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And Now!

xtrond is about to fall

Hey you, with a Coal and Food surplus,


If you want to invade xTrondheim from Great Britain, go north but turn right at the appropriate moment. Else you wind up in the wrong place,

And if you see some working volcano's near the landing zone you're most certain to be too far to the north.

Iceland is -in your own words- a hopeless case, so why do you waist the lives of good men to invade?


Excellent training exercise for the navy. Sending a couple of rookies to the beach to die, for a great, realtime landing exercise for the Royal Navy. Who cares about those stupid Marines anyway? And of course the British high command has made a great study of this event, and they have probably learned some great things to help them in the real landing, soon.


I think..... :rolleyes:


Yes, this could not have been the main assault. It was probably just a diversionary attack. I mean, even the attack of Spongebob on the Norse coast was more succesful

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not 5 minutes after Spongie left the game does it take for someone else to come in and raise the 'yellow' flag.


And the name Mickey? has Spongie taken on a new sirname for us to match that of a famous comical mouse?


That hurts... :rolleyes:


Well, sadly you will have to find someone else to deliver you the yellow menace... SR is not up for play anymore... lucky arabs!!!! :cheers::cheers::thumbsup:

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Yes, this could not have been the main assault. It was probably just a diversionary attack. I mean, even the attack of Spongebob on the Norse coast was more succesful


That is saying a lot!


Wait... no he's out, that can't be it. Pfhew. With all the mentioning of Sponges lately, I'm getting a bit paranoid.


You are insinuating that Miraeng and Spongebob are one and the same ??????

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Well, sadly you will have to find someone else to deliver you the yellow menace... SR is not up for play anymore... lucky arabs!!!! :cheers::cheers::rolleyes:


Good, that means I know have a target. :thumbsup::cheers:

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Falco - what *is* the image you have? to me, it only reminds me of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagina_dentata



Changed it, just for you! As for what it was, Just one of those beautiful pictures available in the standard avatar DB.


So now I'm a flying tomato with a big smile.



If that is your smile, i dont want to see your evil grin .... :rolleyes:

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Falco - what *is* the image you have? to me, it only reminds me of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagina_dentata



Changed it, just for you! As for what it was, Just one of those beautiful pictures available in the standard avatar DB.


So now I'm a flying tomato with a big smile.


and horns! much better. Thank you!

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not 5 minutes after Spongie left the game does it take for someone else to come in and raise the 'yellow' flag.


And the name Mickey? has Spongie taken on a new sirname for us to match that of a famous comical mouse?


That hurts... :rolleyes:


Well, sadly you will have to find someone else to deliver you the yellow menace... SR is not up for play anymore... lucky arabs!!!! :cheers::cheers::thumbsup:


hurts? I guess you didn't like the Sponge?

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New map for turn 25:




- Heavy fighting in Poland this turn as Hungarian, Greek and Northern Russian forces bumped into eachother.

- The Middle east has started the digestion of another country: Turkey. This time, it's that other come-back kid, Syria.

- Great Britain just launced a major invasion in Iceland: 3 marine divisions with follow-up ready and appropriate naval and air support.

So, if you Balkan nations still wonder if he is doing anything: he is. He certainly is.

It is certainly keeping Iceland from joining the party in central Europe.

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- Great Britain just launced a major invasion in Iceland: 3 marine divisions with follow-up ready and appropriate naval and air support.


I am deeply disappointed in you Dageraad! How could you let such a thing happen?!!!??!


Unbiased report:


Icelandic losses:

0.35 INF divisions

125 LDB's

337 SDB's

13 P-39C's

4 B-18a's


British losses:

3.00 Marine divisions

131 Manchesters

76 LSM's

2.4 Queens (2 sunk)

2 AK-1's


Draw your own conclusion.

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- Great Britain just launced a major invasion in Iceland: 3 marine divisions with follow-up ready and appropriate naval and air support.


I am deeply disappointed in you Dageraad! How could you let such a thing happen?!!!??!


Unbiased report:


Icelandic losses:

0.35 INF divisions

125 LDB's

337 SDB's

13 P-39C's

4 B-18a's


British losses:

3.00 Marine divisions

131 Manchesters

76 LSM's

2.4 Queens (2 sunk)

2 AK-1's


Draw your own conclusion.


Well then now......it originally sounded like you actually let him LAND on the ICE! Get it? Get it? :oops:

Land, Ice, ICELAND.... :rolleyes: .....oh, never mind, Guess not!. No one likes a person who laughs at their own jokes anyway!


Good Luck! Always like seeing the Icelandic position do well. It can be a difficult nation to play.

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Good Luck! Always like seeing the Icelandic position do well. It can be a difficult nation to play.


Icelanders were seen near the coast, as the government had promised some fireworks. They did deliver. Beautiful explosions dotted the sea on a fine summer morning.


The Royal Navy still has it's capital ships, might even have troops still, but they just can't land them anymore. A British admiral was seen standing on the aft deck of his flagship. Sources tell him whispering the words "I have only one eye, I have a right to be blind sometimes... I really do not see the signal!" after the devastating losses.


And to believe that it was Sponge who started this course for his Royal Majestic pain in the rear-end. And even with the Sponge gone, still British tactics seem based on Spongonian example. But no. It is gone, isn't it? I can't be. Can it? Please somebody, ensure me that it is. Please. Somebody?


This is not entirely fair to the Sponge. His invasion of Stavanger was succesfull.

And there are still options open for the British fleet, like CB on xReykjavik and he has enough LSM's left to try again. It is still a large fleet.

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