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12 mile terratorial waters e.g local costal waters, not those big blue ones smr value of 2 not 3. Nat4 okay Ice4 not but just so you know, keep those carriers at home. If I see carriers then their up to no good and im going to use them for target practice.


carriers? wow you've been wasting alot of orders on me...it's the only way to break the russian blockade of ca's and bb's!





Really? I didn't see the point in scrapping the shipyard, it's a nice place to make extra ship points...and I love mop up zones B)


we will stay out of the 12 mile zone...and what is that exactly!? I hate to lose any ships unecessarily :ranting:

Ha, you two sound like my kids in the back seat on a long trip. "he touched me", " no I didn't I was an inch away" "he crossed the line"... :woohoo:


Don't make me stop this war and get out and punish you!! :joker:



HaHa :woohoo: Make him stop threatening me!

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I'm not sure what is more surprising... the fact that Lowlands still has cities left while Germany and Czechoslovakia throw their entire airforce on him while France throws both airforce and army on him, or the fact that, despite sending both his airforce and his reinforcements to the north AND having lost his soutern AIC, France still kicks the butt of the Iberians who have two full economies behind their thrust... :rolleyes::cannon:


In any case, well played, Peter!

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Thanks Mickey :-)


Honestly said... the new leadership - after the old leader fled - somewhat surprised me.

It proved again: The very last soldier needs to be taken care of, the very last rifle must be broken ... only then should you leave battlefield :D


The revival of Lowlands somewhat disturbed my counteroffensive in France ...

Good for the Iberians, bad for me... :blush:

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that Lowlands still has cities left while Germany and Czechoslovakia throw their entire airforce on him.


And there I was, waiting for the Czech attack on my forces. Some few footsoldiers against hordes of Czech armies consisting of MOT, MECH and Pz. But now I learn that he's busy somewhere else. Come back and fight! Leave them lowlanders in peace, haven't they got enough enemies as it is? Or are you afraid to take a beating again?

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Heh, i guess the CZ air-force wishes their mots well but has no wish to meet the 8000 flying Coffee-Grinder-153's mulling around Greater Rumania?


(Granted, Coffee-Grinders are better than Tin Can-36's...) :laugh:



Btw, another 396 Swiss Me-109E-3's bit the dust this turn.... we're on schedule to break 400 next turn! Luckily they do love to come back for a beating every turn again...

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