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Game 91


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That is about as stupid as taking a job as a Swiss fighter pilot, a guaranteed death wish.


*chuckles menacingly*


Tomorrow morning we'll have the new tally...

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Guest Spongebob

The Danish Propoganda Ministry was not consulted on this proclamation so wish to add a few redactions.


I assume the brutal, unannounced and indiscriminate invasion Greater Spongistan and of Brussels province where 10's of thousand of acres of agricultural space was lost which was needed to feed the starving in xBrussels and Spongistan, and the violation of dutch and Spongistan sovereign airspace by Germany, Switzerland (maybe) and France (maybe) while terror bombing civilian targets including but not limited to schools, hospitals, fish tanks and daycare facilities means you don't accept my offer of a cease fire?


I can categorize this only as a desperate attempt of the despot leader of France and Germany to boost the morale of her nation after the losses against Spain and Portugal and Greater Spongistan at the cost of innocent lives!


And I guess even while France lost its Mediterranean and most of the southern provinces and the citizens of France are looking towards their leaders for wisdom and guidance, even while Germany lost 10 divisions (Wooohoooo) to the Danish Sponges and Marne and Kiel are in foreign hands, the leadership of the axis of evil can only dream of death and destruction and wishes to open up a new front in the great hilly forests of the Ardennes and not Spongistan.


I weep for the unnecessary loss of live, and I am ashamed to be a leader of men and Sponges if leaders of men and Sponges are to be associated with you, grabbing at the last straws of hope in your death throes and dragging old men and Sponges, women and Female Sponges and children and Small Sponges down with you into the grave... towards hell or depths of the Ocean.


I call on all the free nations, the nations who stand for freedom and liberty to stop this madness, and unite against the axis of evil. You are all cordially invited to a summit at the Palace on the Dam in xAmsterdam to discuss the future of the world.



His Royal Highness Prince Edwin of Orange and Sponge

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I can only assume you consider captured territory part of Sweden, we do not recognise Sweden’s claim on foreign soil so we insist no spies were sent to Sweden. We did arrest some suspected spies poking around Icelandic armament factories. We respect international law and the Geneva Convention and let the suspects go due to a lack of evidence but mark my words, spies captured will be interrogated and sentenced accordingly.


It is obvious to the people of Iceland that peace with our Scandinavian brothers is not an option, we have other more pressing matters and regretfully we must close our embassy in Oslo. We find it best to concentrate on bringing liberation to Irish potato farmers and ignore the blinkered and fool hardy.

Good day.


Norway hasn't sent any spies to iceland...probably those potato farmers looking for someone to throw their pitchforks at..

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Icelandic Radio Reporting


Recent recon sortes to Norways ports have revealed yet more shipping. And they are a long way from Russia, its a bit sus to me


well unfortunately ships built in oslo where my shipyard starts the game must move north and can't make it in one movement so layovers are necessary...I think someone is paranoid....Any Norwegian ships spotted off Iceland or in the Atlantic?? Me thinks not....

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Icelandic Radio Reporting


Recent recon sortes to Norways ports have revealed yet more shipping. And they are a long way from Russia, its a bit sus to me


well unfortunately ships built in oslo where my shipyard starts the game must move north and can't make it in one movement so layovers are necessary...I think someone is paranoid....Any Norwegian ships spotted off Iceland or in the Atlantic?? Me thinks not....


Im not buying, it would be cheaper to move the shipyard and NR is now a mop us zone so you have no rush. Paranoia is just a healthy observance of excessive shipping. If I see any Norwegian ships or ships of your allies even heading my way then they will be sunk. Keep them to the 12 mile zone.

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Really? I didn't see the point in scrapping the shipyard, it's a nice place to make extra ship points...and I love mop up zones B)


we will stay out of the 12 mile zone...and what is that exactly!? I hate to lose any ships unecessarily :ranting:

Ha, you two sound like my kids in the back seat on a long trip. "he touched me", " no I didn't I was an inch away" "he crossed the line"... :woohoo:


Don't make me stop this war and get out and punish you!! :joker:

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