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Game 91


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Guest Spongebob

I remember that your used to show a list of games at the end of your postings, and in it were all the victory games that you played in. That was quite a list. When were you ever strong? I can't remember.


You do, however, have a certain perseverence, you make a satisfying sound ("squash") when ran over, have a substantial contribution to the number of posts on the forum and show a disturbing lack of taste in color. Please let your avatar turn back Yellow.


You know what your problem is, Low self esteem. Which is very common for a Loser like you.

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I remember that your used to show a list of games at the end of your postings, and in it were all the victory games that you played in. That was quite a list. When were you ever strong? I can't remember.


You do, however, have a certain perseverence, you make a satisfying sound ("squash") when ran over, have a substantial contribution to the number of posts on the forum and show a disturbing lack of taste in color. Please let your avatar turn back Yellow.


You know what your problem is, Low self esteem. Which is very common for a Loser like you.


Errr, say what?!? <_<

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Spongebob

Happy Birthday to Spongistan, The great nation of Spongistan is 20 today, long live the Empire, long Live the Emperor. Those pesky Germans keep throwing those Ju88s at me and guess what? I can replace the troops faster than they can be destroyed. Looks like I will be seeing my 30th Birthday after all. Now as for those evil Norwegens looking for a quick kill against a weakened Sponge dont bother, find somewhere else to land your not getting xAlborg, its mine and too well defended. So I may be a bit desimated but I aint going no where.




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Spongebob

Ha you missed..... you sent - what - 50 trillion Ju88s and still could not finish the job. Im not going nowhere, come back and fight. :taz: and whats this I hear? Norway DW on lille ol Spongie - Everyone else to big for you, have to pick on the smallest sponge on the block - Yer a Coward :ninja: go pick on someone your own size like Africa - Fatso :P

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Ha you missed..... you sent - what - 50 trillion Ju88s and still could not finish the job. Im not going nowhere, come back and fight. :taz: and whats this I hear? Norway DW on lille ol Spongie - Everyone else to big for you, have to pick on the smallest sponge on the block - Yer a Coward :ninja: go pick on someone your own size like Africa - Fatso :P


must be some kind of mistake in the war dept I never gave permission to issue that order...my apologies sir spongicus :wub:

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Guest Spongebob

Ha you missed..... you sent - what - 50 trillion Ju88s and still could not finish the job. Im not going nowhere, come back and fight. :taz: and whats this I hear? Norway DW on lille ol Spongie - Everyone else to big for you, have to pick on the smallest sponge on the block - Yer a Coward :ninja: go pick on someone your own size like Africa - Fatso :P


must be some kind of mistake in the war dept I never gave permission to issue that order...my apologies sir spongicus :wub:


Yeah right PreTeenDater go tell it to the piggies. I know what your upto playing all innocent - Thats My Gig! - Know this - your history books will be written in blood if you try and take moi laaand orf ov meeeee!!!!!

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Ha you missed..... you sent - what - 50 trillion Ju88s and still could not finish the job. Im not going nowhere, come back and fight. :taz: and whats this I hear? Norway DW on lille ol Spongie - Everyone else to big for you, have to pick on the smallest sponge on the block - Yer a Coward :ninja: go pick on someone your own size like Africa - Fatso :P


must be some kind of mistake in the war dept I never gave permission to issue that order...my apologies sir spongicus :wub:


Yeah right PreTeenDater go tell it to the piggies. I know what your upto playing all innocent - Thats My Gig! - Know this - your history books will be written in blood if you try and take moi laaand orf ov meeeee!!!!!



sounds good on paper anyway :joker::woohoo:

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Attacks and counterattacks, mind boggling alliances, enemies and allies everywhere. Circling armies, dodging, feinting. The dance is on in Europe and the end is not yet in sight. Fun game. Dancing partner Czechoslovakia has started a Waltz in Nasaud, but has neglected to follow up on that, shame, as the Legendary walls are perfectly flat on top, where the rifleman stand guard against his mobile forces. The other dancing partner, Hungary, has abandoned me for another partner, preferring the company of my southern neighbor instead of our Romanian gypsies. So I've had to push a little, to get some attention. To the German Kaiser: The real leader of my country, the first wife of the Vovoide, she wanted a townhouse in Germany. I couldn't resist her of course, but she'll soon want something else again, so don't worry, you can have your property back.


I say to you all: Let's finish the dance.

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pfft... at least i was original in opening an embassy in Germany... see, have success once and everyone wants to copy-cat! :laugh:


Oh, by the way, sorry about that German SS Panzer division that happened to be near the landing zone of the airborne forces... history doesn't always repeat itself, and in this reality it was clear weather all across the Alps... :python:

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pfft... at least i was original in opening an embassy in Germany... see, have success once and everyone wants to copy-cat! :laugh:


Oh, by the way, sorry about that German SS Panzer division that happened to be near the landing zone of the airborne forces... history doesn't always repeat itself, and in this reality it was clear weather all across the Alps... :python:


Hmmm, of I remember right, it was: Weather, weather, ouch, weather, error, finally. I hate winter.

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