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Green Alliance is still active... ok, France of the green alliance is still active.


After holding out against so many enemies (is there anybody out there not having tried to put a foot on my beloved French soil?) for over 30 turns, my last forces do their best to sell their skins as expensive as possible (i am up on 40'000 killed ARM)...


Pink will try and take some pressure off the south.

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Green Alliance is still active... ok, France of the green alliance is still active.


After holding out against so many enemies (is there anybody out there not having tried to put a foot on my beloved French soil?) for over 30 turns, my last forces do their best to sell their skins as expensive as possible (i am up on 40'000 killed ARM)...



I meant the other green group.

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Green Alliance is still active... ok, France of the green alliance is still active.


After holding out against so many enemies (is there anybody out there not having tried to put a foot on my beloved French soil?) for over 30 turns, my last forces do their best to sell their skins as expensive as possible (i am up on 40'000 killed ARM)...



I meant the other green group.


He meant the Olive group, the Arab League that consists of 6 nations controlling roughly 10 countries, who haven't lost a single major city since the beginning of the game (at least not one they had held for more than 2/3 turns). Now they suddenly all seem to have vanished after being beaten back from the beaches of Greece and the Rumanian border, their first minor setback.

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Green Alliance is still active... ok, France of the green alliance is still active.


After holding out against so many enemies (is there anybody out there not having tried to put a foot on my beloved French soil?) for over 30 turns, my last forces do their best to sell their skins as expensive as possible (i am up on 40'000 killed ARM)...


You fought awesomely. I will leave you Corsica so you can continue the fight and compete for the final score... those 40K ARM-points destroyed will not be topped by many in this game.

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Mark, sorry - misunderstood ... in only saw my green :rolleyes:


Rogue, as long as you're not taking things from me :-) ... do whatever you think is good to save France :woohoo:


Mickey, thanks a lot for your compliment. :beer:

Good idea, Corsika it should be (better than the island of Elba), thanks :D

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Green Alliance is still active... ok, France of the green alliance is still active.


After holding out against so many enemies (is there anybody out there not having tried to put a foot on my beloved French soil?) for over 30 turns, my last forces do their best to sell their skins as expensive as possible (i am up on 40'000 killed ARM)...


You fought awesomely. I will leave you Corsica so you can continue the fight and compete for the final score... those 40K ARM-points destroyed will not be topped by many in this game.



Well, I know of at least one other country with over 40k land kills.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sadly no, Lukas. It just means they took it already a while ago and it didn't register.


Here are the latest RWE's fresh from the presses, of Italy's turn 40:



Central Russia has conquered xYelnya from Southern Russia

Peace has been declared between Sweden and Morocco

Poland has declared war on UAE

Poland has conquered xNancy from France

Poland has conquered xStrasbourg from France

Iceland has conquered xLiege from Germany

Bulgaria has declared war on Turkey

Peace has been declared between Great Britain and Ireland

Peace has been declared between Germany and Denmark

Peace has been declared between Germany and Lowlands

Peace has been declared between Iraq and Egypt

Peace has been declared between Iraq and Saudi Arabia

Peace has been declared between Iraq and Trans-Jordan

Norway has conquered xCopenhagen from Denmark

Bulgaria has conquered xThessaly from Syria

Great Britain has conquered xParis from France

Peace has been declared between Syria and Egypt

Peace has been declared between Syria and Saudi Arabia

Peace has been declared between Syria and Trans-Jordan

Italy has conquered xBellinzona from Switzerland

Italy has conquered xInnsbruck from Hungary

Sweden has declared war on Iceland

Finland has declared war on Iceland

Peace has been declared between Iceland and Denmark

Peace has been declared between Iceland and Ireland

Peace has been declared between Bulgaria and Germany

Norway has declared war on Iceland

Peace has been declared between Austria and Czechoslovakia

Peace has been declared between UAE and Egypt

Peace has been declared between UAE and Saudi Arabia

Italy has conquered xTurin from Switzerland



Between all the peace declarations there are actually some new wars budding, with Iceland being in the crosshairs of The Vikings even as they jointly mop up the last of Germany and finally conquered the last remaining bastion of Spongistanian resistance. Spongistan lasted for almost 40 turns, quite something!!!!

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The communications bureau of the Greater Roman Empire wishes to announce that, with the retaking of Turin, Italia Minor has been reunited under one glorious banner.


Together with the seizure of xInnsbruck and xBellinzona connecting the enlightened city of xMunich (which already secretly joined the Empire over a year ago) to the heart of this great Empire and the resurgence of the great Imperial Navy, we are seeing the blossoming of a great era of enlightenment with Imperial art, literature and opera achievements already spreading through the region in the wake of the liberation of the ignorant.


Hail the Empire!

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