, Marines bouncing off the side of tanks? That has a familiar ring to it. :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

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Whos your Daddy, WHOS YOUR DADDY!!!! ... come on say it.... Spongebobs ya Daddy. I know you wanna say it.


Whooya!! :angry::thumbsup::thumbsup:




Spongistanian scientist have developed a new defense system. Its called the Rubber Duck, Millions of afore mentioned Ducks have been placed around the coast of Spongistan and are on high alert. Whenever the enemy tries to land troops on our shores they simply Bounce off and sink to the depths of the sea.


Euh Sponge. Time to check you medical insurance. You need lithium dude.

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Whos your Daddy, WHOS YOUR DADDY!!!! ... come on say it.... Spongebobs ya Daddy. I know you wanna say it.




Spongistanian scientist have developed a new defense system. Its called the Rubber Duck, Millions of afore mentioned Ducks have been placed around the coast of Spongistan and are on high alert. Whenever the enemy tries to land troops on our shores they simply Bounce off and sink to the depths of the sea.


I'll adapt a few Bird class minesweepers to fish them out of the Skagerrak. At the moment we have a shortage of rubber in Iceland. This will certainly help. Thank you.

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Guest Spongebob

Dagger when are you and your posse going to stop trying to take over Spongistan, you must realise by now the nation is defended very very well. All your doing is embarassing yourselves. Every month your plans fail, you tried to bomb my airforce out of existance. You then tried to land marines and shell my cities and ports. What next? let me guess your going to try and land paras


Tell you what, I'll give you and your boys a chance to surrender. We will discuss reparations afterwards.

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Dagger when are you and your posse going to stop trying to take over Spongistan, you must realise by now the nation is defended very very well. All your doing is embarassing yourselves. Every month your plans fail, you tried to bomb my airforce out of existance. You then tried to land marines and shell my cities and ports. What next? let me guess your going to try and land paras


Tell you what, I'll give you and your boys a chance to surrender. We will discuss reparations afterwards.


What a good idea: land Para's. they have an excellent attack to cargo ratio. Please vacate a nearby harbor so we can land them somewhere convenient after the marines have secured the landing zones. xAlborg will do. Thank you.

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Dagger when are you and your posse going to stop trying to take over Spongistan, you must realise by now the nation is defended very very well. All your doing is embarassing yourselves. Every month your plans fail, you tried to bomb my airforce out of existance. You then tried to land marines and shell my cities and ports. What next? let me guess your going to try and land paras


Tell you what, I'll give you and your boys a chance to surrender. We will discuss reparations afterwards.


The Royal Norwegian Airforce apologizes for allowing you to build a new airforce after we destroyed the last one. How about we destroy this one too? Would that solve your discomfort?


For the long term the Norwegian Army is working on a more permanent solution. We have fired our Polish Marine instructors who were giving the recruits bad luck and their training has much improved. We are confident they will be able to overcome the ducks which are preventing the liberation of the Danish people now.

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Monarchs, dictators and duly elected leaders of the world,


I am under unprovoked attack by the alliance of Ireland and Italy which most likely includes their TA’s of Sweden, Great Britain, Finland and possibly Denmark. I am very much interested in any nations that would like to coordinate attacks on these nations with the noble leadership of France. My direct contact is cwbrechtel@yahoo.com for any who are interested.



France V89

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Guest Spongebob

Yeah of course Im going to vacate Alborg and as for Norway please try and take on my Airforce. Some bloke called Hughes has sold us some fighters called the Spruce Goose, I am reliably informed they are more than a match for your 88s.


I wish someone would have told me about this French War, why am I always the last to know.


Dear French Dauphine, I have enough nations wanting a piece of this prime real estate ass. You all do realise that the original Spongistan is only 7 provinces in size, you will have to fight amongst yourselves if you keep taking pot shots at me. Now I personally have no intrest in frogs legs, snails and shared outside lavatories and the rest of the world needs no encouragement to attack Greater Spongistan. So I will offer these words of advice, you stay away from me and I will stay away from you, I have no need for distractions on my way to Riga, If you dont then I have a vast quantity of German industry not far from your doorstep.


I am guessing you only have two facing you? cant you handle it?

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