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Vic! 89

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Wow, that was a quick update of the map Dageraad, HQ wasn't even aware of the Greek progress while exploring RL xBerlin.


Thanks Dageraad for your never-ending persuit of a useful map. I think we all enjoy it and find it useful.


If Spongie is changing colors, then I' be happy to offer up my toiletbowl colors of brown and yellow. :woohoo:

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Guest Spongebob
Wow, that was a quick update of the map Dageraad, HQ wasn't even aware of the Greek progress while exploring RL xBerlin.


Thanks Dageraad for your never-ending persuit of a useful map. I think we all enjoy it and find it useful.


If Spongie is changing colors, then I' be happy to offer up my toiletbowl colors of brown and yellow. :cheers:


Thanks but no thanks.... Yellow is the only colour for the Sponge. My quest is for the whole map to become Yellow. Even far flung places such as Egypt :woohoo:

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Things are way to quiet here.


So what's happening in France? Did the US land?


Well, I'm actually hoping that it will stay quiet, as Sponge blew himself up.


Spongebob ? Are you still there ? Did you throw everything you had at me or should I duck for the kitchen sink? I did not realise you hated met that much....

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Guest Spongebob
Things are way to quiet here.


So what's happening in France? Did the US land?


Well, I'm actually hoping that it will stay quiet, as Sponge blew himself up.


Spongebob ? Are you still there ? Did you throw everything you had at me or should I duck for the kitchen sink? I did not realise you hated met that much....


Im still here, just recovering from that sick feeling you get when you get your results and you realise you just got a bloody nose - Owch, that turn hurt.


A three pronged attack and Im a little punch drunk. Suffering from a lack of intel springs to mind but no fear there is plenty of fight left in this Sponge, its going to be interesting over the coming months and the Sponge appreciates a good scrap.

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Things are way to quiet here.


So what's happening in France? Did the US land?


Well, I'm actually hoping that it will stay quiet, as Sponge blew himself up.


Spongebob ? Are you still there ? Did you throw everything you had at me or should I duck for the kitchen sink? I did not realise you hated met that much....


Im still here, just recovering from that sick feeling you get when you get your results and you realise you just got a bloody nose - Owch, that turn hurt.


A three pronged attack and Im a little punch drunk. Suffering from a lack of intel springs to mind but no fear there is plenty of fight left in this Sponge, its going to be interesting over the coming months and the Sponge appreciates a good scrap.

I know how you feel sponge,

i have the same in V87... 3 parties attacking me, (4 if you count xNizwa) and no intell what so ever.

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Things are way to quiet here.


So what's happening in France? Did the US land?


Well, I'm actually hoping that it will stay quiet, as Sponge blew himself up.


Spongebob ? Are you still there ? Did you throw everything you had at me or should I duck for the kitchen sink? I did not realise you hated met that much....


Im still here, just recovering from that sick feeling you get when you get your results and you realise you just got a bloody nose - Owch, that turn hurt.


A three pronged attack and Im a little punch drunk. Suffering from a lack of intel springs to mind but no fear there is plenty of fight left in this Sponge, its going to be interesting over the coming months and the Sponge appreciates a good scrap.

I know how you feel sponge,

i have the same in V87... 3 parties attacking me, (4 if you count xNizwa) and no intell what so ever.


What is this? Sympathy for the Sponge? When he just threw in his entire airforce on a bombing run of xHamburg? Giving me the feeling that, while he may die, he will take back xHamburg, even if it is the last thing he will ever do? And Sponge is not alone. He is assisted by Austria and Great Britain. The fact that both are attacking me and neither one is attacking Norway or Baltic states does not make me happy.


( "Sympathy for the Sponge"

Please allow me to introduce myself:

I am a man with lack of taste,

been around for many a game,

Stole many a mans soul and faith. )

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What is this? Sympathy for the Sponge? When he just threw in his entire airforce on a bombing run of xHamburg? Giving me the feeling that, while he may die, he will take back xHamburg, even if it is the last thing he will ever do? And Sponge is not alone. He is assisted by Austria and Great Britain. The fact that both are attacking me and neither one is attacking Norway or Baltic states does not make me happy.


( "Sympathy for the Sponge"

... Please allow me to introduce myself: I am a man with lack of taste,

been around for many a game, etc. )


His entire air force? Was that all? Hmmm. Maybe it did all go boom than. Will he make it in time, I wonder, getting xHamburg back. He'll have to hurry.


Shame to use that song for the Sponge. I like the song, just not your version.


I don't like my version either.

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Guest Spongebob

Geez I complement my enemies on a good set of results and what do I get but more abuse. Fine if you want to play it like that then get ready to rumble. No more Mr Nice Sponge. :alien2:

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Geez I complement my enemies on a good set of results and what do I get but more abuse. Fine if you want to play it like that then get ready to rumble. No more Mr Nice Sponge. :alien2:


Look to it on the bright side:

- All armies committed to attacing Iceland went from green to line status. You're the envy of many!

- Most of the players consider you very brave to hold back the Scandinavians on your own, and hope that you will succeed in doing so for many turns.

- Your definately nr 1 in our top 10 of most significant irritants!

- Hey, I've made my 500th post thanks to you!. Now I am an old hand. When you are gone, I never make "elder".

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